!!Daniel-Ovidiu David - Selected Publications
__I. BOOKS/CHAPTERS__ - the books/chapters are published by top publishers (e.g., Oxford University Press, Springer Nature, Wiley) and are included in hundred of libraries worldwide (based on WorldCat). Selection (from +35 books and chapters):\\
     David, D., Lynn, S., & Montgomery, G. (Eds.) (2018). Evidence-based psychotherapy: The state of science and practice. Wiley, New York. - The book introduced a new paradigm for analyzing the evidence-based psychotherapy for major clinical conditions, based on the below mentioned article of David & Montgomery' model (2011), attracting top scientists as authors/co-authors.\\
     David, D., Lynn, S., & Ellis, A. (Eds.) (2010). Rational and irrational beliefs in human functioning and disturbances. Implication for research, theory, and practice. Oxford Universty Press, London, UK. - The book evaluated the state of the art and introduced new paradigms from a clinical cognitive science perspective, attracting top scientists as authors/co-authors; it obtained the "Constantin Rădulescu-Motru" Award of the Romanian Academy of Science in 2012.\\
     David, D. (2015). Rational emotive behavior therapy. In R. L. Cautin & S. O. Lilienfeld (Eds.), Encyclopedia of Clinical Psychology. Hoboken, NJ: Wiley-Blackwell. - This is an example of several major encyclopedic contributions.\\
__II. ARTICLES __- the articles are published in prestigious journals (e.g., American Journal of Psychiatry, Clinical Psychology Review, JAMA Psychiatry, Lancet Psychiatry, Psychological Bulletin, etc.). Selection (from +100 articles):\\
     David, D.....& Dopfner, M. (2021).  Psychotherapy, Atomoxetine or both? Preliminary evidence from a comparative study of three types of treatment for Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder in children. Cognitive Therapy and Research, 45, 149–165. - The first study in the world comparing this three clinical conditions for this population (in a Romanian-German collaboration).\\
     Stefan, S., Cristea I., Szentagotai Tatar, A., & David, D. (2019). Cognitive‐behavioral therapy (CBT) for generalized anxiety disorder: contrasting various CBT approaches in a randomized clinical trial. Journal of Clinical Psychology, 75(7), 1188 – 1202. - The first study in the world comparing this three clinical conditions for this population.\\
     David, D., Cotet, C., Matu, S., Mogoase, C., & Stefan, S. (2018). 50 years of rational-emotive and cognitive-behavioral therapy: A systematic review and meta-Analysis. Journal of Clinical Psychology, 74(3), 304–318. - The largest meta-analysis existing on REBT.\\
     David, D., Cristea, I., & Hofmann, S. G. (2018). Why cognitive behavioral therapy is the current gold standard of psychotherapy. Frontiers in Psychiatry, 9(4), 1-2. - It was a hot papers and one of the most viewed/downloaded paper in Frontiers.\\
     David, D., Matu, S. A., David, O. A., & Terracciano, A. (2017). The role of cognitive discrepancy between perception of national character and personality in the functioning and adaptation of 46 countries: An exploratory study. Cross-Cultural Research, 51(4), 412-430. - This study make an innovative link between two major less related research fields: cognitive science and cross-cultural psychology.\\
     David, D., & Montgomery, G. (2011). The scientific status of psychotherapies: A new evaluative framework for evidence-based psychosocial interventions. Clinical Psychology: Science and Practice, 18(2), 89-99. - It introduced a new model of evidence-based psychotherapy, supporting the above mentioned book of David, Lynn, & Montgomery (2018).\\
     David, D., Szentagotai, A., Lupu, V., & Cosman, D. (2008). Rational emotive behavior therapy, cognitive therapy, and medication in the treatment of major depressive disorder: A randomized clinical trial, posttreatment outcomes, and six-month follow-up. Journal of Clinical Psychology, 64(6), 728-746. - This was the first clinical trial run in Romania, comparing psychotherapy and medication, and the first one worldwide comparing these clinical conditions.  Based on it, REBT was included in the evidence-based psychotherapy list of the American Psychological Association (https://div12.org/treatment/rational-emotive-behavioral-therapy-for-depression/).\\
__III. IMPACT__ - In 2019 and 2020 Dr. David was included in top 2% most cited scientists in the world (in the Scopus system - analysis made by Stanford-Elsevier). GoogleScholar (27 March 2022): 12725 citations; H=60. Current research is focused on the role of cognitive mechanisms, both explicit (e.g., autobiographical memory) and implicit (e.g., implicit memory/learning; priming) in generating subjective/emotional (cognition-emotion relation), behavioral, and psycho-physiological human responses, more specifically, on the role of (a) rational/functional and irrational/dysfunctional beliefs and (b) response hopes and/or expectancies on various psychological and medical outcomes related to mental health and cancer. When clinical trials are used as research instruments - often based on cognitive behavioral psychotherapies (sometimes including cognitive hypnotherapy) - the analysis employed is typically multilevel, concerning: (1) outcomes (i.e., efficacy and/or effectiveness); (2) theory/mechanisms of change (both psychological and neurobiological); and (3) economical aspects (e.g., cost-effectiveness, cost-utility). A specific research interest is related to the use of technological developments in clinical psychology/psychotherapy (i.e., virtual/augmented reality therapy; robotherapy) and in a cross-cultural approach. Recently, a strong body of metaanalysis research (i.e. classic/IPD/network) defined Dr. David also as a “meta-researcher”.