!!Lieven D'hulst - Publications
__Selected Edited and co-edited volumes__
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D'hulst, L., Koskinen, K. (Eds.) (2020). ''Translating in Town. Local Translation Policies During the European 19th Century''. London: Bloomsbury. ISBN: 978-1-3500-9100-9. 
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D'hulst, L., Van De Poel, C. (Eds.) (2019). ''Alles verandert altijd. Perspectieven op literair vertalen''. Leuven University Press. ISBN: 9789462701939. doi: [10.11116/9789461662989|https://apps.crossref.org/coaccess/coaccess.html?doi=10.11116%2F9789461662989]
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D'hulst, L., Mariaule, M., Wecksteen-Quinio, C. (Eds.) (2019). ''Au coeur de la traductologie. Hommage à Michel Ballard''. (Traductologie). Arras: Artois Presses Université. ISBN: 978-2-84832-332-9. 
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D'hulst, L., Mariaule, M., Wecksteen-Quinio, C. (Eds.) (2019). ''Antiquité et traduction. De l'Egypte ancienne à Jérôme''. (Traductologie). Lille: Presses universitaires du Septentrion. ISBN: 978-2-7574-2445-2. 
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D'hulst, L., Gambier, Y. (Eds.) (2018). ''A History of Modern Translation Knowledge''. (Benjamins Translation Library, 142). Amsterdam-Philadelphia: John Benjamins. ISBN: 9789027200990. 
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Meylaerts, R., D'hulst, L., Verschaffel, T. (Eds.) (2017). ''Cultural mediation in Europe, 1800-1950''. Leuven: Leuven University Press. ISBN: 978 94 6270 112 0. 
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D'hulst, L., Schreiber, M. (Eds.) (2017). ''Translation policies: special issue of Parallèles''. (Parallèles, 29 (1)). Genève: Université de Genève.
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D'hulst, L., O'Sullivan, C., Schreiber, M. (Eds.) (2016). ''Politics, Policy and Power in Translation History''. (Transkulturalität – Translation – Transfer, 24). Berlin: Frank & Timme. ISBN: 978-3-7329-0173-9. 
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D'hulst, L. (Eds.) (2016). ''Literature and Globalism. Special Issue Canadian Review of Comparative Literature''. (Canadian Review of Comparative Literature. Special issue). Edmonton: University of Alberta. 
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__Recent Authored and co-authored Articles__ 
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D'hulst, L. (2022). Un regard d'historien sur les échanges des savoirs traductifs. ''Atelier de traduction'', (37), 35-49. 
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D'hulst, L. (2021). Une cartographie des traductions belges au XIXe siècle: centralisation et périphérisation des langues nationales. ''Romanica Wratislaviensia'', 68, 69-83. Open Access 
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D'hulst, L. (2021). POR QUE E COMO ESCREVER HISTÓRIAS DA TRADUÇÃO? ''Cadernos de Tradução'', 41 (2), 479-491. doi: [10.5007/2175-7968.2021.e75706|https://periodicos.ufsc.br/index.php/traducao/article/view/75706] Open Access
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D'hulst, L. (2020). Les "liederen" flamands à la croisée des cultures au cours du XIXe siècle. ''Revue Musicorum'', 21, 139-149. 
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D'hulst, L. (2019). Un auteur à la recherche d'une littérature: Clavareau en "Belgique" pendant la période "hollandaise". ''Revue belge de philologie et d'histoire. Belgisch tijdschrift voor filologie en geschiedenis'', 96 (2018) (4), 1313-1325. [Open Access|https://lirias.kuleuven.be/retrieve/548513]
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D'hulst, L. (2019). Le dilemme de Buridan: Une histoire de la traduction belge est-elle possible? ''Chronotopos. A journal of translation history'', 1 (1), 65-80. doi: [10.25365/cts-2019-1-1-5|https://chronotopos.eu/index.php/cts/article/view/558] Open Access 
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D'hulst, L., van Gerwen, H. (2018). Translation space in nineteenth-century Belgium: rethinking translation and transfer directions. ''Perspectives: Studies in Translation Theory and Practice'', 26 (4), 495-508. doi: [10.1080/0907676X.2017.1402940|https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/0907676X.2017.1402940] Open Access 
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D'hulst, L. (2017). Du discours sur l’art national: Van Hasselt et "La Renaissance" (1839-1854). ''Etudes Germaniques'', 72 (2), 255-266. doi: 10.3917/eger.286.0255 
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Schreiber, M., D'hulst, L. (2017). Translation policies in Western Europe (18th-2th centuries): interdisciplinary perspectives. ''Parallèles'', 29 (1), 3-5. 
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D'hulst, L. (2017). Traduire sous des régimes hégémoniques en Belgique: une politique de longue durée? ''Parallèles'', 29 (1), 19-33. 
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D'hulst, L. (2017). In Vlaanderen Vlaams? Bestuurlijke meertaligheid en vertaling in Kortrijk (1830-1914). ''De Leiegouw'', 59 (1), 101-123. 
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D'hulst, L. (2016). After Globalism. ''Canadian Review of Comparative Literature'', 43 (3), 337-341. 
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D'Hulst, L. with D'Hulst, L. (corresp. author) (2015). What challenges for the history of translation and of translation studies? ''META, 60'' (2), 281-298. doi: [10.7202/1032858ar|https://www.erudit.org/fr/revues/meta/2015-v60-n2-meta02055/1032858ar]
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D'hulst, L. (2015). Quels défis pour l'histoire de la traduction et de la traductologie? ''Meta: Journal des Traducteurs'', 60 (2), 281-298. 
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D'hulst, L. (2015). The figure of the translator revisited:a theoretical overview and a case study. ''Convergences francophones'', 2 (2), 1-11.
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D'hulst, L., Gonne, M., Lobbes, T., Meylaerts, R., Verschaffel, T. (2014). Towards a multipolar model of cultural mediators within multicultural spaces. Cultural mediators in Belgium (1830-1945). ''Belgisch Tijdschrift voor Filologie en Geschiedenis/Revue Belge de Philologie et d’Histoire'', 92 (4), 1255-1275. Open Access 
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D'hulst, L., Schreiber, M. with D'hulst, L. (corresp. author) (2014). About a historiography of policies of translations in Belgium during the French period. ''TARGET-INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF TRANSLATION STUDIES'', 26 (1), 3-31. doi: [10.1075/target.26.1.01hul|https://benjamins.com/online/target/articles/target.26.1.01hul]
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D'hulst, L., Schreiber, M. (2014). Vers une historiographie des politiques des traductions en Belgique durant la période française. ''Target: International Journal of Translation Studies'', 26 (1), 3-31. 
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__Recent Authored and Co-Authored Book Chapters__
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D'hulst, L. with D'hulst, L. (corresp. author) (2022). The history of Translation Studies as a discipline. In: C. Rundle (Eds.), ''ROUTLEDGE HANDBOOK OF TRANSLATION HISTORY'', (3-22). (Routledge Handbooks in Translation and Interpreting Studies). ROUTLEDGE. ISBN: 978-1-138-19205-8. doi: 10.4324/9781315640129-1 Open Access 
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D'hulst, L. (2021). Translating in occupied towns during the First World War. Between hegemonic policies and local practices. In: T.K. Lee (Eds.), ''The Routledge Handbook of Translation and the City'', (112-130). London: Routledge. ISBN: 9781138348875.
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D'hulst, L. (2021). Translation and the “Third Reich”: digging into the historian’s toolbox. In: L. Schippel, J. Richter (Eds.), ''Translation und „Drittes Reich“ II''", (15-28). Berlin: Frank&Timme Verlag. ISBN: 978-3-7329-0661-1. 
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D'hulst, L. (2021). What happened in translation studies before Translation Studies? On transfer in French translation knowledge (1900-1960). In: M.L. Moniz, I.C. Gil, A. Lopes (Eds.), ''Era uma vez a traducao... Once upon a time there was translation...'', (25-45). Lisbon: Universidade Catolica Editore. ISBN: 9789725407608. 
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D'hulst, L. (2020). Denken door metaforen. Raymond van den Broecks cruciale bijdrage tot de cognitieve vertaalwetenschap. In: W. Segers, H. Bloemen (Eds.), “''… mijn trage reistocht door de nacht …” Herinneringen aan Raymond van den Broeck'', (25-33). Gent: Academia Press. ISBN: 9789401471985. 
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D'hulst, L., Koskinen, K. (2020). Translating in towns: An introduction. In: L. D'hulst, K. Koskinen (Eds.), ''Translating in Town. Local Translation Policies During the European 19th Century'', (1-18). (Bloomsbury Advances in Translation). London: Bloomsbury. ISBN: 9781350091023. 
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D'hulst, L. (2020). Mediating Flemish: Local language and translation policies on the French-Belgian border. In: L. D'hulst, K. Koskinen (Eds.), ''Translating in Town. Local Translation Policies During the European 19th Century'', (91-114). London: Bloomsbury. ISBN: 9781350091023. 
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D'hulst, L., Van De Poel, C. (2019). Woord vooraf. In: ''Alles verandert altijd. Perspectieven op literair vertalen'', (7-8). Leuven University Press. ISBN: 9789462701939. 
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D'hulst, L., Meylaerts, R. (2019). Wie beslist? Over taal- en vertaalbeleid, in België en elders. In: ''In balans. Een inleiding tot de vertaal- en tolkwetenschap'', (84-103). Acco. ISBN: 9789463792387.
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D'hulst, L. (2019). How a Flemish Writer Turned Global: The Nineteenth-century Journey of Hendrik Conscience's Early Novellas. In: T. D'haen (Eds.), ''Dutch and Flemish Literature as World Literature'', Chapt. 8, (104-121). (Literatures as World Literature). London: Bloomsbury. ISBN: 9781501340123. 
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D'hulst, L. (2019). Avant la traductologie: méthodes, essais (1920-1960). In: B. Banoun, I. Poulin, Y. Chevrel (Eds.), ''Histoire des traductions en langue française, XXe siècle'', Chapt. 3, (239-275). Paris: Verdier. ISBN: 2378560192.
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D'hulst, L. (2019). Michel Ballard, historien de la traduction. In: L. D'hulst, C. Wecksteen-Quinio, M. Mariaule (Eds.), ''Au coeur de la traductologie. Hommage à Michel Ballard'', (8-9). Arras: Artois Presses Université. ISBN: 978-2-84832-332-9.
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D'hulst, L. (2019). Latin/Romance Tradition. In: Y. Gambier, U. Stecconi (Eds.), ''A World Atlas of Translation'', (341-354). (Benjamins Translation Library). Amsterdam-Philadelphia: John Benjamins. ISBN: 9789027202154. doi: [10.1075/btl.145.16dhu|https://benjamins.com/catalog/btl.145.16dhu]
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D'hulst, L. (2018). Mediating Flemish folk songs across cultural borders during the 19th century: From patrimonial monuments to musical propaganda. In: D. Roig-Sanz, R. Meylaerts (Eds.), ''Customs officers or smugglers? Literary translation and cultural mediators in peripheral cultures'', Chapt. 9, (235-262). (New Comparisons in World Literature, 1). London: Palgrave Macmillan. ISBN: 978-3-319-78113-6. 
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D'hulst, L. (2018). Counterfactual history. In: L. D'hulst, Y. Gambier (Eds.), ''A History of Modern Translation Knowledge'', (277-282). Amsterdam-Philadelphia: John Benjamins. ISBN: 9789027200990.
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D'hulst, L. (2018). Disseminating knowledge. Introduction. In: L. D'hulst, Y. Gambier (Eds.), ''A History of Modern Translation Knowledge'', (355-356). Amsterdam-Philadelphia: John Benjamins. ISBN: 9789027200990. 
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D'hulst, L., Gambier, Y. (2018). Applying knowledge. Introduction. In: L. D'hulst, Y. Gambier (Eds.), ''A History of Modern Translation Knowledge'', (407-408). Amsterdam-Philadelphia: John Benjamins. ISBN: 9789027200990. 
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D'hulst, L., Gambier, Y. (2018). General Introduction. In: L. D'hulst, Y. Gambier (Eds.), ''A History of Modern Translation Knowledge'', (1-14). Amsterdam-Philadelphia: John Benjamins. ISBN: 9789027200990. 
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D'hulst, L., Gambier, Y. (2018). Generating Knowledge. Introduction. In: L. D'hulst, Y. Gambier (Eds.), ''A History of Modern Translation Knowledge'', (17-18). Amsterdam-Philadelphia: John Benjamins. ISBN: 9789027200990. 
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D'hulst, L., Gambier, Y. (2018). Mapping Knowledge. Introduction. In: L. D'hulst, Y. Gambier (Eds.), ''A History of Modern Translation Knowledge'', (101-102). Amsterdam-Philadelphia: John Benjamins. ISBN: 9789027200990. 
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D'hulst, L. (2018). Transfer Modes. In: ''A History of Modern Translation Knowledge'', (135-142). Amsterdam-Philadelphia: John Benjamins. ISBN: 9789027200990. 
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D'hulst, L., Gambier, Y. (2018). Analysing knowledge. Introduction. In: L. D'hulst, Y. Gambier (Eds.), ''A History of Modern Translation Knowledge'', (285-286). Amsterdam-Philadelphia: John Benjamins. ISBN: 9789027200990. 
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D'hulst, L., Gambier, Y. (2018). Internationalising Knowledge. Introduction. In: L. D'hulst, Y. Gambier (Eds.), ''A History of Modern Translation Knowledge'', (151-152). Amsterdam-Philadelphia: John Benjamins. ISBN: 9789027200990. 
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D'hulst, L., Gambier, Y. (2018). Historicising knowledge. Introduction. In: L. D'hulst, Y. Gambier (Eds.), ''A History of Modern Translation Knowledge'', (233-234). Amsterdam-Philadelphia: John Benjamins. ISBN: 9789027200990. 
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D'hulst, L. (2018). Translation and space. A historical viewpoint and a case study. In: A. Escher, H. Spickermann (Eds.), ''Perspektiven der Interkulturalität. Forschungsfelder eines umstrittenen Begriffs'', (197-212). Heidelberg: Universitätsverlag Winter. ISBN: 978-3-8253-6839-5. 
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Meylaerts, R., D'Hulst, L., Verschaffel, T. (2018). Introduction. (7-19). ISBN: 9789462701120. 
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D'hulst, L., Gambier, Y. (2018). introduction. In: L. DHulst, Y. Gambier (Eds.), ''HISTORY OF MODERN TRANSLATION KNOWLEDGE: SOURCES, CONCEPTS, EFFECTS'', (1-14). (Benjamins Translation Library, 142). JOHN BENJAMINS B V PUBL. ISBN: 978-90-272-0099-0. doi: [10.1075/btl.142.int