!!Henry Curran - Selected Publications
Citation numbers are taken from Scopus on 26/03/2021\\
1. H.J. Curran, “Developing detailed chemical kinetic mechanisms for fuel combustion”, Proc. Combust. Inst. 37 (2019) 57–81. (77 citations. This paper is my plenary lecture at the 37th International Symposium on Combustion, Dublin, August 1st 2018).\\
2. K. Zhang, C. Banyon, U. Burke, G. Kukkadapu, S.W. Wagnon, M. Mehl, H.J. Curran, C.K. Westbrook, W.J. Pitz, “An experimental and kinetic modeling study of the oxidation of the hexane isomers: Developing consistent reaction rate rules for alkanes”, Combust. Flame 206 (2019) 123–137. (20 citations. This paper shows successful model predictions of C6 alkanes and builds on Paper 3 below in affirming my expertise in developing mechanisms describing large alkane fuel oxidation at practical combustor relevant conditions.)\\
3. L. Cai, H. Pitsch, S.Y. Mohamed, V. Raman, J. Bugler, H. Curran, S.M. Sarathy, “Optimized reaction mechanism rate rules for ignition of normal alkanes”, Combust. Flame 173 (2016) 468–482. (69 citations. This paper is important to the development of mechanisms describing any n-alkane molecule)\\
4. Y. Li, C-W. Zhou, K.P. Somers, K. Zhang, H.J. Curran, “The oxidation of 2-butene: A high-pressure ignition delay, kinetic modeling study and reactivity comparison with isobutene and 1-butene”, Proc. Combust. Inst. 36(1) (2017) 403–411. (225 citations. This paper is highly cited and forms part of the core chemistry for all larger hydrocarbon fuels) \\
5. K. Zhang, C. Banyon, J. Bugler, H.J. Curran, A. Rodriguez, O. Herbinet, F. Battin-Leclerc, C. B’Chir, K.A. Heufer, “An updated experimental and kinetic modeling study of n-heptane oxidation”, Combust. Flame 172 (2016) 116–135. (178 citations. n-Heptane is one of the primary reference fuels and is important to combustion)\\
6. S.S. Goldsborough, S. Hochgreb, G. Vanhove, M.S. Wooldridge, H.J. Curran, C-J. Chen, “Advances in rapid compression machine studies of low- and intermediate-temperature autoignition phenomena”, Prog. Energy Combust. Sci. 63 (2017) 1–78. (103 citations. This is a review paper in PECS with other leading rapid compression machine experts from around the world)\\
7. C-W. Zhou, Y. Li, U. Burke, C. Banyon, K.P. Somers, S. Khan, J.W. Hargis, T. Sikes, E.L. Petersen, M. AlAbbad, A. Farooq, Y. Pan, Y. Zhang, Z. Huang, J. Lopez, Z. Loparo, S.S. Vasu, H.J. Curran, “An experimental and chemical kinetic modeling study of 1,3-Butadiene combustion: Ignition delay time and laminar flame speed measurements”, Combust. Flame 197 (2018) 423–438. (137 citations. This is a consortium, multi-author paper led by my group describing 1,3-Butadiene oxidation. This is another important small core fuel species that will aid in the accurate prediction of the combustion of larger hydrocarbon fuels. There was little data in the literature describing this fuel prior to its publication)\\
8. C-W. Zhou, Y. Li, E. O'Connor, K.P. Somers, S. Thion, C. Keesee, O. Mathieu, E.L. Petersen, T. A. DeVerter, M.A. Oehlschlaeger, G. Kukkadapu, C-J. Sung, M. Alrefae, F. Khaled, A. Farooq, P. Dirrenberger, P-A. Glaude, F. Battin-Leclerc, J. Santner, Y. Ju, T. Held, F.M. Haas, F.L. Dryer, H.J. Curran, “A comprehensive experimental and modeling study of isobutene oxidation”, Combust. Flame 167 (2016) 353–379. (195 citations. This is another consortium, multi-author paper led by my group describing isobutene oxidation. This is another important small core fuel species that will aid in the accurate prediction of the combustion of larger hydrocarbon fuels. There was little data in the literature describing this fuel prior to its publication)\\
9. U. Burke, W.K. Metcalfe, S.M. Burke, K.A. Heufer, P. Dagaut, H.J. Curran, “A Detailed Chemical Kinetic Modeling, Ignition Delay time and Jet-Stirred Reactor Study of Methanol Oxidation”, Combust. Flame 165 (2016) 125–136. (129 citations. This is an important contribution to the literature as it provides experimental and model validation of ignition delay times at pressure and temperature conditions relevant to practical combustors. Moreover, methanol can be produced from the capture of CO2 and thus can help lead to carbon neutral combustion)\\
10. U. Burke, K.P. Somers, P. O’Toole, C.M. Zinner, N. Marquet, G. Bourque, E.L. Petersen, W.K. Metcalfe, Z. Serinyel, H.J. Curran, “An ignition delay and kinetic modeling study of methane, dimethyl ether, and their mixtures at high pressures” Combust. Flame 162(2) (2015) 315–330. (221 citations. This paper is important as dimethyl ether can be used (and is a lot in China) as a fuel in tandem with natural gas. Thus studying methane/dimethyl ether mixtures is important)