!!Margareth Hagen - Biography
Margareth Hagen (1965) is a professor of Italian Literature and has broad and long experience at the University of Bergen (UiB) in policy and management. For the past eight years, she has held key leadership positions at UiB. Margareth Hagen took over as rector at the University of Bergen on 7 January 2021. She was pro-rector from August 2017. In her role as pro-rector, she was the rector’s elected deputy and responsible for research and PhD education at UiB. She has led several key processes and committees at UiB in recent years, including the revision of UiB’s strategic plan, the development of Policy for Young Researchers, the standing committee for gender equality and the development of UiB’s Brussels office and European engagements. \\
As chair of the Research Ethics Committee at UiB (2017 - today), pro-Rector Hagen has taken the initiative for an increased focus on research ethics and dialogue on good research practice and openness associated with scientific conduct. Hagen also chairs UiB’s Research Committee, which is the university’s advisory body on research policy and research strategic issues. She is a board member of the European Alliance for Social Sciences and Humanities.\\
Before becoming Rector, Hagen was pro-Rector for Research 2017 - 2021 at the University of Bergen. In 2013 - 2017 Hagen was Dean of the Faculty of Humanities, University of Bergen, and before that Head of Department for the Department of foreign languages at UiB.\\
Hagen was a Norwegian Research Council Post-doctoral fellow 2002 - 2005, was appointed Associate professor in 2005, and promoted to full professor in 2013, all at UiB in the field of Italian literature. \\
2009, 08: Head of Department, Dep. of Foreign Languages, University of Bergen\\
Her research has been on the relationship and the interface between rhetoric, literature, and history in the 16th century in Italy. In recent years, however, she has worked with issues in the intersection between the humanities and science disciplines. She is central in the research group Literature and Science and a member of the steering group for the interdisciplinary research group Historizing the Aging Self: Literature, medicine, psychology, law.\\
Hagen is a board member  of the European Alliance for Social Sciences and Humanities, which is the largest advocacy and science policy organisation for the Social Sciences and Humanities in Europe. Through her rectorship of the University of Bergen she is part of the governence of the European University Association (AUA). Hagen chairs the Nordi/Baltic advisory Board of AE´s Bergen knowledge Hub.\\ \\