!!István Czigler - Selected Publications
__Number of documents:__ 250 (Google Scholar)\\
__Number of citations:__ 5592 (Google Scholar)\\
__H-index:__ 42 (Google Scholar)\\
Stefanics, G., Kremláček, J., Czigler, I.\\
Visual mismatch negativity: A predictive coding view\\
(2014) Frontiers in Human Neuroscience, 8, art. no. 666, pp. 1-19. \\
Czigler, I.\\
Visual mismatch negativity and categorization\\
(2014) Brain Topography, 27,  590-598. \\
Stefanics, G., Csukly, G., Komlósi, S., Czobor, P., Czigler, I.\\
Processing of unattended facial emotions: A visual mismatch negativity study\\
(2012) NeuroImage, 59,  3042-3049. \\
Czigler, I., Sulykos, I.\\
Visual mismatch negativity to irrelevant changes is sensitive to task-relevant changes\\
(2010) Neuropsychologia, 48,  1277-1282. \\
Czigler, I.\\
Visual mismatch negativity: Violation of nonattended environmental regularities\\
(2007) Journal of Psychophysiology, 21, 224-230. \\
Czigler, I., Weisz, J., Winkler, I.\\
ERPs and deviance detection: Visual mismatch negativity to repeated visual stimuli\\
(2006) Neuroscience Letters, 401 (1-2), pp. 178-182. \\
Czigler, I., Balázs, L.\\
Age-related effects of novel visual stimuli in a letter-matching task: An event-related potential study\\
(2005) Biological Psychology,  69, 229–242.\\
Czigler, I., Balázs, L., Pató, L.G.\\
Visual change detection: Event-related potentials are dependent on stimulus location in humans\\
(2004) Neuroscience Letters, 364,  149-153. \\
Czigler, I., Balázs, L., Winkler, I.\\
Memory-based detection of task-irrelevant visual changes\\
(2002) Psychophysiology, 39,  869-873- \\
Czigler, I., Csibra, G.\\
Event‐Related Potentials and the Identification of Deviant Visual Stimuli\\
(1992) Psychophysiology, 29,  471-485.