!!Michael Garrett - Selected Publications
Wlodarczyk-Sroka, B.S., Garrett, M.A. & Siemion, A.P.V., 2020, “Extending the Breakthrough Listen nearby star survey to other stellar objects in the field”, MNRAS 498, 4, 5720  arXiv:2006.09756v2 \\
Radcliffe, J.F., Barthel, P.D., Thomson, A.P., Garrett, M.A., Beswick, R.J., & Muxlow, T.W.B., 2020, “Nowhere to Hide: Radio-faint AGN in GOODS-N field. II. Multi-wavelength AGN selection techniques and host galaxy properties.”, Accepted for publication in Astronomy & Astrophysics arXiv:2103.08575v3\\
Garrett, M.A. 2020, “Can SETI expand its own horizons and that of Big History too?”, Chapter 4 of Expanding world views: Astrobiology, Big History and Cosmic Perspectives, ed. Ian A. Crawford, Springer arXiv:2101.10135v1\\
Chen, H., Garrett, M.A. Chi, S et al. 2020, “Searching for obscured AGN in z ~ 2 submillimetre galaxies”, Astronomy & Astrophysics, 638, A113 arXiv:2004.09356\\
Radcliffe, J.F., Beswick, R.J., Thomson, A.P., Garrett, M.A., Barthel, P.D., & Muxlow, T.W.B., 2019, “An insight into the extragalactic transient and variable microJy radio sky across multiple decades”, MNRAS 490,  3, 4024 arXiv:1909.12588\\
Radcliffe, J.F., Garrett, M.A., Muxlow, T.W.B., Beswick, R.J., Barthel, P.D., Deller, A.T., Keimpema, A., Campbell, R.M. & Wrigley, N., 2018, “Nowhere to Hide: Radio-faint AGN in GOODS-N field. I. Initial catalogue and radio properties”, Astronomy & Astrophysics 619, A48 arXiv:1808.04296\\
Radcliffe, J.F., Garrett, M.A., Beswick, R.J., Muxlow, T.W.B., Barthel, P.D., Deller, A.T. & Middelberg, E., 2016, “Multi-source self-calibration: Unveiling the microJy population of compact radio sources Astronomy & Astrophysics , 587, A85 arXiv:1601.04452\\
Garrett, M.A., Charlot, P., Garrington, S.T. et al. 2016, “RadioNet3 Study Group White Paper on: The Future Organisation and Coordination of Radio Astronomy in Europe”, Public report funded by the European Comission arXiv:1602.04216\\
Garrett, M.A. 2015, Application of the mid-IR radio correlation to the G-hat sample and the search for advanced extraterrestrial civilisations Astronomy & Astrophysics, 581, L5 arXiv:1508.02624\\
van Haarlem, M.P., Wise, M.W., Gunst, A.W. et al. (196 co-authors in alphabetical order) 2013, “LOFAR: The Low-Frequency Array”, Astronomy & Astrophysics, 556, A2 arXiv:1305.3550   \\
Michael Garrett has published over 400+ publications , been cited approximately 9700 times and has an H-index of 50. In the last 5 years he has published 33 refereed papers.