!!Lora Elderkin Fleming - Biography
Professor Fleming is an environmental and occupational health physician and epidemiologist; currently, she is a Professor and Chair, as well as the Director of the European Center for Environment and Human Health, at the University of Exeter Medical School. With Professor Depledge in 2011, she established the European Centre (www.ecehh.org) with £14 Million of European Funding for research and training into the interconnections between the environment and human health. \\
With funding from UK NERC, NIHR, GCRF, and Horizons 2020 and others, she currently performs research in environment and health “big data mashups,” and in various issues on risks and benefits in Oceans and Human Health with an emphasis on inequalities. Professor Fleming has >300 publications in a range of environmental and occupational health topics based on research in secondary data analysis and linkage of large datasets, as well as epidemiologic studies (including cohort studies and randomized interventions).\\
Professor Fleming received the Ocean and Human Awards from the Edouard Delcroix Foundation and the IOC Bruun Award; she is a member of NERC Science Board and US NIEHS SAB on Gulf Oil Workers Study.  \\
H-INDEX [[68] [https://scholar.google.co.uk/citations?user=1l8jSr8AAAAJ]\\ \\