!!Other Information

!Short laudatio of Erik Duval
by Hermann Maurer\\ \\

Erik Duval has been very influential in shaping the domain of Technology Enhanced Learning (TEL) as a legitimate field of scholarship and research. This work started with the establishment of the European Foundation ARIADNE in 1996. Erik chaired ARIADNE from 2000 to 2008.\\

Out of early work in this European network grew the IEEE Learning Technologies Standards Committee (LTSC) Learning Object Metadata (LOM) standard that is widely adopted in the commercial and scientific world and that has been a key piece of technology in the impressive growth of an open learning infrastructure. Prof. Duval is the technical editor of this standard and chairs the IEEE LTSC LOM working group since 2008. He was also the founding chair of the European CEN/ISSS workshop on learning technologies.\\

On a purely scientific level, Prof. Duval has been a core member in several initiatives to strengthen the quality and relevance of research in TEL: he coordinated the research on learning objects and interoperability and metadata in the European PROLEARN network of excellence and now coordinates the work on building strategic capacity in the STELLAR network of excellence, the only current network on this topic supported by the EU.\\

In terms of scientific output, Prof. Duval has published more than 50 peer reviewed papers in international journals as well as more than 120 papers in international peer reviewed conferences – a publication channel that is especially relevant in his domain. In total, these publications have collected more than 1950 citations. His h-index is 20: this means that at least 20 of his papers have been cited at least 20 times. \\

Erik has been the principal investigator of circa 25 projects, funded by European, national and regional agencies, for a total budget for his own team of circa 5 million euro. Prof. Duval was a member of the Scientific and Technical Council of the SURF Foundation in the Netherlands (2003-2008). He chaired the Steering Committee of the EdMedia World Conference series on Educational Multimedia and Hypermedia from 1999 to 2002. He was instrumental in setting up the IEEE Transactions on Learning Technologies and serves on the Steering Committee of this leading journal of the field. Prof. Duval also serves on the Board of Editors of the Journal of Universal Knowledge Management, on the Editorial Review Board and the Executive Advisory Board of the International Journal on E-Learning and the Editorial Review Board of the WebNet Journal.\\

Prof. Duval was the general chair of the Third European Conference on Technology Enhanced Learning (ECTEL08) and program chair of 12 conferences or workshops in the domain. He has been invited by the American, Swiss, Austrian and Dutch National Science Foundations, as well as by the William and Flora Hewlett Foundation and UNESCO to help set research agendas and review projects.\\

Since 4 years ago, the research of his unit has extended to applications in music information retrieval and the use of cyber-infrastructure for the support of science (“science2.0”). Prof. Duval co-founded two spin-offs that commercialize earlier research results and with whom he continues to collaborate on new research topics. Prof Duval now leads a team of four professors, 4 post-doctoral researchers and 13 doctoral students.\\

Prof. Duval is a frequent keynoter and invited speaker at conferences in not only Europe and North-America, but also in Latin America, Asia and the Arab world.\\


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