!Emilio Gabba - Selected publications:
*Appiano and the history of the civil wars, Florence, New Italy, 1956.
*Appiani bellorum civilium Liber Primus, introduction, translation and commentary by E. Gabba, Florence, New Italy, 1958.
*Greek and Latin inscriptions for the study of the Bible, Turin, Edward Arnold, 1958.
*Appianus. Bellorum Civilium liber quintus, Florence, New Italy, 1970.
*Army and society in the late Roman republic, Florence, New Italy, 1973 (trans. English, Oxford, 1976).
*For the history of the Roman army in the imperial age, Bologna, Patron, 1974.
*Agricultural Structures and livestock transhumance in Roman Italy (with M. Pasquinucci), Pisa, Giardini, 1979.
*The documentary basis of ancient history (with M. Crawford), Bologna, Il Mulino, 1984.
*The proper use of wealth: essays in social and economic history of the ancient world, Milan, Guerini e Associati , 1988.
*Dyonisius and the history of archaic Rome , Berkeley, University of California Press, 1991.
*History of Rome. Vol.2. The Mediterranean empire (ed. G. Clement, F. Coarelli, E. Gabba), Turin, Einaudi, 1991.
*Cultural aspects of Roman imperialism, Florence, Sansoni, 1993.
*Roman Italy, Como, New Press, 1994.
*Classical culture and modern historiography, Bologna, Il Mulino, 1995.
*Dionysius and the history of ancient Rome, Bari, Edipuglia, 1996.
*Introduction to the History of Rome (with D. Foraboschi, D. Mantovani, E. Lo Cascio, L. Troiani), Milan, LED, 1999.
*Archaic Rome. History and Historiography, Rome, Issues of History and Literature, 2000.
*Appianus: Roman history. Books 13-17. The civil wars. (with D. Magnino), Turin, UTET, 2001.
*History and ancient literature, Bologna, Il Mulino, 2001.
*The municipal statutes (with L. Capogrossi Colognesi), Bologna, IUSS-il Mulino, 2006.
*Historical studies on the ancient world, Como, New Press, 2007.
*Conversation on the history, edited by Umberto Laffi, Pisa-Cagliari, Della Porta Publishers, 2009.