!!Jerzy Duszynski - Curriculum Vitae

__Degrees and titles:__\\
*1971 – graduated from the Warsaw University\\
*1975 – was granted the degree of doctor (Ph.D.) in biological sciences at the Nencki Institute\\
*1983 – was granted Doctor of Sciences degree (habilitation) at the Nencki Institute\\
*1993 – was granted the title of professor by the President of the Republic of Poland\\
*2007 – elected to Polish Academy of Sciences\\
__ Academic internships:__
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1976,1978, 1992 the USA (3 years in the laboratories of J.R. Williamson, Pennsylvania University, Philadelphia and K.F. LaNoue, PennState Univ., Hershey); 1985-1986, France  (1 year in the laboratory of  P.V. Vignais, Nucleaire Centre, Grenoble); numerous short-term internships in the laboratories of  J.M. Tager (Amsterdam), W. Kunz (Magdeburg), F. Palmieri (Bari), J.P. Mazat (Bourdeaux), V.P. Skulachev (Moscow).
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__Scientific publications:__
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The scientific publications that I have co-authored have  been jointly quoted more than 1800 times; 4 of them have been quoted more than 100 times.\\
__Positions and functions at national and international institutions:__\\
*Member of the Editorial Committee of European J. Biochemistry (1987-1996) \\
*Member of Scientific Committees of four European Bieoenergetics Conferences\\
*Deputy Chairman of the Scientific Committee of the FEBS Congress, Warsaw, 2004\\
*Coordinator of the Project of the European Union Centre of Excellence BRAINS\\
*Member of  FEBS Publication Committee (2003- 2006)\\
*National delegate to BioMedSciences European Strategy Forum for Research Infrastructures (2005 – 2008);\\
*Chairman of the Research Infrastructure Group at Ministry of Science and Higher Education (term of office: 2006- 2009)\\
*Chairman of the Council of Directors of  PAN Institutions (term of office: 2007- 2010)\\
*Member of the section P04 KBN for Molecular Biology, Biochemistry and Biophysics (twice in the capacity of the chairman of the section)\\
*Member of the management of the Polish Molecular and Cellular Biology Network UNESCO/PAN  (currently the network coordinator)\\
*Member of the Scientific Councils of a number of other PAN institutions\\
*Member of the International Advisory Committee at the International Institute of Molecular and Cell Biology\\
*Chairman of the Warsaw division of the Polish Biochemical Society (1998- 2006)\\
*Undersecretary of State, Ministry of Science and Higher Education (2008 – 2009)\\
*Dean of Biological and Agricultural Section of the Polish Academy of Sciences (2010- 2014) \\
__Activity in the Nencki Institute of Experimental Biology:__\\
*Member of Scientific Council since 1990 (Secretary in the years 1990-1992)\\
*Chairman of Scientific Council (1996-2001)\\
*Head of the Laboratory of Bioenergetics and Biomembranes (1997–present)\\
*Head of Department of Cellular Biochemistry (1998-2002)\\
*Director  (2003-2008)\\
*Coordinator of the Centre of Excellence BRAINS working under the 5th Framework Programme\\
__Social activity:__\\
*Chairman of the Committee for the Reform of the National Curriculum for Biology at Ministry of National Education (1990-2001)\\
*Co-author of a series of secondary school textbooks\\
*Author of numerous press articles popularizing modern science\\
*Leader of Solidarność at the Nencki Institute (1980-1985)\\
*Member and Chairman of the Town Council in Podkowa Leśna (1989-1993)