!!New August 2013:
[{Image src='Djerassi-Buch.jpg' caption='' width='150' class='image_left' alt='Djerassi-Book'}]
For his 90 the birthday on Oct. 29, 2103 his newest autobiography has just appeared.\\
See picture: "Der Schattensammler- Die allerletzte Autogbiographie" \\
(In English this would be: "The collector of shadows- the very last autobiography" \\
[Haymon Publishing|http://www.haymonverlag.at]\\

Reviews and some textual pieces can be found also from his homepage or directly : [Reviews of Djerassi's latest autobiography|http://www.djerassi.com/lastautobio/index.html]

We are not aware of an English version at this point in time, although the book was translated from an English manuscript by Ursula Maria-Mössner.

Graz/Austria, August 15, 2013

!!From Carl Djerassi's [homepage|http://www.djerassi.com] :
[{Image src='djerassi.jpg' caption='Bookcovers' width='800' alt='djerassi.jpg'}]


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