!!Harvey (Haim) Hames - Publications
__Books authored__\\
2000, The Art of Conversion: Christianity and Kabbalah in the Thirteenth Century, Leiden: Brill, pp. 332 [[reviewed in TMR (The Medieval Review), Studia Lulliana, al-Qantara, Anuario de Estudios Medievales, Medieval Encounters, Variorum, Llengua & Literatura]]\\
2007, Like Angels on Jacob’s Ladder: Abraham Abulafia, the Franciscans and Joachimism, Albany: State University of New York Press, pp. 171 (actually 2008, paperback edition, 2009) [[Reviewed in Religious Studies Review, Journal of Ecclesiastical History, TMR (The Medieval Review), Speculum]]\\
2012, Ha-Melacha ha-Ketzara: Ramon Llull’s Ars brevis in Hebrew, Corpus Christianorum Continuatio Medievalis 247, Raimundi Lulli Opera Latina: Supplementum Lullianum, vol. III, Turnhout: Brepols, pp. 246 [[Reviewed in Medievalia, Archivum Franciscanum Historicum, Zion]]\\
2015, L’art de la conversió. El cristianisme i la càbala en el segle XIII, Col·lecció Blaquerna, Palma (Catalan translation of The Art of Conversion with a new preface and updated bibliography)\\
“Ante omnia, fratres carissimi, diligatur Deus, deinde proximus": Herman-Judah's Opusculum de conversione sua re-examined”, in R. Ben Shalom and I. Yuval (eds), Encountering the Other: Jews and Christians in the Middle Ages. Studies in Honour of Ora Limor (Turnhout: Brepols 2013) pp. 99-114\\
‘Ramon Llull’s Ars brevis translated into Hebrew: Problems of Terminology and Methodology’ in Harvey Hames, Alexander Fidora, Yossef Schwartz (eds), Latin into Hebrew: The Transfer of Philosophical, Scientific and Medical Lore from Christian to Jewish Cultures during the Middle Ages: History, Terminology, Methodology, (Brill: Leiden 2013) pp. 135-159\\
‘Urinating on the Cross: Christianity as seen in the Sefer Yoseph ha-Mekaneh (Book of Joseph the Zealot, ca. 1260) and in light of Paris 1240’ in John Tolan and Jose Martinez (eds), Ritus infidelium: Mirades interconfesionales sobre las prácticas religiosas en la edad media, (Madrid: Collection de la Casa de Velázquez 2013) pp. 209-220\\
 ‘'Stultitia et coecitas'. Violència intel·lectual contra els jueus al segle XIII’ ('"Folly and Blindness": Intellectual Violence against the Jews in the Thirteenth Century'), in Flocel Sabaté, (ed.), Por política, terror social, (Pagès editors, Lleida, 2013) pp. 53-65\\
"Fear God, my son, and King": Relations between Nahmanides and King James I at the Barcelona Disputation", Hispania Judaica Bulletin 10, (2014) [[Between Edom and Kedar: Studies in Memory of Yom Tov Assis]], pp. 6-19\\
with Pere Casanellas 'A Textual and Contextual Analysis of the Hebrew Gospels translated from Catalan', Melilah 11, (2014) pp. 68-81\\
 'Reconstructing Thirteenth-Century Jewish-Christian Polemic: From Paris 1240 to Barcelona 1263 and Back Again', in R. Szpeich (ed.), Medieval Exegesis and Religious Difference: Commentary, Conflict and Community in the Pre-Modern Mediterranean, (New York: Fordham University Press, 2015) pp. 115-27 (endnotes pp. 240-46)\\
'The Brighter Side of Medieval Inter-Religious Encounters: An Introduction', Medieval Encounters 22:1-3, (2016) pp. 1-12\\
with Yair Neuman  and Yohai Cohen, "An Information-Based Procedure for Measuring Semantic Change in Historical Data Measurement", Measurement 105, (2017) pp. 130-135\\
"The Dominicans and Mission: Looking Again at the Barcelona Disputation of 1263", in Cornelia Linde (ed.), Making and Breaking the Rules: Discussion, Implementation, and Consequences of Dominican Legislation, (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2018) pp. 89-103\\
"Kings and Conversion in Thirteenth-Century Europe: Where Politics and Religion Meet?", Archives de sciences sociales des religions 182, (2018) pp. 227-247