!Selected Publications
(from google scholar):\\
Citations   24439  (5960 since 2015)\\
H-index 54  (28 since 2015)\\
i10 index 124  (74 since 2015)\\
14 books published, 163 research papers, all to be found on my websitee\\
2019 (with Eric Séré) "A surjection theorem for singular perturbations with loss of derivatives", https://arxiv.org/pdf/1811.07568.pdf, in course of revision, European Journal of Mathematics\\
2010 (with Alfred Galichon and Marc Henry) "Comonotonic measures of multivariate risk", Mathematical Finance, 20, p. 1-24  \\
2010 (with Ali Lazrak) "The golden rule when preferences are time-inconsistent", Mathematics and Financial Economics.  4 p. 29-55 \\
2009 (with Pierre-André Chiappori) "The microeconomics of efficient group behavior: identification"  Econometrica  77, p.  763–799.\\
2004 (with Jim Heckman and Lars Nesheim): "Identification and estimation of hedonic models" Journal of Political Economy 112  p.60-109 \\
1999 "Convexity methods in Hamiltonian mechanics", Springer-Verlag, Ergebnisse der Mathematik und ihrer Grenzgebiete, \\
1990 (with Helmut Hofer) "Symplectic topology and Hamiltonian dynamics II", Mathematische Zeitschrift, 203, p. 553-567\\
1980 (with J.M. Lasry) "On the number of periodic trajectories for a Hamiltonian flow on a convex energy surface", Annals of Math.112  p.283-319 \\
1979 "Nonconvex minimization problems", Bull. AMS 1 (New Series) p. 443-474\\
1974 (with R. Temam) "Analyse convexe et problèmes variationnels", Dunod-Gauthier-Villars;  1976 English translation: "Convex analysis and variational problems", North-Holland-Elsevier, 1976; 1999 republished by SIAM, "Classics in Applied mathematics",