!!Kathrin Golda-Pongratz - Publications
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Golda-Pongratz, Kathrin (2014): Landscapes of Pressure - Paisajes de Presión. Barcelona.
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Golda-Pongratz, Kathrin (2008): Struktur- und Bedeutungswandel des Zentrums von Lima. Städtebauliche Ideen und Raumentwicklung im Expansionsprozess 1940 – 2002. Frankfurt am Main/ London.
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__Book chapters:__\\
Golda-Pongratz, Kathrin (2013): El jirón Camaná: un retrato contemporáneo. Notas de paso, lecturas de historia, apuntes de archivo y cuentos de adentro y afuera. In: Lima, siglo XX: Cultura, socialización y cambio. Aguirre, Carlos/ Panfichi, Aldo (Eds.), Lima, pp. 105-122. -\\
Golda-Pongratz, Kathrin (2012): Formen der Mixicidad und Segregation in Spanien. In: Soziale Mischung in der Stadt. Harlander, Tilman/ Kuhn, Gerd (Eds.), Stuttgart, pp. 220-225.-\\
Golda-Pongratz, Kathrin (2012): Barcelona, Illa Fort Pienc: Neuordnung eines Cerdà-Blocks. In: Soziale Mischung in der Stadt - Case Studies - Wohnungspolitik in Europa - Historische Analyse. Harlander, Tilman/ Kuhn, Gerd (Eds.), Stuttgart, pp. 226-233.\\
__Journal papers:__\\
Golda-Pongratz, Kathrin (2014): Memoria urbana - Palimpsestos, huellas y trazados en Lima Metropolitana. In: EST. Espacio, Sociedad y Territorio, Vol. 1. No. 1. Marzal, Virginia (Ed.), Lima, pp. 9-22.-\\
Golda-Pongratz, Kathrin (2013): You can imagine the opposite. Terminological reflections on ephemeral architecture. In: Moinopolis Journal. Ephimerality and Architecture. Moinopolis Laboratory of Thoughts on Spatial Matters (Ed.), pp.30-39.-\\
Golda-Pongratz, Kathrin (2012): Anahuac_Region at the edge of the water. Ground Water Urbanism for Mexico City. In: Monu #17. Next Urbanism. Upmeyer, Bernd (Ed.), pp. 72-77.\\
__Conference papers:__\\
Golda-Pongratz, Kathrin (2013): Landscapes of pressure, landscapes of standstill. The (sub)urban edges of Spain's metropolises after the boom del ladrillo. Conference paper, RC21 Conference Resourceful Cities, Humboldt-University, Berlin. In: http://www.rc21.org/conferences/berlin2013/prog-19.php-\\
Golda-Pongratz, Kathrin (2012): From self-built periphery to metropolitan business  district. Spatial transformations, emerging urban identities and the concept of citizenship in the Cono Norte, Lima/ Peru. In: Local Identities - Global Challenges. Vanegas, Jorge/ Sabouni, Ikhlas (Eds.), Washington DC, pp. 417-424.