!!Kathleen Gyssels - Curriculum Vitae

*[Publication list since 1994|https://repository.uantwerpen.be/desktop/irua]\\
*Publications in French, English, Dutch (maternal language), translations offered in Portuguese and Czech.\\
*Speaks English, French, Dutch, understands Spanish, German, Italian, notions of Yiddish\\
*Internal reviewer for the Universities of Cape Town (South Africa) of Mauritius (Mascareignes)\\
*Board of PhD and HDR ("Habilitation à diriger la recherche") committees for Paris 3, Paris 4, Limoges University, Liège, Dijon, Pretoria (South-Africa), Warsaw, Czech Republic....\\
*Works with CUNY (website: Ile.en.ile)\\
*Works with Ca' Foscara U (Venice): Il Tolomeo, Potomitan, Prospero ....-\\
*Taught at University of Leuven (KUL), at University of Ghent (invited professor), Tunis, Varsovie, Arras/Amiens Université de Picardie\\
*Guest edited issues or special Collection of essays on: Cixous, Damas, Schwarz-Bart, Régine ROBIN, chantiers Régine Robin, liance, déliance, reliance. See: [https://www.fabula.org/actualites/robin-chantiers-liance-reliance-et-deliance-dans-les-ecritures-de-regine-robin-robin-chantiers_101827.php]\\
*René Maran, for ETUDES CARIBEENNES (Spring 2022) Centennial Year of "Batouala", first Goncourt for a Black author (1921)\\
*Lilian KESTELOOT, in partnership with ACADEMIE des sciences de l'Outre-Mer, and Ethiopiques (Revue de L S Senghor, UDakar/ IFAN)
__Teaches new courses Bachelor and Master levels:__
*Goncourt and Literary Prizes\\
*Middle-East, and ACP (Africa, Caribbean, Pacific)\\
*Teaches Francophone literatures from the Maghreb, Haiti, Mascareignes (Madagascar, Réunion, Mauritius)\\
*POSTCOLONIAL authors and theory; Jewish authors in European languages
Is Ph D director of research on Haitian authors, Caribbean authors in English and French, Mizrahi literature in Hebrew, Arabic, French and English (in process)\\ \\