!!Ciro Ciliberto - Curriculum Vitae
__Professional experience:__ 
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Degree in Mathematics at the University of Naples in 1973. Assistant professor at the University of Naples from 1974 to 1980. Professor of Mathematics  from 1977 to 1978 and of Algebraic Geometry from 1978  to 1980 at the University of Naples.  Full Professor of Higher Mathematics at the University of Lecce in 1980 where he has been working from 1980 to 1981. Then Full Professor of Algebraic Geometry at the University of Naples from 1981 to 1985.  Full Professor of Higher Geometry at the University of Roma Tor Vergata since 1985.\\
Vice President of the Istituto Nazionale di Alta Matematica "F. Severi" in the years 1990--1995 and a member of the scientific committee of the same Institute in the years 1995 to1999.\\
Director of the Doctorate School  in Mathematics at the University of Roma Tor Vergata in the years 1990 to 1994, and a member of the scientific committee of the same school afterwards.\\
"Professore distaccato" at the "Centro Interdisciplinare B. Segre" of the Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei in the years 1993 to 1996.\\
President of the "Unione Matematica Italiana"  since June 1, 2012.\\
__Memberships: __
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Member of various evaluation committees for  national scientific research projects of the Ministry of University and Research in the years 1987 to 1997 and 2000 to 2003.  \\
Member of the Consulting Commitee of the ANVUR (Agenzia di Valutazione Università e Ricerca) since December 2011.  \\
Member of the EMS Meetings Committee since 2013 and President of this Commitee since January 2018.\\
Member of the "Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei" of the "Accademia delle Scienze Fisiche e Matematiche in Napoli" and of "Accademia Gioenia" of Catania. \\
__Editorial experience: __ 
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Editor in Chief of the Springer series UMI Lecture Notes in Mathematics (starting on Jan. 1, 2013). Co-editor in chief of the journal Rendiconti del Circolo Matematico di Palermo (edited by Springer Verlag).\\
__Member of the editorial board of the following journals and series:__
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Heritage of European Mathematic (edited by European Mathematical Society),\\
Lettera Matematica Pristem (edited by Springer Verlag),\\
Note di Matematica (University of Lecce),\\
Rendiconti dell'Accademia dei Lincei (edited by the European Mathematical Society),\\
Ricerche di Matematica (University of Naples, edited by Springer Verlag), Book Series Unitext (Springer Italia).\\
Director of the Bollettino della Unione Matematica Italiana and of Matematica nella Società e nella cultura, Rivista della Unione Matematica Italiana (starting on Jan. 1, 2013).\\
__Funded research projects:__
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Coordinator of the node of Rome of the research projects AGE and EAGER founded by the European Community (PI Prof. A. Conte, University of Torino), in the years 1996 to 2004. Member of several research projects funded by the Italian Ministry of University and Research. Presently coordinator of the node of the University of Roma Tor Vergata of the Research Project "Geometria delle Varietà proiettive" funded by the Ministry of  University and Research for the years 2010 to 2012 and 2013 to 2016.\\
__Visits, talks, conferences, etc.:__ 
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Visiting professor at  Harvard University (USA) form September 1979 to December 1980. Visiting professor at the Brown University (USA) in the academic year 1986 to 87. He also visited for shorter periods several universities and research centers.  
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Ciro Ciliberto has been invited to give talks in several universities in Italy and abroad, and has been invited to many international conferences giving talks and contributing to their proceedings. Among these, he has been invited to give a general address at the Congress of the Italian Mathematical Union in Padova, 1995, and a talk at the Algebraic Geometry session of the Congress of the European Mathematical Society, Barcelona, in July 2007.\\
Ciro Ciliberto has been invited to teach courses in several advanced schools in Algebraic Geometry, in particular: summer school PRAGMATIC, Catania, 2001, in collaboration with R. Miranda (the problems posed during the school gave raise to papers published by the participants in "Le Matematiche", 55 (2001)); summer school on  "Linear systems and secant varieties", University of Lisbon, 2003, in collaboration with R. Miranda;   CIRM course on  "Geometry of special varieties", University of Trento, 2007, in collaboration with F. Russo; SMI summer school in Cortona (Italy), July, 2009, in collaboration with R. Miranda.\\
__Organization of scientific activities:__
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Co-organizer or member of the scientific board of several international conferences, for many of which proceedings have been published.    \\
Member of the scientific board of Congress of the Italian Mathematical Union (Milano, 2003), of the Joint Meeting Italian Mathematical Union/Deutsche Mathematische-Vereinigung, Perugia, Italy, 18–21/6/2007, and co-organizer of the special sessions in Algebraic Geometry of the joint Meetings UMI-AMS (Pisa, June, 2002), and UMI-SMF (Torino, 2006).  Member of the scientific board of Congress of the Italian Mathematical Union  (Siena, 2015).\\
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Ciro Ciliberto has been the Ph.D. thesis advisor of the following algebraic geometers: E. Rogora (now a "Professore Associato" at the University of Roma "La Sapienza"), P. Supino (now a Ricercatore at the University of Roma Tre), A. Calabri (now a "Professore Associato" at the University of Ferrara), F. Starnone (now a school professor), R. Ferraro (now a school professor), P. Sabatino (now a school professor), C. Galati (now a Ricercatore at the University of Cosenza), F. Polizzi (now a "Professore Associato" at the University of Cosenza), A. Laface (now he has a position at the University of Conception, Chile), G. Borrelli (now he has a position at the Federal University of Pernambuco, Brasil), E. Palmieri, M. Nesci, E. Postinghel (Professor at  Loughborough University, UK), Duccio Sacchi (still Ph. D. student),  Vitalino Cesca Filho  (now with a position at the University of Santa Maria, Brasil), Vincenzo Martello, Martina Anelli (still Ph. D. students).  The ones who finished their Ph.D. programme published the results of their thesis in well recognized international journals and most of them are active in research.  In the years 2001 to 2002 A. Castorena visited with a post-doc fellowship the University of Roma Tor Vergata under the supervision of Ciro Ciliberto. At the moment Castorena is professor at the  University of Morelia.\\
__Teaching duties:__
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Ciro Ciliberto has taught in the course of the years several different courses, ranging from Calculus, to courses of Geometry for freshmen in Engineering, in Physics, in Matehmatics, to advanced courses in Algebraic Geometry,  in Differential Geometry, in Cryptography. In the last five years he has been teaching courses of Geometry 2 and 4 for the Degree of Mathematics at the University of Roma Toe Vergata. Geometry 2 is a second course of linear algebra and geometry, including affine, projective geometry, conics and elements of history of mathematics. Geometry 4 is a course of differential geometry of curves and surfaces in euclidean 3--space.\\
__Scientific activity:__
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Ciro Ciliberto is the author of about 250 scientific publications. His main field of interest is Algebraic Geometry and history of the subject. The full list of his publications can be found on the cited website.\\ \\