!!Richard Frackowiak 
Richard Frackowiak's research interest has been the functional and structural architecture of the human brain in health and disease. He has pioneered the development and introduction of positron emission tomography and magnetic resonance imaging and prosecuted a research programme dedicated to understanding the organisation of human brain functions, but his focus has been on plasticity and mechanisms for functional recuperation after brain injury and the patho-physiology of cerebral neurodegenerations. He has become interested in the use of MR-based morphometry especially in the study of genetic influences on brain disease and in a search for biomarkers and endophenotypes of neurodegenerative disorders. Most recently he has introduced computerised image classification for diagnosis and treatment monitoring into clinical science.
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__Languages:__ English, French, Polish
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*School: Latymer Upper, London (Scholar)
*University: Peterhouse, Cambridge (Scholar)
*Medical School: Middlesex Hospital Medical School
*BA (Cantab)1971
*BChir(Cantab) 1974
*MB, MA (Cantab)1975
*MD (Cantab)1983
*DSc (Lond) 1996
*Docteur honoris causa (Liege)1999
*FRCP (London) 1987
*FMedSci (Founding fellow) 1998
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*Professeur ordinaire, Université de Lausanne, Suisse
*Directeur du département des neurosciences cliniques et médecin-­chef de service de neurologie, Centre Hospitalier Universitaire Vaudois
*Conseiller scientifique après du Directeur-­Général de l’Inserm, France
*Special Advisor to the Provost & President of UCL, UK 
*Director, Neuroimaging Laboratory, IRCCS Fondazione Santa Lucia, Rome
*Professor, Wellcome Department of Imaging Neuroscience, UCL
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''Substantive academic''
*Assistant Director, MRC Cyclotron Unit (1988-­‐94)
*Professor of Neurology, Institute of Neurology & RPMS (1990/94)
*Professor & Head of Department, Wellcome Department of Imaging Neuroscience and Director, Leopold Muller Functional Imaging Laboratory, IoN (1994-­2002)
*Wellcome Trust Principal Clinical Research Fellow (1994-­‐2004)
*Dean/Director, Institute of Neurology, UCL (1998-­2002)
*Professor of Cognitive Neurology, Institute of Neurology, UCL (1994-­2009)
*Vice-­Provost (Special Projects), University College London (2002-­2009)
*Non-­executive director, UCLH NHS Foundation Trust, London (2003-­2009)
*Consultant Neurologist, National Hospital for Neurology and Neurosurgery, London (1984-­2009)
*Directeur département d’études cognitives, Ecole Normale Supérieure (2003-­09)
*Conseiller Scientifique, Département des Sciences du Vivant, Commissariat a l’Energie Atomique, France (1998-­2008)
''Visiting academic''
*Visiting Professor, "La Sapienza" University, Rome
*Visiting Scholar, UCLA Medical School
*Raymond & Beverley Sackler Visiting Professor, Cornell Medical School
*FNRS/Pharmacia & Upjohn Visiting Professor, Université Catholique de Louvain
*Norman Geschwind Visiting Professor, Beth Israel Hospital, Harvard
*Rogowski Visiting Professor, Yale Medical School
*Distinguished visiting scientist, Singapore Biomedical Research Council
*Institute of Medicine of the American Academies of Science – foreign associate
*Academy of Medical Sciences -­ founding fellow
*Academia Europaea – member
*American Neurological Association – honorary member
*British Neuroscience Association -­ member
*Académie Nationale de Médecine (France) -­ foreign associate member
*Académie Royale de Médecine de Belgique -­ corresponding member
*Societé Française de Neurologie -­ honorary foreign member
*Belgian Society for Neurology -­ honorary corresponding member
*Polskie Towarzystwo Neurologów – honorary foreign member
*Canadian Neurological Society -­ honorary corresponding member
*Australian Neurological Association -­ honorary corresponding member
*European Dana Alliance for the Brain -­ founding member
*EEC Concerted Action (collaborating): £0.9M (1985) and £0.3M (1993)
*Wellcome trust programme grant “Functional Brain Imaging”: c£20M(1994)
*Wellcome Trust programme grant “Imaging Neuroscience”: proportion of c £7.5M (1999) including £0.47M for personal research (1999-­‐2004)
*Principal applicant to Joint Infrastructure Fund “Replacement scanners for the FIL” c £3.6M (2001)
*Wellcome Trust programme grant “Imaging structure and function of the human brain” c £0.63M (2005-­2010)
*ANR Chaire d’Excellence (Senior) programme, “Etude en imagerie cérébrale des relations structure-­fonctions dans la plasticité du cerveau humain” €0,5M (2005-­09)
*Klaus Joachim Zulch Prize, Reemtsma Foundation & Max Planck Society (with NK Logothetis) (2004)
*Fondation Ipsen Prize (with A Damasio & M Merzenich)(1997)
*Wilhelm Feldberg Foundation Prize (1996)
*Wellcome Trust Principal Clinical Research Fellowship (1994-­2004)
*MRC Training Fellowship (1980-­81)
*Wilhelm Brauer Open Scholarship, Peterhouse (1969-­72)
* 37 named national and international lectureships including 2 NIH Director’s lectures, a Royal Institution Friday evening discourse, a plenary at the Forum of European Neurosciences and a Decade of the Brain lecture of the American Academy of Neurology.
*President European Brain and Behaviour Society
*President British Neuroscience Association (2004-­2007)
*Council member, Academy of Medical Sciences (1999-­2001)
*Member Inter-­cantonal Commission on highly specialised medicine, CH (2009-­)
*Member French Presidential Commission les Centres Universitaires Hospitaliers (2009)
*Member UK RAE 2008 neuroscience and mental health panel
*President, 7th annual meeting, Organisation for Human Brain Mapping
*Current Opinion in Neurology, Editor-­in-­Chief
*NeuroImage: a Journal of Brain Function, Emeritus Editor-­in-­Chief
*Chairman, Neuroscience, Psychiatry & Neurology Grant Board, ANR France
*FNRS Clinical Science Grant Board, Belgium
*Scientific Review Board for Brain Science (co-­opted), HFSP
*Various international scientific prize juries
*EU CANMED scientific review group on brain research (XII Directorate)
*EU special advisory group on neuroscience research, FP4
*EU Letters of Intent assessment group in Brain Science, FP6
*ESF advisory board, European Neuroscience Programme (1994-­95)
*Wellcome Trust Clinical Research Facilities Advisory Committee (1999)
*MRC Cell Board subcommittee on medical & physiological imaging (1991)
*French Ministry of Research & Education
*German Ministry of Science and Education
*Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft large facilities review (2004)
*Swedish Science and Medical Research Councils
*Fondation Reine Elizabeth, Brussels
*Canadian MRC, Alberta and Québec Heritage Innovation Fund grant boards