!!!Maria J. Esteban
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__Present and Previous Positions__
*2011 Director of research at CNRS, exceptional class
*2002 - 2011 Director of research at CNRS, first class
*1991 - 2002 Director of research at CNRS, second class
*1894 - 1991 Chargée de recherche at CNRS 
__Fields of Scholarship__
__Honours and Awards__
* 2019 SIAM Prize for Distinguished Service to the Profession
* 2019 Honorary Degree, Heriot-Watt University, Edinburgh, UK
* 2018 Honorary member of the London Mathematical Society
* 2018 Invited speaker at ICM 2018 (Rio de Janeiro)
* 2017 Member of the European Academy of Sciences (EURASC)
* 2017 Honorary Degree, University of Valencia
* 2017 CAF-Elhuyar “Merezimendu saria” (Merrit Prize)
* 2016 Honorary Degree, University of the Basque Country.
* 2016 SIAM Fellow
* 2015 Member of Jakiunde, Basque Academy of Sciences, Arts and Letters
* 2015 Mary Cartwright Lecture (LMS) 2015
* 2015 Honorary member of RSME (Real Sociedad Matema ́tica Espan ̃ola)
* 2012 Knight of the French Merrit National Order 
* 2008 Conference ’Ladyzhenskaya’ at Leipzig University
* 2008 Invited speaker at the European Congress of Mathematics, Amsterdam
* 2003 Plenary speaker at the International Congress of Mathematics Physics (Lisbonne)

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[Curriculum Vitae |User/Esteban_Maria/CV]
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[Publication list|User/Esteban_Maria/Publications]
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[Highlights of my work and anecdotes|User/Esteban_Maria/Highlight]
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[Other information|User/Esteban_Maria/OtherInformation]

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