!!Eric Gilson - Curriculum Vitae
Student of Ecole Normale Supérieure, 45 rue d'Ulm-Paris (1978-1983), PhD (1983, Paris)\\
__Current Position (since 2012)__
*Director of Institut for Research on Cancer and Aging, Nice (IRCAN)\\
*Professor of Cell Biology, Faculty of Medicine Nice, Department of Medical Genetics, CHU of Nice (PU-PH)\\
*Head of the “Telomere, senescence and cancer” team at IRCAN, Nice.\\
__Scientific Carrier:__
*1981-1990  Student, post-doc and “Chargé de Recherche” at Institut Pasteur (Paris, France) in the M. Hofnung's group on the structure and expression of the E. coli maltose region and on bacterial répétitive sequences\\
*1991-1993  Post-doc (EMBO fellowship) in S. Gasser's group at ISREC (Lausanne, Switzerland) on the genetics and biochemistry of telomeres.\\
*1994-2009 Group leader at Ecole Normale Supérieure de Lyon (Lyon, France) on telomere and epigenetics\\
*2002 Prize Marguerite Delahautemaison of “Fondation de la Recherche Médicale”\\
*2003 EMBO member\\
*2010 Prize EUROCANCER\\
*2010 Prize Fondation Allianz-Institut de France\\
__Invited lectures and conferences:__ 
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EG has been invited more than 70 times at international meetings (AACR, CSH, Keystone, EMBO, CNIO, Juan March, J. Monod…) and 50 times to give a seminar at different Institutes (France, Italy, UK, CH, USA, Japan, China…).
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__Organisation of international conferences:__
*Chairman at the CSH meeting « Telomeres & Telomerase » CSH, NY, USA 2013\\
*Chairman at the CSH meeting « Telomeres & Telomerase » CSH, NY, USA 2007\\
*Chairman at the European Human Genetics Conference, Nice, 2007\\
*Chairman at the 20ème “European Association for Cancer Research Conference » 2008.\\
*Organizer of the Conférence J. Monod (CNRS) “Biological response to DNA damage”, Roscoff, 2008.