!!David Elbaz - Publications
*23 refereed publications led as first author or by my PhD students with a total of 3,278 citations\\
*274 refereed publications with 26393 citations\\
*Hirsch (h) factor = 86 (ADS), 33 papers with >200 citations, 8 papers with >500 citations \\
__Last 5 years:__\\
Selected publications as lead author (or led by a PhD student or postdoc under his supervision)\\
 “The Herschel view of the dominant mode of galaxy growth from z = 4 to the present day”, Schreiber, C. [[PhD], Pannella, M. [[Postdoc]], Elbaz, D., et al. (2015), A&A 575, 74 (239 citations)\\
 “Discovery of a Galaxy Cluster with a Violently Starbursting Core at z = 2.506”, Wang, T. [[Postdoc], Elbaz, D., Daddi, E., Finoguenov, A., Liu, D., et al. (2016), Astrophysical Journal 828, 56 (62 citations)\\
 “Starbursts in and out of the star-formation main sequence”, Elbaz, D., Leiton, R, Nagar, N. et al. (2018) Astronomy & Astrophysics 616, 110\\
 “GOODS-ALMA: 1.1 mm galaxy survey. I. Source catalog and optically dark galaxies”, Franco, M.[[PhD], Elbaz, D., Béthermin, M. et al. (2018) Astronomy & Astrophysics 620, 152\\
 “Dust temperature and mid-to-total infrared color distributions for star-forming galaxies at 0 < z < 4”, Schreiber, C., Elbaz, D., Pannella, M. et al. (2018), Astronomy & Astrophysics 609, 30\\
__Previous years__\\
“The reversal of the star-formation density relation in the distant Universe”, Elbaz, D., Daddi, E., Le Borgne, D., Dickinson, M., et al. 2007, A&A 468, 33 (958 citations)\\
“Interpreting the Cosmic Infrared Background: Constraints on the Evolution of the Dust-enshrouded Star Formation Rate”, Chary, R.R., Elbaz, D., 2001, ApJ 556, 562 (910 citations)\\
“GOODS-Herschel: an infrared main sequence for star-forming galaxies”, Elbaz, D., Dickinson, M., Hwang, H.S., Díaz-Santos, T., et al. 2011, A&A 533, 119 (683 citations)\\
Different Star Formation Laws for Disks Versus Starbursts at Low and High Redshifts “,Daddi, E.; Elbaz, D.; Walter, F.et al. 2010,ApJ714,L.118(482 citations)\\
“The bulk of the cosmic infrared background resolved by ISOCAM”, Elbaz, D., Cesarsky, C. J., Chanial, P., Aussel, H., Franceschini, A. et al. 2002, A&A 384, 848 (337 citations)