!!Wojciech Czakon - Biography
Wojciech Czakon is a full professor and chair of the Strategic Management Department at the Jagiellonian University. Prior to his recent role he also chaired the Management Theory Department at the University of Economics in Katowice, and the Business Management Department at the Higher Schools of Banking in Poznan. He is a member of the Organization and Management Committee of the Polish Academy of Sciences, and serves as elected member in the Research Excellence Council in Poland. He was vicepresident of the European Academy of Management and co-chair of the doctoral colloquium run by EURAM. He holds a phD degree in management (2002), habilitation in management (2007) and a professor title in economics (2013).\\
He is involved in community service across European management academia in various roles ranging from conference host and organizer (EURAM, EIASM, IFERA), standing track convenor (EURAM, EGOS), workshops organizer (EIASM, NORDIC), anthology book co-editor (Palgrave, Routledge, WoltersKluwer), special-issues guest co-editor (Long Range Planning, Industrial Marketing Management) and reviewer of doctoral theses.\\
Wojciech Czakon is a top-cited Polish management scholar, top h-index strategic management scholar, and top5 world coopetition research scholar. His recognized contributions to developing methodology range from cases-studies, qualitative research rigor (data collection, purposeful sampling, thematic analysis, flexible pattern matching applications) and measurement scales validation.\\ \\[{ALLOW view All}][{ALLOW edit wczakon}][{ALLOW upload wczakon}][{ALLOW comment All}]
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