!!George Contopoulos - Curriculum vitae


1. CONTOPOULOS, G., and BECKER, W., Eds: 1970, "The Spiral Structure of Our Galaxy", Proc. of the IAU Symposium, No 38, D.Reidel Publ. Co.

2. CONTOPOULOS, G., Ed.: 1974, "Highlights of Astronomy 1973", D. Reidel Publ. Co.

3. CONTOPOULOS, G., and JAPPEL, A., Eds: 1974, "Transactions of the International Astronomical Union", XVB, D.Reidel Publ. Co.

4. 5, 6 CONTOPOULOS, G., Ed.: 1976, "Reports of Astronomy" (3 Volumes), D.Reidel Publ. Co.

7. CONTOPOULOS, G.: 1965, "Lectures in Celestial Mechanics" (in Greek), University of Thessaloniki.

8. CONTOPOULOS, G.: 1976, "Introduction to Astrophysics. Cosmology", (in Greek), University of Thessaloniki.

9. CONTOPOULOS, G.: 1976, "Introduction to Astrophysics. Stellar Systems", (in Greek), University of Thessaloniki.

10. CONTOPOULOS, G. and KOTSAKIS, D.: 1987, "Cosmology", Athens 1982, Third Edition 1986, English Edition 1987, Springer Verlag.

11. CONTOPOULOS, G., BARBANIS, B., and LASKARIDIS, P., Eds: 1988, "In Memoriam D. Kotsakis", Athens.

12. CONTOPOULOS, G., SPYROU, N. and VLAHOS, L. Eds: 1994, "Galactic Dynamics and N-Body Simulations", Springer Verlag.

13. CONTOPOULOS, G.: 2002, "Order and Chaos in Dynamical Astronomy", Second Printing 2004, Springer Verlag.

14. CONTOPOULOS, G. and VOGLIS, N. Eds: 2003, "Galaxies and Chaos", Springer Verlag.

15. CHRISTOPHOROU, L. and CONTOPOULOS, G. Eds: 2004, "Universal Values", Academy of Athens.

16. CONTOPOULOS, G.:2004, "Adventures in Order and Chaos. A scientific Autobiography", Kluwer.

17. CONTOPOULOS, G., and PATSIS, P., (Eds.): 2008, "Chaos in Astronomy", Springer Verlag.

18. ZEREFOS, C., CONTOPOULOS, G. and SKALKEAS, G., *Eds) 2009, "Twenty Years of Ozono Decline", Springer Verlag.


1.	Beitrag zur Dynamik der Kugelsternhaufen: 1954, Z.Astrophys. 35, 67.

2.	On the Isophotes of Ellipsoidal Nebulae: 1956, Z.Astrophys. 39, 126.

3.	On the Motions of Stars in an Ellipsoidal Stellar System: 1956, Astrophys.J. 124, 643.

4.	Study of the Potential in the Plane of Symmetry of a Stellar System: 1956, Ann. Acad. Athens 31, 21.

5.	Der Einfluss des Strahlungsdruckes auf die Dynamik der Interstellaren Korner: 1957, Z.Astrophys. 42, 75.

6.	On the Relative Motions of Stars in a Galaxy: 1957, Stockholm Obs.Ann. 19, No.l0.

7.	On the Vertical Motions of Stars in a Galaxy: 1958, Stockholm Obs.Ann. 20, No.5.

8.	Space and Time in General Relativity: 1958 Ann.Fac.Sci.Univ.Thessaloniki 8, 45.

9.	A Solution of the Clock Paradox: 1958, Ann.Fac.Sci.Univ.Thessaloniki 8, 23.

10.	A Third Integral of Motion in a Galaxy: 1960, Z.Astrophys. 49, 273.

11.	Perturbations of Stars in a Galaxy: 1962, Ann.Fac.Sci.Univ.Thessaloniki 11, 11 (with G. Bozis).

12.	An Application of a Third Integral of Motion: 1962, Observatory 82, 80 (with B. Barbanis).

13.	On the Existence of the Third Integral of Motion: 1963, Astron.J. 68,1.

14.	A Classification of the Integrals of Motion: 1963, Astrophys.J. 138,1297.

15.	Resonance Cases and Small Divisors in a Third Integral of Motion, I: 1963, Astron.J. 68, 763.

16.	Some Applications of the Third Integral of Motion (Abstract): 1963, Astron.J. 68, 70.

17.	The Virial Theorem in General Relativity in Post-Newtonian Approximation: 1963, Proc.Nat.Acad.Sci. 49, 608 (with S.Chandrasekhar).

18.	Escape of Stars during the Collision of Two Galaxies: 1964, Astrophys.J. 139, 1239 (with G. Bozis).

19.	The "Third" Integral in Non-Smooth Potentials: 1964, Astrophys.J. 140, 1106 (with L.Woltjer).

20.	Tables of Plane Galactic Orbits: 1965, NASA, Inst. for Space Studies, (with B. Stromgren).

21.	The "Third" Integral in the Restricted Three-Body Problem: 1965, Astrophys.J. 142, 802.

22.	Periodic and Tube Orbits: 1965, Astron.J. 70, 526.

23.	Resonance Cases and Small Divisors in a Third Integral of Motion, II: 1965, Astron.J. 70, 817 (with M. Moutsoulas).

24.	Recent Developments in Stellar Dynamics: 1966, IAU Symp. 25, 3.

25.	Adiabatic Invariants and the Third Integral: 1966, J.Math.Phys. 7, 788.

26.	Problems of Stellar Dynamics: 1966, in J.B.Rosser (ed.) "Space Mathematics, Part I", American Mathematical Society, 169.

27.	Tables of the Third Integral: 1966, Astrophys.J.Suppl. 13, 503.

28.	Resonance Cases and Small Divisors in a Third Integral of Motion, III: 1966 Astron.J. 71, 687 (with M. Moutsoulas).

29.	On a Post-Galilean Transformation appropriate to the Post-Newtonian Theory of Einstein, Infeld and Hoffman: 1967, Proc.Roy.Soc.A. 298, 23 (with S. Chandrasekhar).

30.	Stellar Orbits and the Stability of Spiral Structure: 1967, Proc. 14th Liege Symp. "Gravitational Instability and the Formation of Stars and Galactic Structure", 213.

31.	Applications of the Third Integral in the Galaxy: 1967, in J. Ehlers (ed.) "Relativity Theory and Astrophysics, 2, Galactic Structure", American Mathematical Society, 98.

32.	Integrals of Motion in the Three-Dimensional Restricted Three-Body Problem: 1967, Astron.J. 72, 191.

33.	Resonance Phenomena and the Non-Applicability of the "Third" Integral: 1967, Bull. Astron. 3e Ser. 2, Fasc.1, 223.

34.	Integrals of Motion in the Elliptic Restricted Three-Body Problem: 1967, Astron.J. 72, 669.

35.	New Integrals of Motion and the Orbital History of the Moon (letter to the Editor): 1968, Nature 220, 1018.

36.	Report of Commission 33:1967, Trans. IAU 13A. D.Reidel Publ.Co., Dordrecht, (with B. Bok).

37.	Characteristics of Invariant Curves of Plane Orbits: 1968, Astron.J. 73, 86 (with. J. Hadjidemetriou).

38.	Resonant Periodic Orbits: 1968, Astrophys.J. 153, 83.

39.	Is the Third Integral a Function of the Hamiltonian?: 1968, Astrophys. Space Sci. 2, 134 (with B. Barbanis).

40.	Families of Periodic Orbits (Abstract): 1968, Astron.J. 73, 172.

41.	Report on the Work by K. Prendergast and R.Miller "Numerical Experiments with a very large Number of Bodies": 1968, Bull.Astron. 3, 309.

42.	Orbits in Highly Perturbed Dynamical Systems. I. Periodic Orbits: 1970, Astron.J. 75, 96.

43.	Orbits in Highly Perturbed Dynamical Systems. II. Stability of Periodic Orbits: 1970, Astron.J. 75, 108.

44.	Resonance Effects in Spiral Galaxies: 1970, Astrophys.J. 160, 113.

45.	Gravitational Theories of Spiral Structure: 1970, IAU Symp. 38, 303.

46.	Resonance Phenomena in Spiral Galaxies: 1970, in G.E.O. Giacaglia (ed.) "Periodic Orbits, Stability and Resonances", D. Reidel Publ. Co. Dordrecht, 332.

47.	Structure and Dynamics of the Galactic System: 1970, Contr.Astron.Dept. Univ. Thessaloniki No. 53 (with S.W. McCuskey).

48.	Recent Developments in Galactic Dynamics: 1971, in L. N. Mavridis (ed.) "Structure and Evolution of the Galaxy", D.Reidel Publ.Co., Dordrecht, 198.

49.	Preference of Trailing Waves: 1971, Astrophys.J. 163, 181.

50.	Gravitational N-Body Problem: 1971, Earth Extraterr.Sci. 1, 185.

51.	Orbits in Highly Perturbed Dynamical Systems, III. Non Periodic Orbits: 1971, Astron.J. 76, 147.

52.	Collisionless Stellar Dynamics: 1971, Astrophys.Space Sci. 13,337.

53.	The Dynamics of Spiral Structure: 1972, Lecture Notes, Univ.of Maryland.

54.	The Particle Resonance in Spiral Galaxies. Non Linear Effects: 1973, Astrophys.J. 181, 657.

55.	Problems of Stellar Dynamics: 1973, in B.D. Tapley and V.Szebehely (eds) "Recent Advances in Dynamical Astronomy", D. Reidel Publ. Co., Dordrecht, 177.

56.	Theory of Spiral Structure, Resonances: 1973, in L. N. Mavridis (ed.) "Proc. First European Astron.Meeting, 3", Springer Verlag, N. York, 104.

57.	Periodic Orbits of the Restricted Problem for Various Values of the Mass-Ratio: 1973, in B.Barbanis and J.D.Hadjidemetriou (eds) "Proc. First European Astron. Meeting, 2", Springer Verlag, N. York, 279 (with M. Zikides).

58.	The Density Wave Theory of Spiral Structure: 1973, in L. Martinet and M. Mayor (eds) "Dynamical Structure and Evolution of Stellar Systems", Geneva Observatory, 1.

59.	Topological Methods in Stellar Dynamics: 1973, in L.Martinet and M.Mayor (eds) "Dynamical Structure and Evolution of Stellar Systems", Geneva Observatory, 52.

60.	Some Recent Developments in the Theory of Spiral Structure: 1974, IAU Symp. 58, 413.

61.	Integrals of Motion and Resonances in the Magnetic Dipole Field: 1975, J. Math. Phys. 16, 1469 (with L.Vlahos).

62.	Formal Integrals of Hamiltonian Systems in Resonance and Near Resonance Cases: 1974, in D.Kotsakis (ed.) "Volume in Honor S.Placidis", Athens, 139.

63.	Integrals of Motion: 1975, IAU Symp. 69, 209.

64.	The Theory of Resonances: 1975, in L. Weliachew (ed.) "La Dynamique des Galaxies Spirales", CNRS, Paris, 17.

65.	Inner Lindblad Resonance in Galaxies. Non-Linear Theory, I: 1975, Astrophys.J. 201, 566.

66.	The Relativistic Restricted Three-Body Problem: 1976, in D. Kotsakis (ed.) "In Memorian D. Eginitis", Athens, 159.

67.	Stellar Dynamics: 1978, in N. P. Levobitz, W. Reid and P. O. Vandervoort (eds) "Theoretical Principles in Astrophysics and Relativity", Univ. of Chicago Press,, Chicago, 93.

68.	The Past Positions of the Spiral Arms of our Galaxy: 1976, Proc. 3rd Europ. Astron.Meeting, Tbilissi (with P.Grosbol).

69.	Strongly Perturbed Dynamical Systems: 1976, in V. Szebehely and B.D. Tapley (eds) "Long-Time Predictions in Dynamics", Reidel Publ. Co., Dordrecht, 43.

70.	The Center of Mass in the Post-Newtonian Approximation of General Relativity: 1976, Astrophys.J. 205, 592 (with N. Spyrou).

71.	Inner Lindblad Resonance in Spiral Galaxies, Non Linear Theory, II. Bars: 1977, Astron.Astrophys. 61, 477 (with C. Mertzanides).

72.	The Disappearance of Integrals in Systems of More than Two Degrees of Freedom: 1978, Celest. Mech. 17, 167.

73.	Periodic Orbits near the Particle Resonance in Galaxies: 1978, Astron.Astrophys. 64, 323.

74.	Integrable and Stochastic Behaviour in Dynamical Astronomy: 1978, in G. Casati and J. Ford (eds) "Stochastic Behaviour in Classical and Quantum Hamiltonian Systems", Springer Verlag, N. York, 1.

75.	The Non Linear Theory of Spiral Galaxies: 1977, IAU Colloq. 45, 229.

76.	Adiabatic Invariants, Stochasticity, and the Third Integral: 1977, Book of Abstracts, "N.C.Christifilos International Summer School and Conference in Plasma Physics", U.S. Energy R. and D. Administration, 34a.

77.	Higher Order Resonances in Dynamical Systems: 1978, Celest.Mech. 18, 195.

78.	On the Number of Isolating Integrals in Hamiltonian Systems: 1978, Phys. Rev. A 18, 1183 (with L.Giorgilli and A.Galgani).

79.	The Dynamics of the Spiral Structure in Galaxies: 1978, in A. Reiz, T. Andersen (eds) "Astronomical Papers dedicated to B. Stromgren", Copenhagen Univ. Observatory, 387.

80.	The Four-Armed Response near the Lindblad Resonances in Galaxies: 1979, lAU Symp. 84, 194.

81.	Instabilities in Systems of Three Degrees of Freedom: 1979, in V.G. Szebehely (ed.) "Instabilities in Dynamical Systems, Applications to Celestial Mechanics", Reidel, Dordrecht, 25.

82.	Inner Lindblad Resonance in Galaxies, Non Linear Theory, III. The Response Density: 1979, Astron. Astrophys. 71, 221.

83.	How far do Bars Extend?: 1980, Astron. Astrophys. 81, 198.

84.	Stellar Dynamics of Barred Spirals: 1979, in D.S. Evans (ed.) "Photometry, Kinematics and Dynamics of Galaxies", Univ. of Texas, Austin, Texas, 425.

85.	Bifurcations of Triple Periodic Orbits: 1980, Celest. Mech. 22, 403 (with P. Michaelidis).

86.	The 4:1 Resonance: 1981, Celest. Mech. 24, 355.

87.	Orbits in Weak and Strong Bars: 1980, Astron Astrophys. 92, 33 (with Th. Papayannopoulos).

88.	Periodic Orbits and Ergodic Components of a Resonant Dynamical System: 1980, Astron. Astrophys. 90, 198 (with M.Zikides).

89.	A Dispersion Relation for Open Spiral Galaxies: 1980, J. Astrophys. Astron. 1, 79.

90.	Do Successive Bifurcations in Hamiltonian Systems have the same Universal Ratio?: 1981, Lett. Nuovo Cim. 30, 498.

91.	Inner Lindblad Resonance. Non Linear Theory, IV. Self-Consistent Bars: 1981, Astron. Astrophys. 104, 116.

92.	The Effects of Resonances near Corotation in Barred Galaxies: 1981, Astron. Astrophys. 102, 265.

93.	Trapping of Orbits in Barred Galaxies: 1982, in Mariolopoulos, E.G., Theocaris, P.S. and Mavridis, L.N. (eds) "Compendium in Astronomy", Reidel, Dordrecht, 55.

94.	Invariant Surfaces and Orbital Behaviour in Dynamical Systems of Three Degrees of Freedom, II: 1982, Physica D 6, 126 (with P. Magnenat and L. Martinet).

95.	Ordered and Ergodic Motions of Stars in Galaxies: 1983, Astron.Astrophys. 117, 89.

96.	Non-Linear Dynamical Astronomy, Applications and Extrapolations (Abstract): 1982, Bul.Amer.Astron.Soc. 14, 647.

97.	Relativistic Stellar Dynamics: 1983, IAU Symp. 104, 417.

98.	Inverse Feigenbaum Sequences in Hamiltonian Systems: 1983, Lett. Nuovo Cim. 37, 149.

99.	Infinite Bifurcations, Gaps and Bubbles in Hamiltonian Systems: 1983, Physica D 8, 142.

100.	The Genealogy of Periodic Orbits in a Model Galaxy: l983, Celest.Mech. 31,193.

101.	Bifurcations, Gaps and Stochasticity in Barred Galaxies: 1983, Astrophys. J. 275, 511.

102.	Orbits through the Ergosphere of a Kerr Black Hole: 1984, Gen. Rel. Gravitation 16, 43.

103.	Theoretical Periodic Orbits in Three-Dimensional Hamiltonians: 1984, Physica D 11, 179.

104.	Termination of Sequences of Bifurcations in Three-Dimensional Hamiltonian Systems: 1983, Lett. Nuovo Cim. 38, 257.

105.	The Dynamics of Galaxies: 1983, Mitt.Astron.Gesellschaft 60, 31.

106.	Infinite Bifurcations in the Restricted Three-Body Problem: 1984, Astron. Astrophys. 133, 49 (with A. Pinotsis).

107.	Bifurcations in Hamiltonian Dynamical Systems: 1985, in S. Pnevmaticos (ed.) "Singularities and Dynamical Systems", North Holland, Amsterdam, 375.

108.	The Transition to Chaos in Galactic Models of Two and Three Degrees of Freedom: 1985, in Buchler, J.R., Perdang, J. and Spiegel, E.A. (eds) "Chaos in Astrophysics", Reidel, Dordrecht, 259.

109.	Non-Linear Problems in Stellar Dynamics: 1985, in F.Claro (ed.), "Nonlinear Phenomena in Physics", Springer, N. York, 238.

110.	Bifurcations and Stability in Three-Dimensional Systems: 1985, in V.Szebehely (ed.) "Stability of the Solar System and its Minor Natural and Artificial Bodies", Reidel Dordrecht, 97.

111.	Instabilities in Hamiltonian Systems of Two and Three Degrees of Freedom: 1986, Particle Accelerators 19, 107.

112.	Spiral Galaxies End at the 4/1 Resonance: 1985, Comments on Astrophysics 11, 1.

113.	Resonant Systems of Three Degrees of Freedom: 1985, Astron.Astrophys. 153, 44 (with B. Barbanis).

114.	Stellar Dynamics of Spiral Galaxies. Non-Linear Effects at the 4/1 Resonance: 1986, Astron. Astrophys. 155, 11 (with P. Grosbol).

115.	Simple Three-Dimensional Periodic orbits in a Galactic-Type Potential: 1985, Celest. Mech. 37, 387 (with P. Magnenat).

116.	Bifurcations in Systems of Three Degrees of Freedom: 1986, Celest.Mech. 38,1.

117.	Qualitative Changes in 3-D Dynamical Systems: 1986, Astron.Astrophys. 161, 244.

118.	Large Degree Stochasticity in a Galactic Model: 1987, Astron.Astrophys. 172, 55 (with B. Barbanis and H. Varvoglis).

119.	Approximations of the 3-Particle Toda Lattice: 1987, Physica D 24, 328 (with C. Polymilis).

120.	Nonlinear Phenomena in Galaxies: 1987, in Gilmore, G. and Carswell, B. (eds) "The Galaxy", Reidel, Dordrecht, 199.

121.	Stochasticity in Galactic Models: 1987, in Buchler, J.R. and Eichhorn, H. (eds) "Chaotic Phenomena in Astrophysics", N.York Acad.Sci. Annals 497, 1.

122.	The Formation of Gaps along Families of Periodic Solutions: 1988, Volume in Mem. D.Kotsakis, Athens, 85.

123.	Escapes of Stars from Stellar Systems: 1988, IAU Colloq. 96, 265.

124.	Qualitative Characteristics of Dynamical Systems: 1988, in Roy, A. (ed.) "Long Term Behaviour of Natural and Artifical N-Body Systems", Kluwer Academic Publ. Dordrecht, 301.

125.	Critical Cases in 3-Dimensional Systems: 1988, Celest.Mech. 42, 239.

126.	Stellar Dynamics of Spiral Galaxies: Self-Consistent Models: 1988, Astron. Astrophys. 197, 83 (with P. Grosbol).

127.	Bifurcations and Complex Instability in a 4-Dimensional Symplectic Mapping: 1988, Meccanica 23, 19 (with A.Giorgilli).

128.	The 4/1 Resonance in Barred Galaxies: 1988, Astron.Astrophys. 201, 44.

129.	Short and Long Period Orbits: 1988, Celest.Mech. 43, 147.

130.	Resonant Integrable Galactic Models: 1988, in Buchler, R., Ipser, J., Williams, C. (eds) "Integrability in Dynamical Systems", N.York Acad. Sci. Annals 536, 1.

131.	Nonuniqueness of Families of Periodic Solutions in a Four Dimensional Mapping: 1988, Celest.Mech. 44, 393.

132.	Comparison of Stellar and Gas Dynamics of a Barred Galaxy: 1989, Astrophys. J. 343, 608 (with S.T. Gottesman, J.H. Hunter Jr., and M.N. England).

133.	Periodic Orbits, Bifurcations and Quantum Mechanical Eigenfunctions and Spectra: 1989, J. Chem.Phys. 91, 1389 (with M. Founargiotakis, S.C. Farantos and C. Polymilis).

134.	Complex Instability in 3-D Systems: 1989, in Bountis, T. and Pnevmaticos, Sp. and St. (eds) "Singular Behaviour and Nonlinear Dynamics", World Scientific, 130 (with L. Zachilas).

135.	Lyapunov Characteristic Numbers and the Structure of Phase Space: 1989, Astron. Astroph. 222, 329 (with B.Barbanis).

136.	Self-Consistent Models of Spiral Galaxies: 1990, in Buchler, R., Gottesman, S. and Hunter, J. (eds) "Galactic Models", N.York Acad.Sci. Annals 596, 101.

137.	Application of the Prendergast method to a Logarithmic Potential: 1990, Astron. Astrophys. 227, 49 (with J. Seimenis).

138.	Orbits in Barred Galaxies: 1989, Astron.Astrophys. Review 1, 261 (with P. Grosbol).

139.	Asymptotic Curves and Escapes in Hamiltonian Systems: 1990, Astron. Astrophys. 231, 41.

140.	Galaxy Formation: Gas Dynamics versus Stellar Dynamics: 1990, in Buchler R. and Gottesman S. (eds) "Nonlinear Astrophysical Fluid Dynamics", N.York Acad. Sci. Annals 617, 178 (with N. Voglis and N. Hiotelis).

141.	Periodic Orbits and Chaos around Two Fixed Black Holes: 1990, Proc. Roy. Soc. A 431, 183.

142.	The Generation of Spiral Characteristics: 1991, Celest. Mech. Dyn. Astron. 50, 251.

143.	Self-Consistent Spiral Galactic Models: 1991, Astron.Astroph. 243, 373 (with P. Patsis and P. Grosbol).

144.	Hydrodynamics in a Collapsing Gaseous Protogalaxy: 1991, Astron. Astrophys. 242, 69 (with N. Hiotelis and N. Voglis).

145.	Transition to Instability and Chaos in 3-D Hamiltonians: 1991, in Scandale, W. and Turchetti, G. (eds) "Non Linear Problems in Future Particle Accelerators", World Scientific, Singapore, 163.

146.	Gas and Star Dynamics in Galaxies: 1991, IAU Symp. 146, 335.

147.	A New Route to Chaos. Generation of Spiral Characteristics: 1991, in Roy, A.E. (ed.) "Predictability, Stability and Chaos in N-Body Dynamical Systems", Plenum Press, N. York, 35.

148.	Chaos around Two Fixed Black Holes:1991, in Ipser, J., Detweiler S. and Buchler, R.(eds) "Nonlinear Phenomena in General Relativity", N.York Acad. Sci. Annals 631, 143.

149.	Periodic Orbits and Chaos around Two Fixed Black Holes II: 1991, Proc. Roy. Soc. 435, 551.

150.	A Rotating Stackel Potential: 1992, Astrophys. J. 389, 118 (with P. Vandervoort).

151.	Types of Escapes in a Simple Hamiltonian System: 1992. Astron.Astrophys. 253, 379 (with D. Kaufmann).

152.	Nonlinear Self-Consistent Models of Barred Galaxies: 1992, in Dermott, S.F., Hunter, J.H. and Wilson, R.E. (eds) "Astrophysical Discs", N.York Acad. Sci. Annals 675, 126 (with D. Kaufmann).

153.	Newtonian and Relativistic Periodic Orbits around Two Fixed Black Holes: 1993, Celest. Mech. Dyn. Astron. 55, 47 (with H. Papadaki).

154.	Classical Periodic Orbits and Quantum Mechanical Eigenvalues and Eigenfunctions: 1993, Celest. Mech. Dyn. Astron. 56, 325.

155.	Geometrical and Dynamical Properties of Homoclinic Tangles in a Simple Hamiltonian System: 1993, Phys. Rev. Ε 47, 1546 (with C. Polymilis).

156.	Fractal Properties of Escape from a Two-Dimensional Potential: 1993, Physica D 64, 310 (with H. Kandrup and D. Kaufmann).

157.	Noise and Chaos in Galactic Dynamics: 1993, in Buchler, R. and Kandrup, H. (eds) "Stochastic Processes in Astrophysics", N.York Acad.Sci.Annals 706, 100.

158.	The Structure in Chaos: 1994, in Seimenis, J.(ed.) "Hamiltonian Mechanics Integrability and Chaotic Behaviour", Plenum Press, N. York, 51.

159.	Painleve Analysis for the Mixmaster Universe Model: 1993, J.Phys.A 26, 5795 (with B.Grammaticos and A.Ramani).

160.	Order and Chaos in Galaxies: 1994, in Contopoulos, G., Spyrou, N. and Vlahos, L. (eds) "Galactic Dynamics and N-Body Simulations", Springer, N. York, 33.

161.	Order in Chaos:1995, in Roy, A.E. (ed.) "From Newton to Chaos: Modern Techniques for Understanding and Coping with Chaos in N-Body Dynamical Systems", Plenum Press, N. York, 425.

162.	Complex Instability: 1995, in Roy, A.E. (ed.) "From Newton to Chaos: Modern Techniques for Understanding and Coping with Chaos in N-Body Dynamical Systems", Plenum Press, N. York, 485 (with H. Papadaki and C. Polymilis).

163.	Hydrodynamic Simulations of Open Normal Spiral Galaxies: 1994, Astron. Astrophys. 286, 46 (with P. Patsis, N. Hiotelis and P. Grosbol).

164.	Integrability of the Mixmaster Universe: 1994, in Hobill, D. (ed.) "Chaos in Relativity", Plenum Press, N. York, 423 (with B. Grammaticos and A. Ramani).

165.	Chaos in the Case of Two Fixed Black Holes: 1994, in Hobill, D.(ed.) "Chaos in Relativity", Plenum Press, N. York, 129.

166.	Order and Chaos in Three-Dimensional Systems: 1995, in Gottesman, S., Ipser, J. and Kandrup, H. (eds) "Three-dimensional Systems", N.York Acad.Sci. Annals 751, 112.

167.	The Structure of Chaos in a Potential without Escapes: 1994, Celest.Mech. Dyn. Astron. 60, 249 (with H. Papadaki and C. Polymilis).

168.	Periodic Orbits and their Bifurcations in a 3-D System: 1994, Celest.Mech. Dyn. Astron. 59, 279 (with B. Barbanis).

169.	Escape Probabilities in a Hamiltonian with Two Channels of Escape: 1995, in Gottesman, S., Ipser, J. and Kandrup, H.(eds) "Three Dimensional Systems" , N.York Acad.Sci.Annals 751, 205 (with C. Siopis and H. Kandrup).

170.	Complex Unstable Periodic Orbits and their Manifestation in Classical and Quantum Mechanics: 1994, Phys. Rev. Ε 50, 4399 (with S. Farantos, C. Polymilis, and H. Papadaki).

171.	Invariant Spectra of Orbits in Dynamical Systems: 1994, J.Phys. A 27, 4899 (with N. Voglis).

172.	The Mixmaster Universe Model, Revisited:1994, J.Phys.A 27, 5357 (with B. Grammaticos and A. Ramani).

173.	Order in the Distribution of 3-D Periodic Orbits: 1995, Astron.Astrophys. 294, 33 (with B. Barbanis).

174.	Invariant Spectra of Dynamical Systems: 1995, in Hunter, J and Wilson, R. (eds) "Waves in Astrophysics", N.York Acad.Sci. Annals 773,145 (with N. Voglis, C. Efthymiopoulos and E. Grousousakou).

175.	Spectra and Lyapunov Numbers in Pulsating Systems: 1995, in Hunter, J and Wilson, R.(eds) "Waves in Astrophysics", N.York Acad.Sci. Annals 773,189 (with H. Smith).

176.	Universal Properties of Escapes: 1995,in Hunter, J and Wilson, R. (eds) "Waves in Astrophysics", N.York Acad.Sci.Annals 773, 221 (with H. Kandrup, C. Siopis and R. Dvorak).

177.	Invariant Spectra in Hamiltonian Systems: 1995, Astron.Astrophys. 304, 374 (with E. Grousousakou and N. Voglis).

178.	Self-Consistent Models of Barred Spiral Galaxies: 1996, Astron.Astrophys. 309, 381 (with D. Kaufmann).

179.	The Role of Chaos in Barred Galaxies: 1996, IAU Colloq. 157, Astron. Soc. Pacific Conf.Series 91, 321 (with N. Voglis).

180.	The Last Remake of the Mixmaster Universe Model: 1995, J.Phys.A 28, 5313 (with B. Grammaticos and A. Ramani).

181.	Order and Chaos in 3-D Systems: 1999, in Simo,C. (ed.) "Hamiltonian Systems with Three or more Degrees of Freedom", Plenum Press, N. York, 26 (with N. Voglis and C. Efthymiopoulos).

182.	Invariant Spectra of Orbits in Multidimensional Symplectic Maps: 1999, in Simo, C. (ed.) "Hamiltonian Systems with Three or more Degrees of Freedom", Plenum Press, N. York, 340 (with N. Voglis and C. Efthymiopoulos).

183.	Numerical Study of the Phase Space of a 4-D Symplectic Mapping: 1999, in Simo, C. (ed.) "Hamiltonian Systems with Three or more Degrees of Freedom", Plenum Press, N. York, 583 (with C. Skokos and C. Polymilis).

184.	Study of the Effective Stability of the Restricted Three-Body Problem: 1996, Proc. 2nd Hellenic Astron.Meeting, 526 (with C. Skokos and A. Giorgilli).

185.	Non-Periodic Orbits in a Four Dimensional Symplectic Map: 1996, Proc. 2nd Hellenic Astron.Meeting, 578 (with C. Skokos and C. Polymilis).

186.	Distribution of Periodic Orbits in a 2-D Hamiltonian System: 1996, Proc. 2nd Hellenic Astron.Meeting, 515 (with E. Grousousakou and C. Polymilis).

187.	Spectra of Stretching Numbers and Helicity Angles in Dynamical Systems: 1996, Cel. Mech. Dyn. Astron. 64, 1 (with N. Voglis).

188.	Spectra of Stretching Numbers in Oscillating Galaxies: 1996, Astron. Astrophys. 314, 795 (with H. Smith).

189.	Recurrence Time in the Homoclinic Tangle: 1996, Celest. Mech.Dyn. Astron. 63, 189 (with C. Polymilis).

190.	Orbits in Barred Galaxies: 1996, in Sandqvist, Aa. and Lindblad, P.O.(eds) "Barred Galaxies and Circumnuclear Activity", Nobel Symposium 98, Springer, N. York 98, 19 (with N. Voglis and C. Efthymiopoulos).

191.	A Fast Method for Distinguishing between Ordered and Chaotic Orbits: 1997, Astron.Astrophys. 317, 73 (with N. Voglis).

192.	Regular and Irregular Periodic Orbits: 1997, Cel.Mech.Dyn.Astron. 65, 33 (with E. Grousousakou).

193.	Spectra of Stretching Numbers and Helicity Angles: 1997, in D. Benest and C. Froeschle (eds) "Analysis and Modelling of Discrete Dynamical Systems", Gordon and Breach, N. York, 55 (with N. Voglis).

194.	Diffusion and Transient Spectra in a 4-D Symplectic Mapping: 1997, in D. Benest and C. Froeschle (eds) "Analysis and Modelling of Discrete Dynamical Systems", Gordon and Breach, N. York, 91 (with C. Efthymiopoulos and N. Voglis).

195.	Distribution of Periodic Orbits in 2-D Dynamical Systems: 1997, in D. Benest and C. Froeschle (eds) "Analysis and Modelling of Discrete Dynamical Systems", Gordon and Breach, N. York, 107 (with E. Grousousakou).

196.	Universal Properties of Escape in Dynamical Systems: 1997, Celest.Mech. Dyn.Astron. 65, 57 (with C. Siopis, H.E. Kandrup and R. Dvorak).

197.	Structure in the Phase Space of a Four Dimensional Symplectic Map: 1997, Celest. Mech. Dyn. Astron. 65, 223 (with C. Skokos and C. Polymilis).

198.	Distribution of Periodic Orbits and the Homoclinic Tangle: 1996, Celest. Mech.Dyn. Astron. 64, 363 (with E. Grousousakou and C. Polymilis).

199.	Transition Spectra of Dynamical Systems: 1997, Celest.Mech.Dyn.Astron. 67, 293 (with C. Froeschle, R. Gonczi, E. Lega, R. Dvorak, E. Lohinger,C.Efthymiopoulos and N. Voglis).

200.	Distribution of Regular and Irregular Orbits: 2001, Nonlinear Phenomena in Complex Systems 4, 194 (with E. Grousousakou).

201.	Spectra of Dynamical Systems: 1999, Open Systems and Information Dynamics 6, 137 (with N. Voglis).

202.	Dynamical Spectra of Barred Galaxies: 1997, Astron.Astrophys. 326, 493 (with P. Patsis, C. Efthymiopoulos and N. Voglis).

203.	Bifurcation Diagrams of Periodic Orbits for Unbound Molecular Systems. FH2: l997, Chem.Phys.Lett. 227, 456 (with S.C. Farantos, M. Founariotakis and C.Skokos).

204.	Stickiness and Cantori: 1997, J. Phys.A 30, 8167 (with C. Efthymiopoulos, N. Voglis and R. Dvorak).

205.	"Stickiness" in Mappings and Dynamical Systems: 1998, Planet. Space Sci. 46, 1567 (with R. Dvorak, C. Efthymiopoulos and N. Voglis).

206.	Dynamical Spectra: 1999, in Steves, B. and Roy, A.E. (eds) "The Dynamics of Small Bodies in the Solar System. A Major Key to Solar System Studies", Kluwer Academic Publ. Dordrecht, 429 (with N. Voglis).

207.	Angular Dynamical Spectra and Their Applications: 1999, in Steves, B. and Roy, A.E. (eds) "The Dynamics of Small Bodies in the Solar System. A Major Key to Solar System Studies", Kluwer Academic Publ. Dordrecht, 455 (with C. Efthymiopoulos and N. Voglis).

208.	Distribution of Periodic Orbits in 2-D Hamiltonian Systems: 1999, in Steves, B. and Roy, A.E. (eds) "The Dynamics of Small Bodies in the Solar System. A Major Key to Solar System Studies", Kluwer Academic Publ. Dordrecht, 535 (with E. Grousousakou).

209.	Studies of Dynamical Systems. Introduction: 1999, in Steves, B. and Roy, A.E. (eds) "The Dynamics of Small Bodies in the Solar System. A Major Key to Solar System Studies", Kluwer Academic Publ. Dordrecht, 425 (with R. Dvorak).

210.	Method for Distinguishing Between Ordered and Chaotic Orbits in Four-Dimensional Maps: 1998, Phys. Rev. Ε 57, 372 (with N.Voglis and C. Efthymiopoulos).

211.	Dynamical Spectra and the Onset of Chaos: 1998, in R. Buchler, S. Gottesman and H. Kandrup (eds) "Nonlinear Dynamics and Chaos in Astrophysics", N.York Acad.Sci.Annals 867, 14.

212.	The Form and Significance of Dynamical Spectra: 1999, in R. Dvorak, H.F. Haupt and K. Wodnar (eds), "Modern Astrometry and Astrodynamics", Austrian Academy Sci. 171 (with C. Efthymiopoulos and N. Voglis).

213.	Chaos in Relativity and Cosmology: 1999, Celest.Mech.Dyn.Astron. 73, 1 (with N. Voglis and C. Efthymiopoulos)

214.	Detection of Ordered and Chaotic Orbits using the Dynamical Spectra: 1999, Celest. Mech. Dyn.Astron. 73, 211 (with N. Voglis and C. Efthymiopoulos).

215.	Cantori, Islands and Asymptotic Curves in the Stickiness Region: 1999, Celest. Mech. Dyn.Astron. 73, 221 (with N. Voglis and C. Efthymiopoulos).

216.	Diffusion and Scaling in Escapes from Two-Degree-of-Freedom Hamiltonian Systems: 1999, Chaos 9, 381 (with H.E. Kandrup, C. Siopis and R. Dvorak).

217.	Destruction of Islands of Stability: 1999, J. Phys. A. 32, 5213 (with M. Harsoula, N. Voglis, and R. Dvorak).

218.	Melnikov Function for one Hamiltonian System: 1999, in Starkov, V.N. (ed) "Control Processes and Stability", Inst. Chemistry St. Petersburg State Univ. 260 (with L.P. Ossipkov) .

219.	Complex Force Fields and Complex Orbits: 2000, Journal of Inverse and Ill-Posed Problems, 8, 1 (with G. Bozis).

220.	Gaseous Vortices in Barred Spiral Galaxies: 2000, Astrophs. J. 540, 154, (with J. Hunter and M. England).

221.	Deviation Vectors in Coupled Oscillators: 2001, in J. Seimenis (ed.) "Proc. 4th Astron. Conference", 111 (with Ch. Skokos and N. Voglis).

222.	Distribution Function of Gravitational Systems and the Third Integral: 2001, in J. Seimenis (ed.) "Proc. 4th Astron. Conference", 371 (with N. Voglis and C. Efthymiopoulos).

223.	Homoclinic Tangle of a 1:2 Resonance in a 2-D Hamiltonian System: 2003, Celest. Mech.Dyn.Astron. 85, 105 (with C. Polymilis and A. Dokoumetzidis).

224.	Orbits in the H2O Molecule: 2001, Chaos 11, 327 (with K. Efstathiou).

225.	The Third Integral in a Self-Consistent Galactic Model: 2000, Celest. Mech. Dyn.Astron. 78, 243 (with C. Efthymiopoulos and N. Voglis).

226.	Crossing of various Cantori: 2000, Celest.Mech.Dyn.Astron. 78, 197 (with M. Harsoula and N. Voglis).

227.	The Development of Nonlinear Dynamics in Astronomy: 2001, Foundations of Physics 31, 89.

228.	Destruction of Noble Tori: 2001, in Ossipkov, L.P. and Nikiforov, I.I. (eds) "Stellar Dynamics: From Classic to Modern", St.Petersburg Univ.Press, 224 (with M. Harsoula and N. Voglis).

229.	Order and Chaos in Self-Consistent Galactic Models: 2002, Celest. Mech. Dyn. Astron. 83, 191 (with N. Voglis and C. Kalapotharakos).

230.	Orbits and Integrals in Self-Consistent Systems: 2002, Space Science Rev. 102, 37 (with N. Voglis and C. Efthymiopoulos).

231.	Chaos in Relativity: 2000, in Tsagas, G. and Papadopoulos, D. (eds) "Applied Differential Geometry. Lie Algebras- General Relativity", Univ. of Thessaloniki, 55.

232.	New Insights on the Chaotic Behaviour of the Standard Map: 2003, in Freistetter, F., Dvorak, R. and Erdi, B. (eds), 3rd Austrian-Hungarian Workshop on Trojans and Related Topics , Eotvos Univ.Press, Budapest, 185 (with R. Dvorak, F. Freistetter and B. Funk).

233.	Order and Chaos in Astronomy: 2003, in Contopoulos, G. and Voglis, N. (eds) "Galaxies and Chaos. Theory and Observations", Springer, Heidelberg, 3.

234.	Nonconvergence of Formal Integrals of Motion: 2003, J.Phys.A 36, 8639 (with C. Efthymiopoulos and A. Giorgilli).

235.	Escapes and Recurrence in a simple Hamiltonian System: 2004, Celest. Mech. Dyn.Astron. 88, 163 (with K. Efstathiou).

236.	The Development of Nonlinear Dynamics in Greece: 2004, in Stavrakakis, N.M., and Athanassoulis, G.A. (eds), "1st Interdisciplinary Symposium on Nonlinear Problems", Technical University of Athens, 1.

237.	The Structure of Chaos (A Classification of the Homoclinic Tangles): 2004, In P. Laskarides (ed.) "Proc. 6th Hellenic Astron. Conference", 267 (with A. Doukoumetzidis).

238.	Chaos in the Case of Two fixed Black Holes: 2004, J. Math. Phys.45, 4932 (with M. Harsoula)

239.	Galactic Vortices: 2005, in A. Fridman, M. Marov and I. Kovalenko (eds.), Proc. Volgograd Colloquium, ASSL Series, Kluwer (with P.Patsis).

240.	Nonconvergence of Formal Integrals II: Improved Estimates for the Optimal Order of Truncation: 2004, J.Phys.A 37,1831 (with C. Efthymiopoulos and A. Giorgilli).

241.	Chaotic Motions in the Field of Two Fixed Black Holes: 2005, Celest. Mech. Dyn.Astron. 92, 189 (with M. Harsoula)

242.	Recurrence of Order in Chaos: 2005, Int. J.Bif.Chaos 15, 2865 (with R. Dvorak, M.Harsoula and F. Freistetter).

243.	Chaos and Secular Evolution of Triaxial N-Body Galactic Models due to an Imposed Central Mass: 2004, Astron. Astrophys. 428, 905 (with C. Kalapotharakos and N. Voglis)

244.	Chaos in Bohmian Quantum Mechanics: 2006, J. Phys. A, 39, 1819 (with C. Efthymiopoulos).

245.	Attractors in Conservative Systems: 2006, Int. J. Bif. Chaos, 16, 1795.

246.	Systems with Escapes: 2005, N.York Acad. Sci. Annals 1045, 139 (with M. Harsoula).

247.	Stability and Instability in the Anisotropic Kepler Problem: 2005 J.Phys.A 38, 8897 (with M. Harsoula).

248.	Outer Dynamics and Escapes in Barred Galaxies: 2006, Month. Not. Roy. Aston. Soc. 369, 1039 (with P. Patsis).

249.	Orbits in the Anisotropic Kepler Problem: 2006, in A. Bountis and N.Vlahos (eds.) "Order and Chaos" 9, 109 (with M. Harsoula).

250.	The Dynamics of the Outer Parts of Rotating Galaxies: 2006, in A. Lemaitre (ed.) "The Rotation of Celestial Bodies", Presses Univ. Namur, 75, (with P. Patsis).

251.	Order and Chaos in Quantum Mechanics: 2008, Nonlinear Phenomena in Complex Systems 11, 107 (with C. Efthymiopoulos and M. Harsoula).

252.	Stickiness in Chaos: 2008, Int. J. Bif. Chaos 18, 2929. (with M. Harsoula).

253.	Orbital Structure in Barred Galaxies: 2007, Month.Not.Roy.Astron.Soc. 381, 757 (with N. Voglis and M. Harsoula)

254.	Nodal Points and Transition from Ordered to Chaotic Bohmian Trajectories: 2007, J. Phys. A 40, 12945 (with C. Efthymiopoulos and C. Kalapotharakos).

255.	Astrophysics: Dynamical Systems: 2009, in "Springer Encyclopedia of Complexity and Systems Science", Springer, 399

256.	Ordered and Chaotic Orbits in Spiral Galaxies: 2008 in G. Contopoulos and P. A. Patsis (eds.), "Chaos in Astronomy", Springer , 3.

257.	Ordered and Chaotic Bohmian Trajectories: 2008, Celest.Mech.Dyn.Astron. 102, 219 (with C.Efthymiopoulos).

258.	Dynamics and Chaos in the Unified Scalar Field Cosmology: 2008, Phys.Rev.D 77, 043521, (with G, Loukes and S. Basilakos).

259.	Invariant Manifolds and the Spiral Arms of Barred Galaxies: 2008, in G. Contopoulos and P. A. Patsis (eds) "Chaos in Astronomy", Springer, 173 (with C. Efthymiopoulos, C. Kalapotharakos and P. Tsoutsis).

260.	Orbital Structure in Barred Galaxies and the Role of Chaos: 2008, in G. Contopoulos and P. A. Patsis (eds) "Chaos in Astronomy", 53 (with M. Harsoula and C. Kalapotharakos).

261.	Order and Chaos in Spiral Galaxies (Heinrich Eichhorn lecture): 2009, Celest. Mech.Dyn.Astron. 104, 3.

262.	Invariant Manifolds and the Response of Spiral Arms in Barred Galaxies: 2009, Astron. Astroph. 495 , 743 (with P. Tsoutsis, C. Kalapotharakos and C. Efthymiopoulos)

263.	Stickiness Effects in Conservative Systems: 2010, Int. J. Bif. Chaos 20, 2005 (with M. Harsoula) .

264.	Order and Chaos in Dynamical Systems: 2009, Milan J. Math. 77,101

265.	Orbits in Galaxies: A Historical Perspective: 2009, in H. Varvoglis and Z. Knezevich (eds) "Dynamics of Celestial Bodies" Thessaloniki, 37.

266.	Origin of Chaos near Critical Points of Quantum Flow: 2009, Phys. Rev.E 79 , 036203 (with C. Efthymiopoulos and C. Kalapotharakos).

267.	 An Observational Criterion to look for an Inspiral in a Non-Kerr Spacetime, , 2009, J. Phys. Conf. Series 189a ,12002A (with G. Lukes ,Th. Apostolatos and J. Deligiannis).

268.	How to Observe a Non-Kerr Spacetime Using Gravitational Waves, 2009, Phys.Rev. Letters 103,111101 (with G. Lukes and Th. Apostolatos).

269.	Observable Signature of a Background deviating from the Kerr Metric, 2010, Phys. Rev. D. 81, 124005 (with G. Lukes and Th. Apostolatos).

270.	Stickiness Effects in Chaos, 2010, Celest. Mech. Dyn. Astron. 107, 77 (with M. Harsoula)

271.	Stickiness, 2010, Astron. Soc. Pacific. Conf. Series 424, 355 (with M. Harsoula).

272.	Orbital Structure and Asymptotic Orbits in Barred-Spiral Galaxies.2010,Astron. Soc. Pacific. Conf. Series 424, 377 (with M. Harsoula and C. Kalapotharakos)

273.	Searching for Non-Kerr Objects, 2011, J. Phys. Conf. Ser 283, 012002 (with. T. A. Apostolatos and G. Lukes-Gerakopoulos).

274.	Asymptotic Orbits in Barred Spiral Galaxies, 2011, Month. Not. Roy. Astron. Soc. 411, 1111 (with. M. Harsoula and C. Kalapotharakos)

275.	Orbits in a Non Kerr Dynamical System 2011, Int. J. Bif. Chaos 21, 2261 (with G. Lukes-Gerakopoulos and Th. Apostolatos)

276.	The Structure and Evolution of Confined Tori near a Hamiltonian Hopf Bifurcation 2011, Int. J. Bif. Chaos 21, 2321 (with. M. Katsanikas and P.A. Patsis)

277.	Quantum Vortices and Quantum Trajectories in Particle Diffraction, 2012, Int. J. Bif. Chaos 22, 1250214 (with C. Efthymiopoulos and N. Delis) 

278.	Diffusion of Chaotic Orbits in Barred Spiral Galaxies 2011, Int. J. Bif. Chaos, 21, 2221 (with M. Harsoula and C. Kalapotharakos).

279.	Galactic Dynamics, 2011, Scholarpedia  6 (5), 10670 (with C. Efthymiopoulos)

280.	Chaotic Spiral Galaxies 2012, Celest. Mech. Dyn. Astron. 113, 81 (with M. Harsoula) 

281.	Wavepacket approach to particle diffraction by thin targets: quantum trajectories and arrival times, 2012, Ann. Phys. 327, 438 (with C. Efthymiopoulos and N. Delis) 

282.	Order in de Broglie-Bohm Quantum Mechanics 2012, J. Phys. A 45, 165301 (with C. Efthymiopoulos and N. Delis)
283.	Periodic Orbits and Escapes  in Dynamical  Systems 2012, Cel. Mech. Dyn. Astron. 113, 255 (with M. Harsoula and G. Lukes-Gerakopoulos) 

284.	Instabilities and Stickiness in a Rotating Galactic Potential 2013, Int. J. Bif. Chaos 23, 1330005 (with. P. Patsis and M. Katsanikas)

285.	Nonlinear Effects in Non-Kerr spacetimes, 2014, in Bicak J. and Ledvinka T. (eds) Relativity and Gravitation, Springer Proceedings in Physics 157, 129 (with G. Lukes-Gerakopoulos and Th. Apostolatos)

286.	Mind the Resonances: Final stages of accretion into bumpy black holes, 2013,  J. Phys. Conf. Ser. 453, 012005 (with G. Lukes-Gerakopoulos)

287.	Analytical Invariant manifolds near unstable points and the structure of chaos, 2014 Cel. Mech. Dyn. Astron. 119, 331 (with C. Efthymiopoulos and M. Katsanikas).

288.	Bohmian trajectories in the scattering problem, 2014 in Chaos, Information Processing and Paradoxical Games, G. Nicolis, V. Basios (eds),  World  Scientific 2014, p. 3 (with C. Efthymiopoulos and N. Delis).

289.	3-D chaotic diffusion in barred spiral galaxies,  2013, Month. Not. Roy. Astron. Soc. 436, 1201 (with M. Harsoula).

290.	Analytical study of the structure of chaos near unstable points, 2013 in 11th Hellenic Astronomical Conference (with C. Efthymiopoulos and M. Katsanikas).

291.	Resonant normal form and asymptotic normal form behavior in magnetic bottle Hamiltonians, 2015, Nonlinearity 28, 851 (with C. Efthymiopoulos and M. Harsoula).

292.	Analytical description of the structure of chaos, 2015, J. Phys A 48, 135102 (with M. Harsoula and C. Efthymiopoulos).

293.	Convergence regions of the Moser normal forms and the structure of chaos, 2015, J. Phys. A  48, 335101 (with M. Harsoula)

294.	Analytical Study of Chaos and Applications, 2016, in “Mathematical Modeling of Complex Systems”, Europ. Phys. J. Special Topics 225, 1053 (with M. Harsoula and C. Efthymiopoulos).

295.	Analytical and Numerical Manifolds in a 4-D map, 2016, Cel.Mech.Dyn.Astr. 126, 313 (with N. Delis).

296.	Analytical Forms of Chaotic Spiral Arms, 2016, Month. Not.Roy.Astron.Soc. 459, 3419 (with M. Harsoula and C. Efthymiopoulos).

297.	Origin of Chaos in 3-D Bohmian Trajectories, 2016 Phys. Lett. A 380, 3796 (with A. Tzemos and C. Efthymiopoulos).

298.	The History of the Third Integral (A personal account) 2016, in “Computational Perturbative Methods for Hamiltonian Systems”, Athens.

299.	Partial Integrability of 3-D Bohmian trajectories, 2017 (with A. Tzemos and C. Efthymiopoulos) (in press).

300.	Chaos in deBroglie-Bohm quantum mechanics and the dynamics of quantum relaxation, 2015 (with C. Efthymiopoulos and A.C. Tzemos) (in press).