!!Marina Grishakova - Curriculum Vitae
__Major leadership roles:__
*General Coordinator of the European Network for Comparative Literary Studies (2011-13)\\
*Member of the Executive Council of the International Comparative Literature Association (ICLA, 2010-2013) \\
*Leader of the Nordic Network of Narrative Studies (2008-11, bringing together narrative scholars from Denmark, Estonia, Finland, Norway, Sweden)\\
*Member of the research and teaching project Literature and Change in Europe, with U. of Leuven, Groningen, Bologna, Granada, Aarhus, Lisbon, Tartu\\
*Member, of the founding meeting of the European Alliance for Social Sciences and the Humanities (2012)\\
__Grants include:__
*EU European Regional Development Fund, Center of Excellence in Estonian Studies, as leader of research group (2016-23)\\
*Co-applicant and supervisor of ERMOS (FP7 Marie Curie People COFUND), postdoctoral grant (2012-14)\\
*British Academy Visiting Scholarship (2011-2012)\\
*Nordic Network of Narrative Studies, NordForsk grant, main applicant and project leader (2008-11)\\
*Fulbright Scholarship (2008)\\
*DAAD research scholarship (2007)\\
*3 projects sponsored by the Estonian Science Foundation and Estonian Research Council (2007-2016)\\
__Other indicators of esteem:__
*Editorial board of 4 international journals, International Advisory Board of Transcript (Oxford’s Legenda book series)\\
*Narrare: Center for Interdisciplinary Narrative Studies (Tampere University, Finland), International Advisory Board member \\
*SIIM (Studies on Intermediality and Intercultural Mediation) Research Program (University Complutense, Madrid), partner \\
*Plenary talks at international conferences, 20+ guest lectures at European universities\\
*Expert reviewer for ERC, Research Foundation-Flanders (FWO), Alexander von Humboldt Foundation, Academy of Finland\\
*Nominator for Kyoto Prize in Arts and Philosophy (Inamori Foundation Japan), category "Thought and Ethics" (2012; 2016)