!!Jozsef Haller - Selected Publications
1. Haller J. Neurobiopsychosocial Perspectives on Aggression and Violence: From Biology to Law Enforcement. Springer Nature, Cham, 2020. ISBN: 978-3-030-46330-4\\
2. Haller J. Preclinical models of conduct disorder–principles and pharmacologic perspectives. Neuroscience & Biobehavioral Reviews 2018; 91, 112-120\\
Journal H-index:  240\\
Paper citations:      18\\
3. Biro L, Sipos E, Bruzsik B, Farkas I, Zelena D, Balazsfi D, Toth M, Haller J. Task division within the prefrontal cortex: distinct neuron populations selectively control different aspects of aggressive behavior via the hypothalamus. Journal of Neuroscience 2018; 38 (17), 4065-4075\\
Journal H-index:  455\\
Paper citations:      28\\
4. Mikics E, Guirado R, Umemori J, Tóth M, Biró L, Miskolczi C, Balázsfi D,  Zelena D, Castrén E, Haller J*, Karpova NN*. Social learning requires plasticity enhanced by fluoxetine through prefrontal Bdnf-TrkB signaling to limit aggression induced by post-weaning social isolation. Neuropsychopharmacology 2018; 43 (2), 235-245\\ * equal contribution\\
Journal H-index:  219\\
Paper citations:      44\\
5. Haller J. The role of central and medial amygdala in normal and abnormal aggression: a review of classical approaches. Neuroscience & Biobehavioral Reviews 2018; 85, 34-43\\
Journal H-index:  240\\
Paper citations:      52\\
6. Sandi C, Haller J. Stress and the social brain: behavioural effects and neurobiological mechanisms. Nature Reviews Neuroscience 2015; 16 (5), 290-304. \\
Journal H-index:  413\\
Citations:               433\\
7. Haller J, Kruk MR. Normal and abnormal aggression: human disorders and novel laboratory models. Neuroscience & Biobehavioral Reviews 2006; 30 (3), 292-303.\\
Journal H-index:  240\\
 Citations:               289\\
8. Haller J, Varga B, Ledent, Barna I, Freund TF. Context‐dependent effects of CB1 cannabinoid gene disruption on anxiety‐like and social behaviour in mice. European Journal of Neuroscience 2004; 19 (7), 1906-1912\\
Journal H-index:  413\\
Citations:               301\\
9. Haller J, Bakos N, Szirmay M, Ledent C, Freund TF. The effects of genetic and pharmacological blockade of the CB1 cannabinoid receptor on anxiety. European Journal of Neuroscience 2002; 16 (7), 1395-1398\\
Journal H-index:  206\\
Citations:               394\\
10. Makara GB, Haller J. Non-genomic effects of glucocorticoids in the neural system: evidence, mechanisms and implications. Progress in Neurobiology 2001; 65 (4), 367-390\\
Journal H-index:  231\\
Citations:               279