!!Stefano Gianni - Curriculum Vitae
*Degree, in Biological Sciences, 110/110 cum laude, 14 December 1999. Sapienza, University of Rome \\
*PhD in Biochemistry, 27 March 2003. Title: Snapshots of Protein folding. The folding pathway of cytochrome c551 from Pseudomonas Aeruginosa. University of Rome “La Sapienza”.
*Full Professor, (1 November 2016-date), Department of Biochemical Sciences, University of Rome “La Sapienza”
*Head of the PhD School of Biochemistry (April 2017-date) University of Rome “La Sapienza”
*Associate Professor, (from 27 December 2012-31 October 2016), Department of Biochemical Sciences, University of Rome “La Sapienza”\\
*Visiting Professor (from 30 May 2013-July 2016), Department of Chemistry, University of Cambridge, UK\\
*Researcher, (from 30 December 2005) Institute of Molecular Biology and Pathology, CNR, Rome, Italy \\
*Postdoctoral fellow, (1 June 2005 - 28 December 2005) Istituto Pasteur-Fondazione Cenci Bolognetti\\
*Research Assistant, (1 March 2004 - 31 May 2005), University of Rome “La Sapienza”\\
*Visiting Scientist, (1 October 2001 – 31 December 2003) Centre for Protein Engineering, Medical Research Council, Cambridge, UK, with Professor Alan Fersht
__Editorial activities:__\\
Editorial Board Member of Biophysical Chemistry (Elsevier), Scientific Reports (Nature Publishing Group), Protein Engineering Design & Selection (Oxford Journals), Protein and Peptide Letter (Bentham Science), International Journal of Molecular Sceinces (MDPI)\\
__Awards and Prizes:__ 
*May 2009 Accademia Nazionale delle Scienze, detta dei XL, e Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei. “Vincenzo Caglioti" International Prize for Chemistry.-\\
*May 2013 EMBO fellowship
__Invited Talks and seminars:__\\
Prof. Gianni has contributed over 30 talks and seminars in international conferences (Including the FEBS annual meeting and two annual Protein Society meetings)\\
Prof. Gianni is author of over 110 scientific publications in international peer-reviewed scientific journals, with over 2500 citations and an H index of 31.\\ \\