!!Christian Giaume - Curriculum Vitae
Born 1951 in Nice (Alpes Maritimes), France
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*Bacalauréat, série D:     1971   (Académie de Nice)\\
*DEUG B, option Sciences de la nature: 1974-1975 (Université de Nice)\\
*Maîtrise de Biologie Animale:   1976  (Université de Nice), 1977  (Université de Nice)\\
*DEA de Neurophysiologie:   1978  (Université Paris VI)\\
*Thèse de 3° cycle (PhD) de l'Université Paris VI (supervisor H. Korn). Thesis presented on June 18th 1980 at the Faculté des Sciences de Paris\\
*Doctorat d'état en Sciences Naturelles de l'Université de Paris VI (H. Korn). State Thesis (Habilitation) presented on 2 July 2sd 1986 at the Institut Pasteur
*Directeur de Recherche au CNRS (1° classe) since 2007, the first position at the CNRS was obtained in 1980 as Assistant Research\\
*Head of Laboratory INSERM U840, Collège de France 2007-2011\\
*Team Leader at CIRB Collège de France since 2012\\
*Adjunct Professor of Anatomy and Cellular Biology at the George Washington University (Washington DC, USA) (1995-2001)\\
*Research Professor of Anatomy and Cellular Biology at the George Washington University (Washington DC, USA) (2001-2004)
*Member of the Scientific Committee of the Fédération de la Recherche sur le Cerveau (2003-2006)\\
*Member of the Scientific Committee of the "Peer Review Process" from the German Research Council (Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft, DFG) Priority Program "The Significance of Neuroglia for the Formation, Function and Plasticity of Synapses" (2004-2009)\\
*Member of the Scientific Commission of the ANR 2007-2009  and 2012-2013\\
*Member of the Editorial Board of Glia since 2001\\
*Member of the Editorial of Biology of the Cell (2002-2005)\\
*Member of the Editorial Board of the Journal of Neurochemistry since 2009\\
*Member of the Editorial Board of Neuroscience since 2011\\
*Associated Editor of Frontiers in Neurosciences since 2010\\
*Permanent member of the Advisory Board of the International Astrocyte School since 2010\\
*Member of the International Advisory Scientific Committee of the Neuroscience Institute of Bilbao since 2012\\
*Responsible of Unité d’Enseignement en Master 2 at Paris VI, since 2005\\
*Teaching in 3 Masters and 1 Magistère, since 1992\\
*Teaching abroad (Kaunas, Lithuania; Boon, Germany; Salamanque and Bilbao, Spain; Chongqing, China; Montevideo, Uruguay; Montidoro, Italy)\\
*Scientific Delegate at the AERES
*Responsable of a research team in INSERM U114 (Pr J. Glowinski) 2001-2006\\
*Director of an INSERM unit 2007-2010\\
*Team leader at the Center for Interdisciplinary Research in Biology at the Collège de France since 2011\\
*Co-author of de 104 publications in peer review journals\\
*Co-author of 21 reviews\\
*Co-author of 12 book chapters\\
*Co-editor of a book:\\
**Methods in Molecular Biology: Connexins Methods and Protocols. (2001) Eds R. Bruzzone and Giaume C. Humana Press, Totowa, USA. Vol 154: pp491.\\
*Co-editor of 3 special issues (Brain Research Review, Journal of Physiology (Paris), Glia)\\
* More than 80 invited seminars in France (ENS, Collège de France, Institut Pasteur, Marseille, Bordeaux….) and in foreign countries (USA, Germany, Brazil, Chile, Switzerland, Greece, Spain, England, Argentina, Belgium, Russia, Lithuania…)\\
*45 presentations as invited speaker in national and international meetings\\
*Co-author of 147 abstracts for national and international meetings\\
*Responsible for 6 Workshops in national and international meetings\\
*Co-organizer of 6 international meetings\\
*Supervisor of 6 Thesis\\
*Supervisor of 7 postdocs\
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''__Ongoing Research Support__''
*INSERM support as a Research Team 200-2013: Junctional communication and interaction between neuronal and glial networks.\\
*ANR (Agence Nationale pour la Recherche) grant 2008-2011: Real time molecular imaging of aquaporins and connexins in astrocytes: neuroglial interactive process and water régulation.\\
*France-Alzheimer’ grant 2011-2012: Astroglial connexins as targets of intervention in a murine model of Alzheimer’s disease.\\
*Grant from FRC (Fédération de la Recherche sur le Cerveau) 2011-2012: Role of astrocytes in Alzheimer’s disease and cerebral amyloid agiopathy.\\
*ECOS-CONICYT collaborative grant 2011-2013: Role of glial hemichannels in neurodegenerative processes: application to Alzheimer’s disease.\\
*PHC Programme Hubert Curien with China Cai Yuanpei (China): Impact of Astroglial Connexins on Differentiation and Myelination of Oligodendrocytes, 2011-2013\\
*ANR (Agence Nationale pour la Recherche) grant 2013-2015: Role of glial gap junction proteins in sleep regulation.\\
*LECMA (European Ligue Against Alzheimer’s disease) Role of glial connexins in Alzheimer's disease. 2012-2013.\\
*Member of the Human Brain Project. Workpackage: Cellular and Molecular Neuroscience 2013-2023\\
*Finacial support for cooperation France-Chile (Pr JC Saez, Santiago) and France-China (Pr L Xiao, Chongqing)\\
*Member of the "Human Brain Project" from the EC 2013-2023