!!Hugo Delgado-Granados - Biography and curriculum vitae
Dr. Hugo Delgado-Granados has shown leadership in scientific activities like founding President of the Latin American Association of Volcanology and Vice-president of the International Association of Volcanology and Chemistry of the Earth's Interior, Associate Editor of international magazines like Bulletin of Volcanology and Geoscience Data Journal. As an organizer, he is a leader in projects, courses, national and international workshops, forming national and international consortiums with colleagues from North America, Europe, Central and South America. The founding of laboratories such as the University Laboratory of Petrology and infrastructure development such as instrumental monitoring networks at Popocatépetl and Fuego de Colima volcanoes are an essential part of the innovative work with scientific and social impact. Also noteworthy are the performance as an Adviser and Trainer in courses on the evaluation of Geological Hazards in Central and South America, teaching the General Volcanology Course which is taught online since 2011 for several countries in Latin America, as well as governmental entities in Mexico such as the National Center for Disaster Prevention, the National Civil Defense, and Latin America such as Instituto Nicaragüense de Estudios Territoriales in Nicaragua, Servicio Nacional de Estudios Territoriales in El Salvador, and Servicio Nacional de Geología y Minería of Chile.\\
Strong relationship with European scientists includes Bo Galle and Santiago Arellano (Chalmers University) in Sweden; Ulrich Platt and Nicole Bobrowski (University of Heidelberg), Donald Dingwell and Corrado Cimarelli (Ludwig Maximillians University, Munich) in Germany; Heribert Insam (University of Innsbruck) in Austria; Stephen Sparks and Mathew Watson (University of Bristol) in the UK; Benjamin van Wyk de Vries, Jean-Claude Thouret, Pablo Samaniego, Jean-Luc Le Pennec, and Andrew Harris (Univerity Clermont Auvergne, Laboratoire de Magmas et Volcans) in France; Wilfried Haeberli, Christian Huggel, Michael Zemp and Frank Paul (University of Zürich) in Switzerland; Mauro Rosi (Università di Pisa), Jacopo Tadeucci (INGV-Rome), Antonio Costa (INGV-Bologna), Salvatore Inguaggiato (INGV-Palermo) in Italy; Arnau Folch (Barcelona Supercomputing Center), Ramón Ortíz Ramis (IG-Escuela Politécnica Nacional), and Nemesio Pérez (Instituto Volcanológico de Canarias) in Spain.\\
*1989-1992	D. Sc. in Geology, Tohoku University, Faculty of Sciences, Japan\\
*1987-1989	M. Sc. in Geology, Tohoku University, Faculty of Sciences, Japan\\
*1976-1983	Bachelor in Geological Engineering, University of Mexico (UNAM ), Faculty of Engineering
__University Research Appointments__
*2017 - present	Director, Institute of Geophysics, UNAM\\
*2016 - 2017    	Department Head, Department of Volcanology, Institute of Geophysics, UNAM\\
*2010 - present	Senior Researcher “C”, Department of Volcanology, Institute of Geophysics, UNAM \\
*2001 - 2010	Senior Researcher “B”, Department of Volcanology, Institute of Geophysics, UNAM\\
*1997 - 2001	Senior Researcher “A”, Department of Volcanology, Institute of Geophysics, UNAM\\
*1997 - 2002	Associate Researcher “C”, Department of Volcanology, Institute of Geophysics, UNAM\\
*1984 - 1986	Associated Technician “B”, Department of Paleomagnetism, Institute of Geophysics, UNAM\\
*1983 - 1984	Associated Technician “B”, Department of Geomorphology, Institute of Geography, UNAM
__University Teaching Appointments__
*1983-present	Professor “A”, UNAM, Faculty of Engineering, UNAM\\
*1985-present	Professor “A”, UNAM, Institute of Geophysics, UNAM\\
*1979-1980	Teaching Assistant, UNAM, Faculty of Engineering, UNAM
__Professional Experience__
*1987-1991 Part-time independent consultant geologist\\
*1980-1982 Consultant Geologist (Estudios Físicos de la Tierra, S. A.)
__Visiting Academic Appointments__
*2019    Visiting Profesor, Ludwig-Maximilians Universität München, Germany\\
*2011    Visiting Profesor, University of Califronia, Berkeley, EUA\\
*2010    Visiting Profesor, Servicio Nacional de Estudios Territoriales, San Salvador, El Salvador\\
*2010    Visiting Profesor, Salta University, Salta, Argentina\\
*2009    Visiting Profesor, Ludwig-Maximilian University, Munich, Germany\\
*2009    Visiting Profesor, Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia Sezione de Palermo, Italia\\
*2009    Visiting Profesor, Heidelberg University, Germany\\
*2008	Visiting Professor, Ludwig-Maximilian University, Munich, Germany\\
*2007	Visiting Professor, Tohoku University, Japan\\
*2006	Visiting Professor, Universidad Nacional de Salta, Argentina\\
*2005	Visiting Professor, Swiss Federal Institute for Technology, Switzerland\\
*2004	Visiting Professor, Michigan Technological University, USA\\
*2003	Visiting Professor, University of Zürich, Switzerland\\
*2002	Visiting Professor, Michigan Technological University, USA\\
*2002	Advisor, Instituto Nicaragüense de Estudios Territoriales, Nicaragua\\
*1995	Visiting Scientist, National Hydrology Research Institute, Canada\\
*1994	Visiting Professor, State University of New York at Buffalo, USA\\
*1992	Visiting Professor, Tohoku University, Japan
__Scientific Appointments__
*2017-present	President. National Committee of the International Union of Geodesy and geophysics (IUGG), Mexico\\
*2017-2019	Chair. Joint Commission on Volcano-Ice interactions. International Association of Volcanology and Chemistry of the Earth’s Interior (IAVCEI) and International Association of Cryosphere Sciences (IACS)\\
*2014-present	Member. Consulting Scientific Committee on Geologic Hazards of the National Civil Protection System (SINAPROC-Mexico)\\
*2014-2016	President. Consulting Scientific Committee on Geologic Hazards of the National Civil Protection System (SINAPROC-Mexico)\\
*2011-2015	Vice-President. International Association of Volcanology and Chemistry of the Earth’s Interior (IAVCEI).\\
*2010 - 2012   	Founding President. Latin American Association of Volcanology (ALVO)\\
*2009 - present	National Correspondent for International Association of Cryosphere Sciences (IACS) of the IUGG\\
*2008 - present   CONICET (Argentina) research project evaluator\\
*2006 - present 	FONDECyT (Chile) research project evaluator\\
*2004 - present	Mexican correspondent for the GTNH-LAC (Working Group of Snow and Ice in Latin America and Caribbean) of the International Hydrological Program of UNESCO\\
*2001 - present 	External Evaluator of the National Science and Technology Council (CONACYT)\\
*1999 - present	Mexican representative for the Global Land Ice Measurement from Space (GLIMS)\\
*1999 - present 	Member of the Advisory Committee of the Metropolitan Geological Survey of Mexico City\\
*1998 - 2000 	Member of the Geological Engineer career committee of the Faculty of Engineering\\
*1998 - present	Screening Committee Member of Mexican Candidates for the scholarship of the Japanese Government.\\
*1997 - present 	Member of the Scientific Committee of Colima volcano. Colima state government-Ministry of the Interior\\
*1999 - 2002 Member of the Internal Council of the Institute of Geophysics, UNAM\\
*1995 - present Member of the Admisión Committee of the Graduate School on Earth Sciences. Institute of Geophysics, UNAM\\
*1994 - present Member of the Scientific Committee of the National System of Civil Defense on Geologic Phenomena (Popocatépetl volcano)\\
*1993 - present National Science and Technology Council (CONACYT-Mexico) research project evaluator\\
*1993 - 2000 	Member of the Mexican Committee on Active Faults\\
*1984 - present 	National Correspondent for the World Glacier Monitoring Service of the International Association of Hydrological Sciences-UNESCO
__Editorial Commissions__
*2012-2017 Associate editor of the Geoscience Database Journal, Wiley Eds.\\
*2004-2011 Associate editor of the Bulletin of Volcanology, Springer\\
*2005-2007 Editor (invited) of the Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research, Elsevier\\
*2003 Guest Editor (special issue) of the Geofísica Internacional journal\\
*2000 Editor of a Geological Society of America Special Paper\\
*1993-1994 Guest Editor (special issue) of the journal Geofísica Internacional\\
*1991-1993 Editorial Board. Institute of Geophysics, UNAM \\
__Profesional Affiliations__\\
*1980 - present 	Geological Society of México\\
*1985 - present 	Mexican Geophysical Union\\
*1988 - present	Geological Society of America\\
*1992 - present 	American Geophysical Union\\
*1997 - present  	International Association of Volcanology and Chemistry of the Earth's Interior\\
*1999 - present	Mexican Academy of Sciences\\
*2010 - present	Latin American Association of Volcanology
*1995 	Prize to Civil Merit. Government of the State of Puebla
*1995	National Research System. National Researcher I\\
*2001	National Research System. National Researcher II\\
*2013 	Medal to University Merit for 25 years of academic activities\\
*2014	National Research System. National Researcher III\\
*2014	National Center for Disaster Prevention recognition for 20 years of civil service as member of the Scientific Committee that studies the eruptive activity of Popocatépetl volcano\\
*2017	Kraft Medal. Granted by the International Association of Volcanology and Chemistry of the Earth’s Interior for outstanding contributions to volcanology through service to the scientific community and to communities threatened by volcanic activity\\
*2019	Merit Medal “Prof. José Santos Valdés”. Granted by the I Legislature of the Mexico City Congress for outstanding contributions to teaching\\
*2019	Manuel Maldonado Koerdell Medal, Granted by the Mexican Geophysical Union for outstanding research activities, scientific impact and teaching\\
*2019	Civil Defense National Prize, Honorific Mention. Granted by the Government of Mexico to individuals and groups that represent an example to the comunity for their efforts to protect and establish preparedness against natural phenomena that put at risk to the population
__Formation of Human resources__\\
7PhDs, 13 M. Sc, 32 Diploma students.
\\ \\
__Scientific Publications__\\
158 publications (SCI journals, proceedings, books and book chapters), 17 maps, 401 congress and meeting papers, 54 scientific outreach publications. \\
__Scientific projects__\\
59 as responsible and/or leader researcher.\\ \\