!!Andras Janos Dinnyes - Selected Publications
342 scientific publications (full papers: 191, number of books/book chapters: 26), total IF: 445.5, No. of independent citations: 4599, h-index: 36, i10-index: 74)\\

1. Ochalek A, Mihalik B, Avci HX, Chandrasekaran A, Téglási A, Bock I, Giudice ML, Táncos Z, Molnár K, László L, Nielsen JE, Holst B, Freude K, Hyttel P, Kobolák J, Dinnyés A. Neurons derived from sporadic Alzheimer's disease iPSCs reveal elevated TAU hyperphosphorylation, increased amyloid levels, and GSK3B activation. Alzheimers Res Ther. 2017 Dec 1;9(1):90. \\

2. Chandrasekaran A, Avci HX, Ochalek A, Rösingh LN, Molnár K, László L, Bellák T, Téglási A, Pesti K, Mike A, Phanthong P, Bíró O, Hall V, Kitiyanant N, Krause KH, Kobolák J, Dinnyés A. Comparison of 2D and 3D neural induction methods for the generation of neural progenitor cells from human induced pluripotent stem cells. Stem Cell Res. 2017 Dec;25:139-151. \\

3. Nagy J, Kobolák J, Berzsenyi S, Ábrahám Z, Avci HX, Bock I, Bekes Z, Hodoscsek B, Chandrasekaran A, Téglási A, Dezső P, Koványi B, Vörös ET, Fodor L, Szél T, Németh K, Balázs A, Dinnyés A, Lendvai B, Lévay G, Román V. Altered neurite morphology and cholinergic function of induced pluripotent stem cell-derived neurons from a patient with Kleefstra syndrome and autism. Transl Psychiatry. 2017 Jul 25;7(7)\\

4. Ochalek A, Szczesna K, Petazzi P, Kobolak J, Dinnyes A. Generation of Cholinergic and Dopaminergic Interneurons from Human Pluripotent Stem Cells as a Relevant Tool for In Vitro Modeling of Neurological Disorders Pathology and Therapy. Stem Cells Int. 2016;2016:5838934. doi: 10.1155/2016/5838934. Epub 2016\\

5. Bock I, Németh K, Pentelényi K, Balicza P, Balázs A, Molnár MJ, Román V, Nagy J, Lévay G, Kobolák J, Dinnyés A. Targeted next generation sequencing of a panel of autism-related genes identifies an EHMT1 mutation in a Kleefstra syndrome patient with autism and normal intellectual performance. Gene. 595(2):131-141. 2016\\

6. Pajer, K., Nemes, C., Berzsenyi, S., Kovács, KA., Pirity, MK., Pajenda, G., Nógrádi, A., Dinnyés, A. Grafted murine induced pluripotent stem cells prevent death of injured rat motoneurons otherwise destined to die. Experimental Neurology. 269, pp.188-201. 2015.
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7. Wilmut, I., Beaujean, N., De sousa, P.A, Dinnyes, A., King, T.J., Patarson, L.A., Wells, D.N., Young, L.E Somatic cell nuclear transfer. Nature 2002 419(6907)pp.583-587. IF: 30,432  (citations: 505)\\

8. Denning, C., Burl,S., Ainslie,A., Bracken, J., Dinnyes, A., Fletcher, J., King, t.,  Ritchie, M., Ritchie, W.A., Rollo, M., De Sousa, PA., Travers, A., Wilmut, I., Clark., A.J. Deletion of the alpha(1,3)galactosyl transferase (GGTA1) gene and the prion protein (PrP) gene in sheep. Nature Biotechnology 2002 19 (6),pp.559-562. IF:11,31 (citations: 303)\\

9. Xue, F., Tian, XC., Du, F., Kubota, C., Taneja, M., Dinnyes, A., Dai, Y., Levine, H., Pereira, LV., Yang, X. Aberrant patterns of X chromosome inactivation in bovine clones. Nature Genetics. 31(2),pp.216-20. 2002 IF:26,711 (citations: 297)\\

10. Dinnyes, A., Dai, Y., Jiang, S., Yang, X. High developmental rates of vitrified bovine oocytes following parthenogenetic activation, in vitro fertilization, and somatic cell nuclear transfer. Biology of Reproduction  2000 63(2),pp.513-518. IF: 3,605 (citations: 321)