!!Robert Eaglestone - Curriculum Vitae
*1992 - 1995 University of Wales, Lampeter, Ph.D. Emmanuel Levinas and the Ethics of Criticism\\
*1990 - 1991 Southampton University, MA. Culture and Social Change\\
*1987 - 1990 Manchester University, BA.(hons) English Literature and Language, 2:1
__Leadership and Service__\\
__National Leadership__
*Member of REF subpanel 27, for REF 2021
*Arts and Humanities Research Council: Member, AHRC Peer review college  \\
*English Association: Higher Education Committee from 2013; Deputy Chair since 2019  \\
*The British Association for Contemporary Literary Studies: Founding Chair\\
*Forum for Philosophy: Treasurer 2003-2005, now Executive committee \\
*Institute of English Studies: Advisory Board 2013 - 2018\\
*Holocaust Education Trust: advisor
__College leadership__
*Deputy Dean, Faculty of Arts, 2005- 2009\\
__Holocaust Research Institute__
*Deputy Director of the Holocaust Research Institute 2002 - 2016.\\
__ Policy Impact__
*UK Government: Holocaust Memorialisation: Member, UK Holocaust Memorial Foundation Academic Advisory Board, 2019\\
*UK Government: Quality Assurance Agency: Chair of the Advisory Panel for the Subject Benchmarking Statement for English 2021. *UK Government: Secondary level English, A-Levels and Exam Boards: \\
*Consulted by the Department for Education, OfQual \\
*UK Government: British Council; Literary Advisor (1998 - 2008)
__Public Engagement__
*National media: several national radio appearance (e.g. Radio 4 ‘In Our Time’ on Hannah Arendt)\\
*Literary Festivals: all the major (and many minor) UK Literary Festivals \\
*Other Recent engagement\\
**Brexit and literature interviews German national radio (2020), Spanish Press (2019), Brazilian Press (2019), UK press (2019)\\
**Talks for Holocaust Education Trust; British Library; Imperial War Museum
__Lectures and Papers__
*Recent plenaries and lectures\\
**Sweden, China (several) Denmark; Johann-Wolfgang-Goethe Universität;  Universities of Zaragoza, Porto, Turku, Uppsala, Ružomberok, Tokyo, MLA\\
*Less recently: to universities of Leiden, Ghent, Antwerp, Dublin, Aarhus\\
__Teaching Profile__ 
*National Teaching Fellowship (2014); College Teaching Prize (2012); Fellow of the Higher Education Academy.\\
*External Teaching: I teach philosophy to psychiatrists based at the Maudsley Hospital in south London.\\
*PhD Supervision: 9 PhDs to completion. Supervising six PhD students.\\ \\