!!Xavier Franch - Selected Publications
[[Legend: IF: Impact Factor at the publication year (or last available year for most recent publications); position in category included; Q1 highlighted. When number of references provided, they come from Google Scholar, date 1-March-2022.]]\
1. Claudia Ayala, Burak Turhan, Xavier Franch, Natalia Juristo: Use and Misuse of the Term Experiment in Mining Software Repositories Research. IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering, in press. IF 2020: 6.226 [[CS, SE: 7/108 (Q1)]]. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1109/TSE.2021.3113558. In collaboration with researchers from the Universidad Politécnica de Madrid (Spain) and University of Oulu (Finland). \\
2. Xavier Franch, Martin Glinz, Daniel Mendez, Norbert Seyff: A Study about the Knowledge and Use of Requirements Engineering Standards in Industry. IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering, in press. IF 2020: 6.226 [[CS, SE: 7/108 (Q1)]]. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1109/TSE.2021.3087792. In collaboration with researchers from University of Zurich (Switzerland), Technical University of Munich (Germany) and FHNW (Switzerland).\\
3. Xavier Franch, Cristina Palomares, Tony Gorschek: On the Requirements Engineer Role. Communications of the ACM, 64(6): 69-75 (2021). IF 2020: 4.654 [[CS, SE: 11/108 (Q1)]]. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1145/3418292. In collaboration with a researcher from BTH (Sweden). \\
4. Xavier Franch, Daniel Mendez, Andreas Vogelsang, Rogardt Heldal, Eric Knauss, Marc Oriol, Guilherme H. Travassos, Jeffrey C. Carver, Thomas Zimmermann: How do Practitioners Perceive the Relevance of Requirements Engineering Research?. IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering, in press. IF 2020: 6.226 [[CS, SE: 7/108 (Q1)]]. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1109/TSE.2020.3042747. In collaboration with researchers from researchers from other 6 research centers (including Microsoft Research) from 5 countries. \\
5. David Ameller, Xavier Franch, Cristina Gómez, Silverio Martínez, et al. (20 authors): Dealing with Non-Functional Requirements in Model-Driven Development: A Survey. IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering, 47(4): 818-835 (2021). IF 2020: 6.226 [[CS, SE: 7/108 (Q1)]]. 29 references. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1109/TSE.2019.2904476. Four researchers from UPC led the study, coordinating the empirical work with 16 authors of other 6 European countries (Austria, France, Germany, Italy, Portugal and Sweden). \\
6. Marcel Llopis, Manel Soria, Xavier Franch: Tychonis: a model-based approach to define and search for geometric events in space. Acta Astronautica, 183: 319-329 (2021). IF 2020: 2.413 [[Engineering, Aerospace: 6/34 (Q1)]]. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.actaastro.2021.01.057. The first authors is a PhD student working in the Jet Propulsion Laboratory (NASA), co-advised by two researchers from UPC (myself, as software engineering expert, and Prof. Soria, as astronautics expert).\\
7. Fabiano Dalpiaz, Alessio Ferrari, Xavier Franch, Cristina Palomares: “Natural Language Processing for Requirements Engineering: The Best is Yet to Come”. IEEE Software, 35(5): 115-119 (2018). IF 2018: 3.059 [[CS, SE: 16/107 (Q1)]]. 60 references. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1109/MS.2018.3571242. Joint work with a researcher of U. Utrecht (The Netherlands) and the ISTI (Institute of Information Science and Technologies "Alessandro Faedo") department at the National Research Council of Italy (CNR). \\
8. Oscar Franco-Bedoya, David Ameller, Dolors Costal, Xavier Franch: “Open Source Software Ecosystems: A Systematic Mapping”. Information & Software Technology, 91: 160-185 (2017). IF 2017: 2.627 [[CS, SE: 16/104 (Q1)]]. 89 references. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.infsof.2017.07.007. Entirely developed by UPC authors under my coordination.\\
9. Fabiano Dalpiaz, Xavier Franch, Jennifer Horkoff: iStar 2.0 Language Guide. CoRR abs/1605.07767 (2016). 190 citations. The three authors (from UPC; U. Utrecht, the Netherlands; and City U. London, UK), with the support of twenty-ish researchers in the field, motivated, developed and documented the standard, which has been massively followed by the RE community since then.\\
10. David Ameller, Xavier Burgués Illa, Oriol Collell, Dolors Costal, Xavier Franch, Mike P. Papazoglou: “Development of Service-oriented Architectures using Model-driven Development: A Mapping Study”. Information & Software Technology 62: 42-66 (2015). IF 2015: 1.569 [[CS, SE: 16/106 (Q1)]]. 77 references. DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.infsof.2015.02.006. It was conducted by a team of five UPC researchers with the support of an expert in the first area, Prof. Papazoglou.