!!Bernard Derrida - Publications
Recent publications: [http://www.lps.ens.fr/~derrida/recent.html]\\
__Best known works:__\\
1.  B. Derrida,  The random  energy model, an exactly solvable model of disordered systems \\
      Phys. Rev. B24, 2613 (1981)\\
2.  B. Derrida,  J. Vannimenus, A transfer  matrix  approach to random  resistor networks\\
      J. Phys. A15, L557 (1982)\\
3.  B. Derrida,  E. Gardner, A. Zippelius, An  exactly solvable asymmetric neural network  model\\
      Europhys.  Lett. 4, 167 (1987)\\
4.  P.G.  Higgs, B. Derrida,  Genetic  distance  and species formation  in evolving populations\\
      J. Mol. Evol. 35, 454-465 (1992)\\
5.  B. Derrida,  M.R. Evans, V. Hakim, V. Pasquier,\\
      Exact solution of a 1d asymmetric exclusion model using a matrix  formulation \\
      J. Phys.  A26, 1493 (1993)\\
6.  B.  Derrida,  V. Hakim,  V. Pasquier,  Exact  first  passage exponents  in  1d domain  growth :\\
      relation  to a reaction-diffusion model \\
       Phys.  Rev. Lett. 75, 751 (1995)\\
7.  E. Brunet, B. Derrida,  Shift  in the velocity of a front  due to a cut-off Phys.  \\
     Rev. E 56, 2597 (1997)\\
8.  B. Derrida,  J.L. Lebowitz, E.R. Speer, Free energy functional  for nonequilibrium  systems  : an exactly soluble case   \\
      Phys.  Rev. Lett. 87, 150601 (2001)\\
9.  T.  Bodineau,  B.  Derrida,  Current  fluctuations   in  nonequilibrium  diffusive  systems  : An additivity  principle \\
      Phys.  Rev. Lett. 92, 180601 (2004)\\
10.  E. Brunet, B. Derrida,  A. H. Mueller, S. Munier,  \\
      A phenomenological  theory giving the full statistics  of the position  of fluctuating  pulled fronts\\
      Phys. Rev. E 73, 056126 (2006)\\
11.  B. Derrida,  A. Gerschenfeld,  \\
      Current  fluctuations of the one dimensional  symmetric simple exclusion process with step initial  condition\\
      J. Stat.  Phys.  136, 1-15 (2009)\\
12.  E. Brunet,  B. Derrida,  Genealogies in  simple  models  of evolution\\
        J. Stat. Mech. P01006 (2013)