!!Athanassios Fokas - Selected Publications
1. 599, A.S. Fokas, A.R. Its and A.V. Kitaev, The Isomonodromy Approach to Matrix Models in 2D Quantum Gravity, Comm. Math. Phys. 147, 395-430 (1992).\\
2. 482,  On a Class of Physically Important Integrable Equations, Physica D 87, 145-150 (1995).\\
3. 562, A.S. Fokas, A Unified Transform Method for Solving Linear and Certain Nonlinear PDE’s, Proc. R. Soc. Lond. A 453, 1411-1443 (1997).\\
4. 425, A.S. Fokas and G.A. Kastis, Mathematical Methods in PET and SPECT Imaging, in the “Handbook of Mathematical Methods of Imaging”, 2nd ed., ed. O. Scherzer, Springer (2015).\\
5. 225, A.S Fokas, Integrable Multidimensional Versions of the Nonlocal Nonlinear Schrodinger Equation, Nonlinearity 29, 319-324 (2016).\\
6. 62, A.S. Fokas, N. Dikaios and G.A. Kastis, Mathematical Models and Deep Learning for Predicting the Number of Individuals Reported to be Infected with SARS-CoV-2, J R Soc Interface 17, 20200494 (2020).\\
7. 8,  B. Deconinck,  A.S. Fokas and J. Lenells, The Implementation of the Unified Transform to the NLS with Periodic Initial Conditions, Lett. Math. Phys.,1,111-18 (2021).\\
8. 10, A.S. Fokas and J. Lenells, On the Asymptotics to All Orders of the Riemann Zeta Function and of a Two-Parameter Generalization of the Riemann Zeta Function, Mem. Amer. Math. Soc. 275, 1351(2022).\\
The numbers refer to the Google Scholar citations on January 21, 2023.\\
1.G. Dassios and A.S. Fokas, Electroenchephalography and Magnetoencephalography: An Analytical-Numerical Approach, De Gruyter (2019).\\
2. A.S. Fokas and E. Kaxiras, Modern Mathematical Methods for Computational Sciences and Engineering, World Scientific (2022).\\
Fokas  has been included in the list of the Highly  Cited Mathematicians by the  ISI Web of Science. \\
According to the Google Scholar, On the January 21, 2023, Fokas  has 24707  citations and an h-index of 78.\\ \\[{ALLOW view All}][{ALLOW edit afokas}][{ALLOW upload afokas}][{ALLOW comment All}]
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