!!Gaële Goastellec - Publications
[List of publications|https://applicationspub.unil.ch/interpub/noauth/php/Un/UnPers.php?PerNum=1040443&LanCode=37&menu=pubhttps://people.unil.ch/gaelegoastellec/https://applicationspub.unil.ch/interpub/noauth/php/Un/UnPers.php?PerNum=1040443&LanCode=37&menu=pub]
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__Last books/monograph:__\\
Goastellec G., 2020, Production de l’Université, Production de la Société. Sociologie de l’accès à l’Université depuis le Moyen Âge. Paris. Institut d’Études Politiques. HdR.\\
Goastellec G., (2019, Eds.) « Higher Education and its communities” edition of the section (50 articles) in Teixeira P., Shin, J. The International Encyclopedia of Higher Education Systems and Institutions. The Netherlands. Springer.  (personal edition of the section « HE and its communities », about 50 articles) [https://www.springer.com/gp/book/9789401789042]\\
Kamanzi C., Goastellec G., Picard F., (Eds.) 2017, L’envers du décor, Massification de l’enseignement supérieur et justice sociale. Québec. Presses de l’Université du Québec. [https://www.puq.ca/catalogue/themes/envers-decor-3148.html]\\
__Example of edited special issue:__\\
Goastellec G., Valimaa J., (January 2019) Inequalities in access to Higher Education and degrees  methodological and theoretical issues, Social Inclusion., vol.7, N°1.  \\
__Selection of recent articles and chapters:__\\
Goastellec, G., (2021) Citizenship and Access to Higher Education: the missing piece. In Eggins H., Smolenseva, A., De Wits H., Higher Education: the next decade, Brill. \\
Goastellec G., (2020). Le sens de la justice dans l’accès à l’Université: les contributions de la longue durée. L’Année Sociologique. 2(70), p.283-312\\
Goastellec G., (2019), « L’accès à l’enseignement supérieur enjeu de l’organisation sociale: quelques apports de la comparaison socio-historique ». SociologieS. [https://journals.openedition.org/sociologies/12152]\\
Détourbe M.A., Goastellec G., 2018, « Revisiting the issues of access to Higher Education and social stratification through the case of refugees: a comparative study of spaces of opportunity for refugee students in Germany and England” », Social Sciences, vol7(186). [http://www.mdpi.com/2076-0760/7/10/186/pdf]\\
Goastellec G., Crettaz von Roten F., 2017, “The societal embeddedness of academic markets: From sex to gender in the Swiss context” in Machado-Taylor, M., Soares, V. M., Teichler, U. (Eds.) , Challenges and options: the academic profession in Europe. The Changing Academy – The Changing Academic Profession in International Comparative Perspective. Series. Vo.18, The Netherlands. Springer. Pp.211-229.\\
__Most cited article:__\\
Clancy P., Goastellec G., 2007, “Questioning access and equity in higher education: policy and performance in a comparative perspective”, Higher Education Quarterly. Volume 61, Issue 2, Oxford, Blackwell Publishing, 136-154.