!!Ana Firmino

[Obituary|https://journals.openedition.org/belgeo/48349?lang=fr], Serge Schmitz and Dulce Pimentel, Belgeo (in French)\\
[Obituary|https://www.fcsh.unl.pt/ana-firmino-1954-2020], NOVA FCSH (in Portugese)
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!Curriculum Vitae

Ana Firmino, Portuguese, Geographer, Ph. D. in Geography, Full Professor and Ph. D. Coordinator at the Department of Geography and Regional Planning, Faculty of Social and Human Sciences, Universidade Nova de Lisboa, Portugal. \\
__Teaching activities:__
*Bachelor in Geography and Regional Planning – Subjects: Dynamics in Rural Areas, Sustainable Development, Geography of Tourism and Leisure \\
*Ph. D. course in Geography and Territorial Planning: Issues in Geography and Territorial Planning, Methodologies in Geography and Territorial Planning
Integrated Researcher at CICS.NOVA. Group: Environmental Change, Territory and Development.  Project coordinator. Research topics: Sustainable Development of Rural Areas, Organic Farming, Social Agriculture, Ecological / Environmental Services) [https://www.cics.nova.fcsh.unl.pt/people/integrated-researchers/ana-firmino?lg=uk]\\
__Participation in Networks:__
*2012 – 2016 Co-Chair of the Commission on the Sustainability of Rural Systems, of the International Geographical Union (IGU). Member of the steering committee until 2021. http://www.okayama-u.ac.jp/user/igu-csrs/our_history.html\\
*Since 2014 - Member of Petrarca (European Academy for the Culture of Landscape) http://www.petrarca.info/englisch/index.html\\
*Since 2017 - President of the Portuguese Association of Landscape Ecology (APEP) http://www.apep.pt/index.php?lang=en\\
*Since 2017 - President of the Portuguese Federation of Social Agriculture (FEDPAS)
__Selected European Projects:__
*2011 - 2013 - EU and OCDE Projet “Rural-Urban Partnerships: An Integrated Approach to Economic  De-velopment”, responsible for the Portuguese case-study in Castelo Branco; DOI:10.1787/9789264204812-en\\
*2008 - 2011 -  EU Project “RUFUS, Rural Future Networks”. (Theme 8: Socio-Economic Sciences and Humanities; Contract nr. 217381 – 02/2008 – 01/2011;\\
*2003 - 2006 - EU Project Searusyn, “Prospects of Organic Farming in Peri-Urban Areas of Hanoi and Nanjing”, Agricultural Economics Research Institute (LEI), The Hague, Holland, http://cares.vnua.edu.vn/en/2016/03/29/du-an-searusyn/\\ \\