!!Arthur Hartkamp - Selectedpublications
A treatise in several volumes in the Asser-series on the Dutch Law of Obligations (in Dutch): General Part of the Law of Obligations; General Part of Contract Law; Torts and Restitution (six editions in three volumes: 1984-1986; 1988-1990; 1992-1994; 1996-1998; 2000-2002; 2004-2006; seventh edition in four volumes 2008-2011; eighth edition 2012-)\\
A book in the Asser-series on The influence of European law on national private law (2008; 2nd edition 2011; English edition 2012)\\
Hugh Beale/Arthur Hartkamp/Hein Kötz/Denis Tallon (eds), Case Books on the Common Law of Europe, Contract Law - Cases, Materials and Texts (Hart, 2002)\\
Civil Contracts in Dutch Law (in Herbots (ed.), International Encyclopaedia of Laws/Contracts, Kluwer Law International), 5th edition 2012\\
Het Europese recht en het Nederlandse contractenrecht, in A.S. Hartkamp, C.H. Sieburgh en L.A.D. Keus (red.), De invloed van het Europese recht op het Nederlandse privaatrecht, Kluwer: Deventer 2007, deel I, p. 335-450\\
Ambtshalve aanvulling van rechtsgronden naar Europees recht en naar Nederlands recht, Kluwer: Deventer 2007\\
Fundamental Rights, Fundamental Freedoms and Contract Law, in Stefan Grundmann (ed.), Constitutional Values and European Contract Law, KLI 2008, p. 87-110\\
The effect of the EC Treaty in private law. On direct and indirect horizontal effect of primary community law, in Panel Meeting of the 5th European Jurists’Forum, 1-3 October 2009, Budapest 2009, p. 141-155; also published in European Private Law Review 2010, p. 527-548 \\
The General Principles of EU Law and Private Law (Zwölfte Ernst Rabel-Vorlesung, 2010), in Rabels Zeitschrift 2011, p. 241-259\\
Several articles in Arthur Hartkamp, Martijn Hesselink, Ewoud Hondius, Chantal Mak, Edgar du Perron (ed.), Towards a European Civil Code, 4th edition, 2011