!!Gragan Dockray - Curriculum Vitae
Graham Dockray is Professor of Physiology at the University of Liverpool and was Deputy Vice-Chancellor from 2006 to 2008. He attended the University of Nottingham (BSc 1st class Hons, 1967; Ph.D., 1971), and was a Fogarty International Fellow of the NIH at the VA Hospital Los Angeles and UCLA. He has been Professor of Physiology at the University of Liverpool since 1982. 
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His research focuses on the biology of entero-endocrine cells, the control of epithelial organization and signaling from gut to brain particularly the integrative role of vagal afferent neurons in the control of food intake.
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He is a Founder Fellow of the Academy of Medical Sciences (1998), an honorary Fellow of the Royal College of Physicians (2002) and a Fellow of the Royal Society (2004).