!!Giovanni Felder - Curriculum Vitae
Born November 18, 1958\\
*1986-1988 IHES, Bures-sur-Yvette, postdoc\\
*1988-1989 IAS, Princeton, Member\\
*1989-1991 ETH Zurich, Oberassistent\\
*1991-1994 ETH Zurich, Assistant professor\\
*1994-1996 UNC Chapel Hill, Full professor\\
*1996- ETH Zurich, Full Professor
__Visiting positions__ \\
*2010  Radboud University, Nijmegen \\
*2009  Tokyo University \\
*2009  MIT, Cambridge \\
*2007  IHP, Paris \\
*2006  KITP, Santa Barbara (and 1990)\\
*2002  MSRI, Berkeley\\
*1991  RIMS, Kyoto      
__Other profession oriented activities__
*1993-1998  Editor of Communications of Mathematical Physics\\
*1997-2008  Scientific board of the Centro Stefano Franscini\\
*2004-2010  Steering Committee of the programme MISGAM of the European Science Foundation\\
*2004-2009  ETH Research Commission\\
*2009-            Editor of Letters in Mathematical Physics\\
*2010-            Editor of Journal of Mathematical Physics\\
*2010-2011  Chairman of the Department of Mathematics, ETH Zurich
__Selected adresses__
*Invited talk, International Congress of Mathematicians, Zurich, August 1994\\
*Mathematics colloqium, Berkeley, 2002\\
*Mathematisches Kolloquium, Bonn, 2006\\
*Laudatio of Fields Medalist A. Okounkov, International Congress of Mathematicians, Madrid, 2006\\
*Mathematics Colloquium, King's College, 2008\\
*Mathematics Colloquium, Harvard, 2009