!!Pierluigi Cuzzolin - Curriculum Vitae

*1985 graduated from the University of Pavia in 1985 as student of the Collegio Borromeo\\
*1991 PhD in Linguistics. Dissertation on a problem of historical syntax in Latin, published in 1993 with the title Studio sull'origine della costruzione dicere quod: aspetti sintattici e semantici\\
*1992 - 1999 Assistant Professor of Linguistics at the University of Pavia\\
*1999 - 2005 Associate Professor at the University of Bergamo\\
*2005 - present Full Professor of General and Historical Linguistics at the University of Bergamo\\
*2009 Visiting Professor at the Penn State University, United States (PA)\\
*2000 - 2008 Coordinator (together with Philip Baldi) of the international project on a new historical syntax of Latin published by Mouton de Gruyter (New Perspectives on Historical Latin Syntax, 2009-2011, 4 volumes)\\
*2013 - present Founder and Co-editor-in-Chief (together with Gualtiero Calboli) of the Journal of Latin Linguistics, published by de Gruyter\\
*2013 - 2015 Vice-coordinator of the National Project (PRIN) Linguistic Representation of Identity. Sociolinguistic Models and Historical Linguistics\\
*2013 - 2019 Coordinator of the PhD program in Linguistic Sciences (Universities of Bergamo and Pavia)\\
*2016 - 2018 Promoter and representative for Italy in the International Board of Greek Linguistics\\
*2011 XVI International Colloquium on Latin Linguistics (Uppsala; key-note speaker)\\
*2013 XXXVIII Congresso della Società Italiana di Glottologia (Palermo; invited speaker)\\
*2014 Deutscher Italianistenverband: “Relazioni linguistiche. Strutture, rapporti, genealogie” (Erlangen; invited speaker)\\
*2017 International Symposium “Indo-iranische Textlinguistik, Syntax und Dichtersprache” (Vienna; invited speaker)\\
*2018 XLIII Congresso della Società Italiana di Glottologia (Macerata; invited speaker)\\
__Lectures at (selection):__\\
Aberystwyth, Brno, Göteborg, Madrid, Milan, Pisa, Prague, Santiago de Compostela, Vienna.  \\
__Advisory Board:__
*Rhesis (Cagliari)\\
*InScriptum (Kielce)\\
*Linguarum diversitas (Rome)\\
*Kervan (Turin)\\ \\