!!Carlo Doglioni - Curriculum vitae
[CV|Carlo Doglioni.pdf]
[{Image src='CarloDoglioni 1.jpg' caption='' height='400' class='image_right' alt='Carlo Doglioni'}]
Born in Feltre (Italy), 1957\\
Doctor in Geology at the University of Ferrara, 1981\\
Assistant at the University of Ferrara, 1981-1983\\ 
Researcher at the University of Ferrara, 1983-1992\\
Associate professor University of Bari 1992-1994\\
Professor University of Basilicata, 1994-1997\\
Professor Sapienza University – Roma, 1997-\\
*Visiting researcher at the University of Basel, 1983-1984\\
*Visiting researcher at the University of Oxford, 1985\\
*Visiting researcher at the Rice University in Houston, 1988; 1992; 1994\\
*Scientific party ODP Leg 161 in the western Mediterranean, 1995
*Member of the Tectonics Panel, Ocean Drilling Program, 1992-1994
*Chairman of the Geodynamics department at the University of Basilicata, 1994-1997 
*Chairman of the scientific panel of the CROP project, 1999-
*Member of the Italian Geological Committee, 2003-
*Vice-President of the Italian Geological Society, 2003-2008
*Editor-in-Chief of Terra Nova 2003- 
*Associate Editor of Tectonics 2004-
*Editorial board Journal Structural Geology, 1987-2007; Bull. Soc. Géol. de France, 2000-2005; Compte Rendu *Ac. Sci. Bulgare, 2006-; Italian Journal of Geosciences, 2000-
*Coordinator project Sismologia 1 of the Italian Civil Protection, 2008-2010
*President of the Italian Geological Society, 2009-
__Research activity:__
*Structure and evolution of the Southern Alps and Apennines\\
*Field work and Geodynamics of the Mediterranean\\
*Relationship between tectonics and sedimentation\\ 
*Asymmetry of orogens and foreland basins as a function of the subduction polarity\\
*Proposition of a tectonic mainstream of plate motion\\
*Evidences for the polarization of plate tectonics\\
*Westward drift of the lithosphere and contribution of the Earth’s rotation on plate tectonics\\
Research grants from EU, CNR, ASI, Miur, Sapienza University and oil companies.
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*Dal Piaz Award of the Italian Geological Society, 1986
*Distinguished Lecturer dell'American Association Petroleum Geologists, US tour 1994
*Spendiarov Award of the Russian Academy of Sciences, 2004, 32° IGC
*Distinguished Lecturer dell'American Association Petroleum Geologists, Europe tour 2005
*Academia Europaea Fellow, 2005 
*Istituto Lombardo di Scienze Lettere ed Arti Fellow, 2006 
*Istituto Veneto di Scienze Lettere ed Arti Fellow, 2007
*Alfred Wegener Award, European Association of Geoscientists and Engineers, 2009
*Accademia dei Lincei Fellow, 2009
*Accademia delle Scienze, XL, 2011