!!Hans Petter Graver - Publications

The total number of publications during the career: More than 200\\
__Ten Publications, from the last ten years, in international peer-reviewed journals, and/or monographs of their respective research fields:__ \\
Graver, Hans Petter (2020). Judging for Utopia: Climate Change and Judicial Action. European Review of Private Law.  ISSN 0928-9801.  28(4), s 885\\
Graver, Hans Petter (2019). Law and the Russian Revolution: A Comparison with the Nazi Approach to Law, In Alla Pozdnakova (ed.),  Russian Revolutions of 1917: Scandinavian Perspectives.  Wildy, Simmons and Hill Publishing.  ISBN 9780854902750.\\
Graver, Hans Petter (2018). Why Adolf Hitler Spared the Judges: Judicial Opposition Against the Nazi State. German Law Journal.  ISSN 2071-8322.  19(4), s 845- 877\\
Graver, Hans Petter (2018). Judicial Independence Under Authoritarian Rule: An Institutional Approach to the Legal Tradition of the West. Hague Journal on the Rule of Law\\
Graver, Hans Petter (2017). Business Enterprises and the Environmental Information Act in Norway Focus: Public Participation in Environmental Protection. Frontiers of Law in China.  ISSN 1673-3428.  12(1), s 3- 23 . doi: 10.3868/s050-006-017-0002-9\\
Graver, Hans Petter (2017). The EEA and the Protection of Human Rights, In Stefan Lorenzmeier & Hans-Peter Folz (ed.), Recht und Realität. Festschrift für Christoph Vedder.  Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft.  ISBN 9783848731725.  pp. 294 - 308\\
Graver, Hans Petter (2016). Judging without Impunity: On the Criminal Responsibility of Authoritarian Judges. Bergen Journal of Criminal Law & Criminal Justice.  ISSN 1894-4183.  4(1), s 125- 149 . doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.15845/bjclcj.v4i1.1029\\
Graver, Hans Petter (2014). Der Europäische Wirtscahftsraum (EWR), In: Armin Hatje & Peter-Christian Müller-Graff (red.),  Europäisches Organisations- und Verfassungsrecht.  Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft.  ISBN 978-3-8329-7231-8.  § 19.  s 921 - 936\\
Graver, Hans Petter (2014). Judicial Independence and Judicial Responsibility, In Nils A. Engstad; Astrid Lærdal Frøseth & Bård Tønder (ed.),  The independence of judges.  Eleven International Publishing.  ISBN 978-94-6236-116-4.  21.  pp. 309 - 232\\
Graver, Hans Petter (2012). Measure for Measure - On Law and Forgiveness, In Helle Porsdam & Thomas Elholm (ed.),  Dialogues on Justice.  Walter de Gruyter.  ISBN 978-3-11-026938-3.  chapter.  pp. 160 – 174\\
__Research monographs and any translations thereof (if applicable)__\\
Graver, Hans Petter (2020). Pandemi og unntakstilstand Hva covid 19 sier om den norske rettsstaten. (Pandemic and the State of Exception. What Covid-19 says about the Rule of Law in Norway) Dreyer Forlag A/S.  ISBN 978-82-8265-553-8.\\
Graver, Hans Petter (2020). Jussens helter. (Heroes of the Law) Universitetsforlaget.  ISBN 978-82-15-03576-5. (Translated into Slovak 2021 PRÁVNE HRDINSTVÁ - 12 príbehov odvážnych ľudí v talároch)\\
Graver, Hans Petter (2015). Alminnelig forvaltningsrett, 5 edition (General Administrative Law). Universitetsforlaget.  ISBN 9788215020846.  \\
Graver, Hans Petter (2019). Der Krieg der Richter Die Deutsche Besatzung 1940-1945 und der norwegische Rectsstaat Nomos\\
Graver, Hans Petter (2019). Okkupasjonstidens Høyesterett (The Supreme Court under the German Occupation) Pax forlag\\
Graver, Hans Petter and Fossum, Jon Erik (2018). Squaring the Circle on Brexit Could the Norway Model Work? Bristol University Press 2018 (ISBN 978-1529200300)\\
Graver, Hans Petter (2015). Dommernes krig Den tyske okkupasjonen 1940-1945 og den norske rettsstaten (The Judges’ War The German Occupation 1940-1945 and the Rule of Law) Pax Forlag 2015 (ISBN 9788253038087) \\
Graver, Hans Petter (2015). Judges Against Justice On Judges When the Rule of Law is Under Attack. Springer.  ISBN 978-3-662-44292-0.  \\
Graver, Hans Petter (2010). Rett, retorikk og juridisk argumentasjon Keiserens garderobe og andre essays (Law, Rhetoric and Legal Argumentation). Universitetsforlaget.  ISBN 978-82-15-01703-7.