!!Juergen Falter - Curriculum Vitae

*1968 Diploma in Political Science at the University of Berlin (FU)\\
*1969 - 1970 Studies at the University of California at Berkeley and the University of Michigan at Ann Arbor, Mich.; Methods Summer Course of the Inter University Consortium for Political and Social Research\\
*1970 - 1973 Research assistant at the Institute for Theory and Sociology of Politics at the Faculty of Law and Economics of the University of Saarland\\
*1973 Doctorate (Dr. rer. pol.) at the Faculty of Law and Economics of the University of Saarland (Note: summa cum laude); Subject of the thesis: "Factors of the election decision. An election sociological analysis using the example of the Saarland state elections in 1970."First expert: Prof. Dr. Karl Kaiser (political science); Second expert: Prof. Dr. Gerald Eberlein (Sociology)\\
*1973 - 1983 Professor of Methodology of Social Sciences and Political Sociology in the Department of Education of the University of the Bundeswehr Munich\\
*1981 habilitation at the Faculty of Law and Economics at the University of Saarland; Topic: "The Behavioralism Controversy in American Political Science 1945-1975."Expert: Prof. Dr. Jürgen Domes; Prof. Dr. Werner Kroeber-Riel; Venia legendi awards for political science\\
*1983 - 1992 o. Professor (C4) for Political Science and Comparative Fascism Research at the University of Berlin (FU); Head of the "Comparative Fascism Research" department at the Central Institute for Social Science Research; Teaching at the Otto-Suhr-Institute in the Institute for Basics of Politics\\
*1986 - 1988 Leave from the Free University of Berlin on the basis of a three-semester academic scholarship of the Volkswagenwerk Foundation\\
*from 1993 to March 2012 o. Professor (C4) for Political Science at the University of Mainz with the focus on "Political Systems" and "Domestic Policy"\\
*from 1 April 2012 to 31 March 2019 Senior Research Professor at the University of Mainz at the Faculty 02, Social Sciences, Media and Sport\\ \\