!!Pierangelo Garegnani - Selected Publications

*(1960) Il Capitale nelle teorie della distribuzione, Milan: Giuffre’ (the Italian publication of his Cambridge PhD thesis).
*(1970) "Heterogeneous Capital, the Production Function and the Theory of Distribution", Review of Economic Studies V. 37, N. 3 (July): 407-436.
*(1976) "On a Change in the Notion of Equilibrium in Recent Work on Value", in Essays in Modern Capital Theory (ed. by M. Brown, K. Sato, and P. Zarembka), North Holland. (Reprinted in J. Eatwell and M. Milgate (editors) (1983) Keynes's Economics and the Theory of Value and Distribution, Oxford.)
*(1978) "Notes on Consumption, Investment, and Effective Demand, Part I", Cambridge Journal of Economics, V. 2: 335-353.
*(1979) "Notes on Consumption, Investment, and Effective Demand, Part II", Cambridge Journal of Economics, V. 2:3: 63-82.
*(1982) "On Hollander's Interpretation of Ricardo's Early Theory of Profits", Cambridge Journal of Economics, 6, pp. 65-77.
*(1983a) "Ricardo's Early Theory of Profit and its 'Rational Foundation': A Reply to Professor Hollander", Cambridge Journal of Economics, 7, pp. 175-8.
*(1983b) "The Classical Theory of Wages and the Role of Demand Schedules in the Determination of Relative Prices", American Economic Review, Papers and Proceedings, 73, pp. 309-13.
*(1984) "Value and Distribution in the Classical Economists and Marx", Oxford Economic Papers, V. 36, N. 2 (June): 291-325.
*(1984b) ‘On Some Illusory Instances of “Marginal Products”, Metroeconomica
*(1987) “Surplus Approach to Value and Distribution” in The New Palgrave Dictionary of Economics, Macmillan.
*(1990) "Quantity of Capital", in The New Palgrave: Capital Theory (Ed. by J. Eatwell, M. Milgate, and P. Newman), Macmillan Press.
*(1990b) "Sraffa: Classical versus Marginalist Analysis", in Essays on Piero Sraffa: Critical Perspectives on the Revival of Classical Theory (Ed. by K. Bharadwaj and B. Schefold), Unwin-Hyman.
*(1997) "Equilibrium in the classical conception and some supposed obstacles to the tendency of market prices toward natural prices" in G. Caravale (ed.) Equilibrium and Economic Theory, London: Routledge.
*(2010) "On the Present State of the Capital Controversy", Sraffa's Production of Commodities by Means of Commodities,1960-2010: Critique and Reconstruction of Economic Theory, Roma (2-4 December).