!!Grace Davie - Curriculum Vitae
*1964-67  University of Exeter, UK\\
*1967-71  London School of Economics
*1967     BA in Sociology, first class, University of Exeter\\
*1975     Ph D in Sociology, University of London\\
*2008     Honorary Doctorate, Faculty of Theology, Uppsala University, Sweden
__Current positions__
*2011 -   Professor emeritus of Sociology, University of Exeter\\
*2000 -   (periodically) Visiting Professor, Faculty of Theology, Uppsala University
__Previous Positions__
*1990 on: Lectureship, Senior Lectureship, then Reader in the Sociology of Religion, Department of Sociology, University of Exeter\\
*2000 - 2001  (academic session)  Kerstin Hesselgren Professor at Uppsala University \\
*2002 - 2006  Director, Centre for European Studies, University of Exeter
__Selected Publications__
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1994   Religion in Britain since 1945: Believing without Belonging. Oxford: Blackwell (for fully revised edition, see below, 2015)\\
1996   (& Danièle Hervieu-Léger) (eds). Identités religieuses en Europe. Paris: La Découverte.\\
2000   Religion in Modern Europe: A Memory Mutates. Oxford: Oxford University Press.\\
2002   Europe, the Exceptional Case. Parameters of Faith in the Modern World. London:  Darton, Longman and Todd.\\
2007   The Sociology of Religion. London: Sage (new edition 2013)\\
2008   (& Peter Berger and Effie Fokas). Religious America, Secular Europe: A Theme and Variations. Farnham: Ashgate.\\
2010 (& Anders Bäckström, Ninna Edgardh and Per Pettersson) (eds),  Welfare and Religion in 21st century Europe: Volume 1.  Configuring the Connections. Farnham: Ashgate.\\
2011   (& Anders Bäckström, Ninna Edgardh and Per Pettersson) (eds), Welfare and Religion in 21st century Europe:  Volume 2.  Gendered, Religious and Social Change. Farnham: Ashgate.\\
2015   Religion in Britain: A Persistent Paradox.  Oxford: Wiley-Blackwell\\
2017   (& Lina Molokotos-Liederman and Anders Bäckström) (eds), Religion and Welfare in Europe: Gendered and Minority Perspectives. Bristol: Policy Press.\\
2017   Religion in Public Life: Levelling the Ground. London: Theos.\\
2018   Co-ordinating Lead Author, Chapter 16 on ‘Religions and social progress: Critical assessments and creative partnerships’.  See [https://www.ipsp.org] and International Panel on Social Progress (ed.)  Rethinking #Society for the 21st Century. 3 vols. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.\\
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(& Lucian Leustean) (eds) The Oxford Handbook of Religion and Europe. Oxford: Oxford University Press.\\
__Guest edited journal__
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2004 Sociology of Religion, 65/4, Association for the Sociology of Religion, presidential issue.\\
__Lectures, papers and seminars (listed thematically)__
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In the last three decades, I have contributed extensively to the academic and public debate about religion in the modern world.  My contributions fall into the following categories:\\
(a)  presentations at academic meetings, including on a regular basis:  the BSA Sociology of Religion Study Group, the International Society for the Sociology of Religion (SISR), the American Association for the Sociology of Religion (ASR) of which I was President in 2003, and the RC 22 of the International Sociological Association (ISA), of which I was President for the 2002-06 term.\\
(b)  invited papers at academic symposia or staff/graduate seminars at universities/similar venues in Britain, Europe, Russia, Turkey, Israel, Morocco, the United States, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, Mexico, South Africa, The Solomon Islands, Singapore, China and Japan. \\
(c)  selected public or endowed lectures since 2000:
*2001  Sarum College Lectures, Salisbury Cathedral\\
*2003  Keswick Hall Lecture, UEA, Norwich\\
*2003  Presidential address, Association for the Sociology of Religion, Atlanta, GA\\
*2006  St Matthias Lecture, University of Bristol\\
*2008  Ebor Lecture in York Minster\\
*2008  Hooker Lecture in Exeter Cathedral\\
*2010  Contributions to Forum 2000, Prague\\
*2011  Paul Douglass Lecture at the Religious Research Association, Milwaukee, WI\\
*2013  Public lecture in Critical Thinkers in Religion, Law and Social Theory series, University of Ottawa\\
*2013  Plenary address at the Opening Ceremony of the Xth International Symposium of University Professors: ‘Cultures before God’, Vicariato di Roma\\
*2014  (with Hugh McLeod and John Wolffe) Scott Holland lectures, London (Westminster Abbey) and Brussels (Chapel of the Resurrection)\\
*2016  Edward Cadbury Lectures, University of Birmingham\\
*2018  Plenary address, European Association for the Study of Religion, Bern\\
*2018  Plenary address, Inaugural conference of the East Asian Society for the Scientific Study of Religion, Singapore\\
(d)  presentations to specialist audiences, for example VIth Form Conferences on Sociology, the Association for Teachers of Social Science,  European bodies responsible for the management of religious issues in and beyond the EU, and (in August 2004) the serving ambassadors of Switzerland.   In December 2005, I took part in an ‘event’ organized by the Pew Forum on Religion in Public Life.  These events bring together ‘distinguished’ academics and the representatives of the national media in the US (e.g. The Washington Post, Newsweek, CNN).  I have participated in three invited symposia at Lambeth Palace (on religion in Europe, on higher education, and on religion in public life with special reference to China).\\
(e)  key note addresses at church/church related meetings, for example Diocesan Conferences and a range of more specialist gatherings (the Methodist Conference on Mission, Churches Together in Britain and Ireland, the Associations Européennes de Missiologie, the Conference of European Churches, the German Kirchentag, a variety of groups associated with the World Council of Churches, the Anglican Communion, and varieties of chaplaincies – prison, higher education, army and navy).\\ \\