!!Eberhard Frömter - Selected publications

!List of selected publications (in German):

*E. Fromter and J. Diamond: Route of passive ion permeation in epithelia. Nature 235, 9 (1972)
*E. Frömter: Transport of matter across biological membranes, in Biophysics (Hoppe et al. eds. Springer Verlag, pp 465-502 (1983)
*E. Fromter: Viewing the kidney through microelectrodes. Am. J. Physiol. 247, F695 (1984)
*B.-Ch Burckhardt, K. Sato and E. Frömter: Electrophysiological analysis of bicarbonate permeation across the peritubular cell membrane of rat kidney proximal tubule. Pflügers Arch. 401, 34 (1984)
*E. Frömter and K. Geßner: Free-flow potential profile along rat kidney proximal tubule. J. Am. Soc. Nephrol. 12, 2197 (2001)