!!Charles R.G. Guttmann - Selected Publications
Google h-index: 71, citations 15.529 (Google Scholar)\\
Google Scholar Profile with publication list: [https://scholar.google.com/citations?hl=en&user=YGin91kAAAAJ]\\
NUMBER OF CITATIONS next to each publication below referenced from Google Scholar (March 30, 2022)\\
1. Palotai M, Cavallari M, Koubiyr I, Morales Pinzon A, Nazeri A, Healy BC, Glanz B, Weiner HL, Chitnis T, Guttmann CR. Microstructural fronto-striatal and temporo-insular alterations are associated with fatigue in patients with multiple sclerosis independent of white matter lesion load and depression. Mult Scler. 2019 Aug 16:1352458519869185. doi: 10.1177/1352458519869185. [[Epub ahead of print]] PMID:31418637 (CITED BY 15)\\
2. Guttmann CRG, Rousset M, Roch JA, Hannoun S, Durand-Dubief F, Belaroussi B, Cavallari M, Rabilloud M, Sappey-Marinier D, Vukusic S, Cotton F. Multiple sclerosis lesion formation and early evolution revisited: A weekly high-resolution magnetic resonance imaging study. Multiple Sclerosis Journal. 2015; Sep 11. pii: 1352458515600247. [[Epub ahead of print]] PMID:26362901 (CITED BY 29)\\
3. White WB, Wolfson L, Wakefield DB, Hall CB, Campbell P, Moscufo N, Schmidt J, Kaplan RF, Pearlson G, Guttmann CR. Average daily blood pressure, not office blood pressure, is associated with progression of cerebrovascular disease and cognitive decline in older people. Circulation. 2011 Nov 22;124(21):2312-9. PMID:22105196 (CITED BY 126)\\
4. Torelli F, Moscufo N, Garreffa G, Placidi F, Romigi A, Zannino S, Bozzali M, Fasano F, Giulietti G, Djonlagic I, Malhotra A, Marciani MG, Guttmann CR. Cognitive profile and brain morphological changes in obstructive sleep apnea. Neuroimage. 2011 Jan 15;54(2):787-93. Epub 2010 Oct 1. PMID:20888921(CITED BY 280)\\
5. Meier DS, Balashov KE, Healy B, Weiner HL, Guttmann CR. Seasonal prevalence of MS disease activity. Neurology. 2010 Aug 31;75(9):799-806. PMID:20805526 (CITED BY 77)\\
6. Smith EE, Egorova S, Blacker D, Killiany RJ, Muzikansky A, Dickerson BC, Tanzi RE, Albert MS, Greenberg SM, Guttmann CR. Magnetic resonance imaging white matter hyperintensities and brain volume in the prediction of mild cognitive impairment and dementia. Arch Neurol. 2008 Jan;65(1):94-100. PMID:18195145 (CITED BY 243)\\
7. Meier DS, Guttmann CR. Time-series analysis of MRI intensity patterns in multiple sclerosis. Neuroimage. 2003 Oct;20(2):1193-209. PMID:14568488 (CITED BY 109)\\
8. Cotton F, Weiner HL, Jolesz FA, Guttmann CR. MRI contrast uptake in new lesions in relapsing-remitting MS followed at weekly intervals. Neurology. 2003 Feb 25;60(4):640-6. PMID:12601106 (CITED BY 274)\\
9. Guttmann CR, Benson R, Warfield SK, Wei X, Anderson MC, Hall CB, Abu-Hasaballah K, Mugler JP 3rd, Wolfson L. White matter abnormalities in mobility-impaired older persons. Neurology. 2000 Mar 28;54(6):1277-83. PMID:10746598 (CITED BY 223)\\
10. Guttmann CR, Jolesz FA, Kikinis R, Killiany RJ, Moss MB, Sandor T, Albert MS. White matter changes with normal aging. Neurology. 1998 Apr;50(4):972-8. PMID:9566381 (CITED BY 546)