!!Alexander Stewart Fotheringham - Selected Publications
__This selection from his long publication list includes two early books, four chapters and four articles:__\\
A. Stewart Fotheringham, Chris Brunsdon and Martin Charlton 2002 Geographically Weighted Regression: The Analysis of Spatially Varying Relationships xii and 269 pages, Wiley: Chichester. ISBN 0-471-49616-2 (hardback).\\
This older book is here since it had great impact on research during the following years. \\
A. Stewart Fotheringham and Peter A. Rogerson (eds.) 1994 Spatial Analysis and GIS. viii and 281 pages, Taylor and Francis: London/Bristol, PA. ISBN 0-7874-0103-2 (hardback) 0-7874-0104-0 (paperback).\\
A. Stewart Fotheringham 2010 “Geographically Weighted Regression”, Vol 3: pp 1225-1231 in Encyclopedia of Geography, eds. B. Wharf and P. Jankowski. Sage: Beverley Hills, Ca.\\
A. Stewart Fotheringham, Martin Charlton and U. Demsar 2009 “Looking for a Relationship?  Try GWR” Chapter 9 pp 227-254, in Geographic Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery eds. H. Miller and J. Han, Taylor & Francis: London.\\
R. Foley, M. Charlton and A. Stewart Fotheringham 2009 “GIS in Health and Social Care Planning” pp 73-115 in Handbook of Theoretical and Quantitative\\
A. Stewart Fotheringham 2006 “Quantification, Evidence and Positivism”, Chapter 22 pp 237-250 in Approaches to Human Geography eds. S. Aitken and G. Valentine, Sage: London.\\
A. Stewart Fotheringham, M. Kelly and M. Charlton “The Demographic Impacts of the Irish Famine: Towards a Greater Geographical Understanding” Transactions of the Institute of British Geographers, 37 (4), September 2012. \\
Coveney, S. and A. Stewart Fotheringham,  “The Impact of DEM Data Sources on the Prediction of Flooding and Erosion Risk due to Sea-level Rise” International Journal of Geographic Information Science 25 (7): 1191-1211, 2011. \\
Da Silva, A. and A. Stewart Fotheringham “The Multiple Testing Issue in Geographically Weighted Regression” Geographical Analysis  DOI: 10.1111/gean.12084.2015       \\
Demsar, U, A. Stewart Fotheringham and M. Charlton “Exploring the Spatio-temporal Dynamics of Geographical Processes with Geographically Weighted Regression and Geovisual Analytics”, Information Visualisation 7: 181-197, 2008