!!Ernesto Estrada - Selected publications
__Number of scientific publications:__ 150\\
__Number of scientific books as author/editor:__ 3\\
__Number of books in which a chapter has been published:__ 13\\
__Number of independent citations:__ 6700 (3855 since 2009)\\
__h-index:__ 49 (number of papers with at least 49 citations), \\
__w-index: __14 (number of papers with at least 100 citations)\\
1. E Estrada, JA Rodriguez-Velazquez, Subgraph centrality in complex networks. Physical Review E 71 (5), 2005, 056103 [[377 citations].
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2. E Estrada, N Hatano, Communicability in complex networks. Physical Review E 77 (3), 2008, 036111 [[131 citations].
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3. E Estrada, The structure of complex networks: theory and applications, Oxford University Press, 2011 [[79 citations].
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4. E Estrada, DJ Higham, Network properties revealed through matrix functions. SIAM review 52 (4), 2010, 696-714 [[66 citations].
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5. E Estrada, Universality in protein residue networks. Biophysical journal 98 (5), 2010, 890-900 [[23 citations].
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6. E Estrada, Quantifying network heterogeneity. Physical Review E 82 (6), 2010, 066102 [[21 citations].
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7. E Estrada, The communicability distance in graphs. Linear Algebra and its Applications 436 (11), 2012, 4317-4328 [[5 citations].
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8. E Estrada, N Hatano, M Benzi, The physics of communicability in complex networks. Physics reports 514 (3), 2012, 89-119 [[45 citations].
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9. E Estrada, E Vargas-Estrada, How Peer Pressure Shapes Consensus, Leadership, and Innovations in Social Groups. (Nature) Scientific Reports 3, 2013, 2905 (1-6). This paper has been in the news at: Science Daily, Phys.org, Science Newsline, EurekAlert!, and Medical News Today.
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10. E Estrada, Communicability in temporal networks. Physical Review E 88 (4), 2012, 042811 [[2 citations].