!!Andreas Hüttemann - Curriculum Vitae

*2017 - 2020   Spokesperson for the Research Unit „Inductive Metaphysics“ (funded by Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft)\\
*2010 - 2020  Mentor at a.r.t.e.s-Graduate School (Universität zu Köln)\\
*Since 2010  Co-Director of the Husserl-Archive (Universität zu Köln)\\
*2009 - 2016  Spokesperson for the Research Unit “Explanation, Causation, Laws and Disposition at the Interface of Science and Metaphysics” (funded by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft)\\
*2007 - 2012  Associate Editor der Zeitschrift Erkenntnis\\
*2006 - 2010  Spokesperson for the Center for Philosophy of Science at the Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität Münster\\ \\