!!Alain Fischer - Curriculum Vitae
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MD (1979) - PhD (1979)
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__Professional address__
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Unité d’Immunologie et d’Hématologie Pédiatriques, INSERM U 768\\
University Hôpital Necker-Enfants Malades – 149, Rue de Sèvres
75 743 PARIS cedex 15
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''Medical:'' 	Residency in pediatrics (1975-1979)\\
	Assistant Professor in pediatric immunology (1981-1984) (Hospital Necker)\\
''Research :'' 	Master in Biochemistry 1975\\
	PhD 1979 (Université Paris Jussieu) \\
	Post doctoral fellowship University College London. M Feldmann, PCL Beverley
	(1980-1981) (Human antigen-specific T cell clones)
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__Academic appointments__
*1984-1988:	Tenure medical position in the Pediatric Immunology, Department , Hospital Necker
*1988-present:	Professor of Pediatric Immunology (Université  Paris  Descartes)
*2006-present	Professor at Institut Universitaire de France	 
*1996-present: 	Director of the Pediatric Immunology Department, Hospital Necker
*1982-1991: 		Group leader – INSERM Unit 132, Hospital Necker 
*1991-present:		Director of INSERM unit 768 « Développement Normal et Pathologique du Système Immunitaire » Hospital Necker, Université Paris Descartes.
*2009	Director of the Research Institute of Genetic Diseases (Imagine), Hospital Necker, Université Paris Descartes
__Honors and awards__
*Jung Preis für Medizin (Hamburg), 1998
*Louis Jeantet Prize (Geneva), 2001
*Novartis Prize for clinical immunology, 2001 
*Member of EMBO, 2002
*Member of the French Science Academy, 2002
*A. Philipson Prize (Stockholm), 2003
*Honorary degree of the University of Zurich, 2005
*Descartes Prize (European Community), 2005
*Molecular Medicine prize (University of Debrecen),2007
*Grand Prix INSERM, 2008
*Member of the Academia Europea, 2009
__Main areas of research__
*Development of the lymphoid system
*Primary immunodeficiencies
*Genetics of immunological disorders
*Gene therapy 
__Appointments during the last years__
*Director of Ecole Doctorale (PhD programme) “genetics, immunology and development” Université Paris Descartes, Paris (1994-1996)
*President of the Immunology Committee at INSERM  (1994-1998)
*Member of the Scientific Committee of Association Française contre les Myopathies (AFM) (1998-2002)
*President of the Scientific Committee of Fondation pour la Recherche Medicale (2000 -2002)
*Adviser for Medical Research at the Ministery of Research (1999-2001)
*Director of the French Program « Research on rare diseases » (2002-2005)
*Member of the Scientific advisory Board, Gaslini Institute, Genoa, Italy (2002-present)
*Member of the Scientific Board of the Ville de Paris (2003-present)
*Member of the Initiative Committee on the reform of the French research system (2004)
*Member of the Scientific advisory Committee, Riken Immunology Institute, Yokohama, Japan (2004-present)
*Member of the Scientific Committee “Programme Hospitalier de Recherche Clinique” (Health ministery) (2005-2007)
*Vice-President of the board of the Pasteur Institute (2005-present)
*Member of the French National Ethical Committee (2005–2009)
*Member of the ExecutiveCommittee of the European Journal of Immunology and of the editorial Committee of International Immunology
*Member of the advisory editorial boards of EMBO Journal (2005-2008), EMBO Reports (2005-2008), EMBO Molecular Medicine,and PloS Medicine, Corresponding Editor of Annual Review of Immunology
*Member of the board of reviewing editors (BORE) of the Science Magazine (2006-present)