!!Sylvain Crovisier - Selected Publications
1. Finiteness of partially hyperbolic attractors with one-dimensional center. To appear in the Ann. Sci. ENS. (with R. Potrie and M. Sambarino).\\
2. Fixed point sets of isotopies on surfaces. Journal of the EMS 22 (2020), 1971-2046. (with F. Béguin et F. Le Roux).\\
3. Diffeomorphisms with positive metric entropy. Publ. Math. IHES 24 (2016), 319-347. (with A. Avila and A. Wilkinson).\\
4. Essential hyperbolicity and homoclinic bifurcations: a dichotomy phenomenon/mechanism for diffeomorphisms.  Inventiones Mathematicae 201 (2015), 385-517. (with E. Pujals.).\\
5. Partial hyperbolicity and homoclinic tangencies. Journal of the EMS 17 (2015), 1-49. (with M. Sambarino and D. Yang.)\\
6. Perturbation de la dynamique de difféomorphismes en petite régularité.  Astérisque 354 (2013).\\
7. Birth of homoclinic intersections. Annals of Math. 172 (2010), 1641-1677.\\
8. The C1-generic diffeomorphism has trivial centralizer. Publ. Math. IHES 109 (2009), 185-244. (with C. Bonatti and A. Wilkinson.)\\
9.  Periodic orbits and chain-transitive sets of C1-diffeomorphisms. Publ. Math. IHES 104 (2006), 87-141.\\
10.  Récurrence et généricité. Inventiones Mathematicae 158 (2004), 33-104. (with C. Bonatti.)